Versatile Mage: My magic is off the charts!

Chapter 246 Just choose her, no one else can

This charming female student is called Koike Shoko, and she is waiting for the referee to announce the start of the competition.

After the two nodded in agreement, the referee immediately announced the start of the discussion.

And when Shoko Koike wanted to release her magic, her star trajectory was suddenly interrupted! !

"Psychic...!!" At this moment, Xiaochi Xiangzi finally understood what kind of mage the other party was.

Song Jie looked on, he had great confidence in Jiang Shaoxu.

After all, it is very difficult for you to release magic in the hands of a person who majors in spirituality!

Moreover, Jiang Shaoxu also has a musical magic, which makes it even harder to resist it!

Every time Koike Xiangzi wanted to complete a magic, Jiang Shaoxu would quickly interrupt it.

Everyone could see that Jiang Shaoxu was humiliating her.

In the few minutes from just now to now, Koike Xiangzi has not completed a single magic spell.

She gritted her teeth and stared at Jiang Shaoxu, her eyes filled with helplessness and humiliation. She never expected such a result.

She has fought many opponents, but she has never been as unwilling and humiliated as she is now!

"Are you going to admit defeat, or should I beat you down?" Jiang Shaoxu looked at her condescendingly.

Koike Shoko's back teeth were almost broken. She had no choice. Staying on the court would only make the defending team more embarrassed.

Immediately, she chose to admit defeat.

Jiang Shaoxu clapped his hands and easily defeated his opponent.

"There is a difference between the national team and the defense team. Also, don't think that you have won the whole world just because you beat other national teams. You are not worthy yet."

As soon as these words came out, Koike Xiangzi's eyes turned red, and she turned away.

Others dared to be angry but dare not speak out. After all, they lost the game and had no choice but to let Jiang Shaoxu do it.

The teachers at Osaka Academy didn't look very good. They all stared at Jiang Shaoxu as he returned to his seat.

"Song Jie, how are you? I'm doing pretty well, right?" Jiang Shaoxu said with a slight smile.

In front of everyone, Jiang Shaoxu also has a strong side.

But in front of Song Jie, she was as gentle as water, and her strength seemed to pass away quietly in front of Song Jie.

"Awesome!" Song Jie gave her a thumbs up.

"We've won two games, now it's up to you."

Jiang Shaoxu glanced at Chisaki Mochizuki, who was sitting across from him, "Just challenge her!"

Song Jie looked at Jiang Shaoxu, who was full of hostility, and couldn't help but smile, "Then I'll challenge her!"

Ai Jiangtu came closer and reminded Song Jie in a low voice: "I know you are very strong, but you are just playing in the gym now, so you don't need to reveal too much strength, otherwise you may be targeted by other national teams."

Song Jie nodded, he knew what Ai Jiangtu was talking about.

The more he is exposed, the more information other countries' national teams will collect about them.

When the time comes, your trump cards are known to the other party, and they will find ways to deal with you.

But Song Jie doesn't have to worry about this, because in the face of absolute strength, any preparation will be in vain.

Song Jie stood up and glanced at the Osaka students in front of him and Chisaki Mochizuki sitting next to them.

"It's just you."

Song Jie looked at Mochizuki Chisaki, and everyone else also looked at him. Except for the people from the national team, everyone else couldn't help but be startled.

"You want to challenge me?" Mochizuki Chisaki looked at Song Jie, not expecting that the other party wanted to challenge him.

Some students almost laughed out loud, Chisaki Mochizuki was their instructor!

The strength is above them!

Chisaki Mochizuki had tortured them like she tortured vegetables before, but this member of the national team actually wanted to challenge her! ?

Isn’t this just asking for death? ?

Mochizuki Naken frowned, and when he was about to speak to stop him, Nobuko Fujikata next to him held down his thigh.

"What's wrong?"

Nobuko Fujikata said: "Let him challenge Chisaki Mochizuki."

"She is a teacher, how could she accept the challenge!" Mochizuki Mingjian said immediately.

"It's okay. At worst, we will give them another spot when the time comes. Haven't you seen how arrogant they are?" Fujikata Nobuko said.

Especially what Jiang Shaoxu said to them just now seemed like he was scolding them in their faces.

This breath is a bit hard to swallow.

Therefore, Fujikata Nobuko wanted Mochizuki Chisaki to extinguish the spirit of these Chinese people.

"But this is against the rules." Mochizuki Mingjian still insisted.

Nobuko Fujikata looked at Song Jie and asked, "Are you really going to challenge her?"

"Yes, I will challenge her, no matter who comes." Song Jie nodded in response.

Jiang Shaoxu nodded with satisfaction, this is her man, she must reward him well tonight!

Fujikata Nobuko was also very satisfied with Song Jie's answer. He looked at Mochizuki Famousken and said, "Look? You can't stop it now even if you want to."

Mochizuki Mingjian sighed, and at the same time looked at the gaze cast by Mochizuki Chisaki, and then nodded.

After receiving the answer, Mochizuki Chisaki smiled slightly and stood up, looking calm and composed.

"Someone is miserable."

"Now there's something good to watch."

"This guy actually dares to challenge Miss Chisaki. I don't know how many rounds he can last in her hands."

The students were talking a lot, but they were talking in the language of birds, so Song Jie didn't understand them.

The two came to the competition area and looked at each other, waiting for the competition to begin.

"You shouldn't challenge me, but it doesn't matter. It can just cure your arrogance!" Chisaki Mochizuki looked at Song Jie and said coldly.

Song Jie said calmly, "I'll pay you back later."

Mochizuki Chisaki no longer argued with Song Jie, she quietly waited for the sparring to begin.


As soon as the referee finished speaking, the two of them took action.

Chisaki Mochizuki was best at plant magic, so in an instant, many plant vines appeared around Song Jie.

However, Song Jie is not panicked at all, and his speed of completing magic is no slower than Mochizuki Chisaki.

The vines kept coming toward Song Jie, like long snakes, but Song Jie was not afraid at all. The holy shield emerged and blocked the surrounding vines.

But there were more and more vines, and in an instant, the vines wrapped Song Jie inside and outside.

"This guy is going to lose!"

"How long has it been? Miss Chisaki is about to win??"

"It seems that the Huaxia Guofu team is nothing more than that."

They seemed to have forgotten the two previous losses, and this time they suddenly mocked the Huaxia Guofu team.

It's just that Mochizuki Chisaki doesn't feel like she's going to win, because she thinks winning is too easy.

The next moment, a golden light suddenly emerged from Song Jie's position, and the vines were blown away in an instant, with broken branches flying around.

Mochizuki Chisaki looked at Song Jie, she had been waiting for the opportunity, and now was the opportunity she was waiting for!

The stars were shining brightly, and high-level plant constellations suddenly appeared.

Chisaki Mochizuki planned to defeat Song Jie in one fell swoop so that these Chinese people would suffer.

"Ghost Wood Hand!!"

Reappearance of high-level plant magic.

A huge magic vine suddenly emerged from the ground, and its huge body immediately headed in the direction of Song Jie.

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