After all, they are a team, and they can all lend a helping hand when their team members are in danger.

This is what Ai Jiangtu hopes.

Nan Yu and Jiang Shaoxu nodded and left here.

Song Jie and Ai Jiangtu headed straight for the red light on the mountain.

The two of them were very fast, and within a few minutes, they could reach the location of the red light.

Song Jie knew the plot, and of course he knew what was going on. It was nothing more than Narahara Sora taking revenge on the monks in the temple.

And now, Narahara Sora has obtained the souls of Guanyu and Nanrong Ni, which can just complete his plan!

He collected souls to curse the blood map. He wanted to use this blood curse to kill all the monks in Yanming Temple!

At this time, the monks in Yanming Temple all realized something was wrong, but they were just ordinary people, how could they withstand the cursed blood map!

In an instant, they were all struck back by the cursed blood map, and everyone felt extremely painful.

The monk Nanami, who had previously slandered Sora Narahara and Miyata, was being nailed to a tombstone at this time.

"Narahara Sora, I know it's you, come out if you dare!!" Monk Nanami shouted in a low voice.


Narahara walked out, but no one here could see him, they could only hear his cold laughter.

"You must have been the one who slandered me before. I have waited for so long and finally this day has come."

Narahara Sora said, and then Monk Nanami's ears were immediately removed, and blood flowed down his chin, staining his clothes red.

"Ah!!" Monk Qihai thought it was a lie, but at this moment he was scared!

"And you, if you have eyes that you don't need, then don't use them!" As soon as Narahara finished speaking, one of everyone's eyes was poked out.

They wailed, covering their eyes, blood staining their palms, and everyone was filled with fear.

"I was wrong, I was wrong, Narahara Sora, I know I was wrong. I framed you and talked nonsense. Please let me go!"

Monk Nanami seemed to be able to see Narahara Sora after being blinded.

At this moment, he is no longer as stubborn as before.

Narahara sneered: "Let you go? You caused us all to die, how can you ask me to let you go?"

"You all must die!"

As soon as Narahara Sora finished speaking, the monk Nanami instantly turned into blood mist, as if he had never appeared.

When the other monks saw this scene, they were all shocked. They didn't expect Narahara Sora to be so cruel! So scary!

"Narahara Sora, if you want to do anything, come after me. They are all innocent. Please let them go!" An old monk suddenly stood up and said.

However, Narahara Sora didn't even look at them and said, "Are you done? You can die after you are done."

At this moment, the monks present were heartbroken, their eyes filled with despair, and they regretted doing such a thing in the first place.

If it hadn't been for what happened before, they wouldn't be like this...

The next moment, monks kept turning into blood mist. These were the monks who had pointed fingers at Narahara Sora and Miyata before.

If they hadn't spread this false story, it wouldn't have become a big deal, which eventually led Miyata to commit suicide to prove his innocence.

"Who are you and why do you want to kill these monks!!"

Ai Jiangtu's voice came from behind Narahara Sora.

At this moment, Song Jie followed Ai Jiangtu here, and at the same time he also saw Nara Sora.

"You want to meddle in other people's business?" Narahara looked at them with murderous intent in his eyes.


Whoever is coming!

Nothing can stop him! !

If you stand in his way, you will die! !

However, Narahara Sora is not worried about Ai Jiangtu, because the other party can't see him at all.

Therefore, his eyes also fell on Song Jie.

Song Jie said: "Give you a chance to change your ways, otherwise, your soul will be lost."

He knew that Narahara Sora went astray because he was too deep in hatred.

Narahara laughed, "Hahaha... Want to scare me away? Then come on!"

"Well let's go then."

As soon as Song Jie finished speaking, the light star path was suddenly completed.

"Penetrating Sword!"

In an instant, the golden light turned into a long sword, pierced through the sky in the dark night, and headed straight for Nara Sora.

Narahara Sora seemed to be aware of the danger, but when he wanted to react, it was already too early.


Narahara Sora exclaimed, he didn't expect Song Jie to be so strong!

And he is just a soul. Song Jie's penetrating sword happens to be a soul-type magic attack! !

Playing right into Sora Narahara's trap!

Although Ai Jiangtu has never actually seen Song Jie's master, he already possesses the space system and curse system, and his mental power is stronger than others.

So he could sense how powerful Song Jie's skill was, and if he was asked to block it, he wouldn't dare say he could block it.

As Narahara Sora let out a painful cry, the entire night fell into silence again.

The red blood light in the sky quietly passed away, and the cursed blood map below also disappeared with the disappearance of Narahara Sora.

"Song Jie, can you see that person?" Ai Jiangtu asked.

Although he could hear the other party's voice just now, he couldn't see where Narahara Sora was at all.

So much so that he couldn't even take action.

At the same time, he felt that Song Jie seemed to know Narahara Sora.

Song Jie explained: "I met him yesterday. I didn't know he was a ghost at that time. It wasn't until just now that I realized something was wrong."

Ai Jiangtu nodded and did not ask further.

He then said: "Song Jie, call Mu Ningxue and see if Guan Yu and Nan Rong Ni are awake?"

Song Jie took out his cell phone and dialed Mu Ningxue's number, who told them the situation.

"Ning Xue said that Guan Yu and Nan Rong Ni have woken up."


Ai Jiangtu responded, feeling relieved.

After a while, Jiang Shaoxu, Nan Yu and others also came here.

When they saw the scene in front of them, they couldn't help but look surprised.

Ai Jiangtu said: "We called an ambulance and they should be on their way."

Jiang Shaoxu came to Song Jie's side, "Song Jie, what happened here?"

Later, Song Jie told them what happened here, and they suddenly realized it.

After the ambulance arrived, they had nothing to do here and they returned to their residence.

Guan Yu and Nan Rong Ni both woke up, but when Ai Jiangtu asked them what was going on, they didn't know.

I just fell asleep and didn't know what happened next.

Jiang Shaoxu was holding back her laughter, knowing that all of this might be Song Jie's handiwork.

"You are so bad." Jiang Shaoxu approached Song Jie and whispered secretly.

Song Jie disagreed.

However, this scene was seen by Mu Tingying. She looked at the backs of the two people and fell into deep thought.

She always felt that the relationship between Song Jie and Jiang Shaoxu was impure, but she was still angry with Song Jie and looked away, not wanting to pay attention to Song Jie's affairs.

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