Versatile Mage: My magic is off the charts!

Chapter 364 Some people really don’t deserve to live in this world!

Song Jie ignored Merola who was speaking, but walked to Astraea unhurriedly.

"Did I arrive in time?"

Astraea nodded, he did not expect Song Jie to sneak into the Goddess Hall.

As for why there are two Song Jies, she still knows this.

After all, when they played against the Longzhou team before, Song Jie used this trick to defeat them.

"Do you still have the liquid of time in your body?" Astraea asked quickly.

"Yes, I have."

"Then I'm relieved." Astraea nodded.

"Didn't I also give you the Liquid of Time?"

Astraea smiled and said: "If you still have it, then I will definitely not be able to use it."


Song Jie took a bite.

Astraea said: "Be careful, the Blue Gold Palace Master over there is difficult to deal with."

But with the help of Liquid of Time, Song Jie should be able to hold him back for a while.

Seeing that the two of them were confident, Melola immediately looked at the master of the Blue and Gold Palace next to him.

She urged: "Master Lanjin Palace, what are you waiting for? Take action quickly!"

However, the master of the Blue Gold Palace stood motionless.

Astraea noticed the difference between the Blue and Gold Palace Master, looked at Song Jie and said:

"Did you do this?"

Song Jie smiled and did not answer, but his smile was obvious.

The reason why he was able to come to the Goddess Hall quietly was all thanks to Xiao Hei.

Before even setting foot in the Parthenon, Song Jie prepared his clone.

The ones fighting those people now are just his clones.

But he can also feel what is going on there and know the specific situation.

Song Jie improved Xiao Hei's strength, hid it from everyone, and then came to the Goddess Hall.

He knew that Yi Zhisha's resurrection would definitely bring a lot of trouble to Ye Xinxia.

Then we have to...

Let her really die! !

Melola didn't expect that Song Jie would control the master of Lanjin Palace.

When she wanted to take action, the master of Lanjin Palace killed her directly.

When Astraea saw this, she didn't say anything.

She knew that either they would die today or she would die.

Fortunately, Song Jie came and she escaped.

Astraea said: "What do you want to do next?"

"Let the damned die, of course."

Song Jie walked towards the direction of Yizhisha, and the master of Lanjin Palace also walked over.

Yi Zhisha has now recovered her delicate body that was divided.

But she seemed to be able to hear the conversation between Song Jie and Astraea, and her delicate body seemed to be trembling!

This is fear!

Yizhisha is scared!

Song Jie looked at Yizhisha.

She is the former goddess of the Parthenon and Wentai’s sister! !

And the reason why she was able to come back to life was not at all a resurrection magic!

It was just a resurrection using some kind of forbidden Egyptian magic!

Most of the forbidden magic in Egypt is related to the undead.

"You want to kill her?" Astraea said in surprise.

"Why should I kill her? She is already dead, right?" Song Jie said with a smile.

"You guy!" Astraea felt that Song Jie's words were flawless.

"You're already dead, why are you here? Why don't you just treat yourself like a corpse?"

Song Jie said.

Yi Zhisha now wants to regain her mobility, but she simply can't do it.

She needs time!

Otherwise, Merola and the Blue Gold Palace Master would not be allowed to come here to guard her body!

But Song Jie would not give her time to recover.

"Everything is over." As soon as Song Jie finished speaking, he looked at the master of Lanjin Palace next to him.

next moment!

The master of Lanjin Palace suddenly fell to the ground, and then Xiao Hei entered the leaf coffin.

After Xiao Hei takes over Yizhisha's body, the next second, the latter's last hope is gone!

Astraea looked at Song Jie in front of her, and she still asked: "Did you kill her because of Ye Xinxia?"

"Why don't you think this is for you?"

"I don't believe you will do it for me!" Astraea said with her arms crossed.

"You don't believe it?" Song Jie held Astraea in his arms and looked directly at her.

"Then what do you have to do to believe it?"

"Smelly man...!"


After a while, Astraea pushed Song Jie away and straightened her shirt.

Song Jie smiled and said, "Take me to find Xinxia?"

"Aren't you afraid that I will be jealous like this?" Astraea looked at him.

"Then you may eat it many times in the future."

"Ahh! I'm going to kill you!"

"Don't make trouble, there are still important things to do now."

Under the guidance of Astraea, who was not very happy, Song Jie quickly arrived at the place where Ye Xinxia was being held.

But when he came here, Ye Xinxia had already been transferred!

"Mad! This piece of shit is such a thief!!" Song Jie planned the steps, but was finally tricked by Duranke.

"If Ye Xinxia is not here, she may be taken away by people from the Judgment Court!" Astraea analyzed.

"Take me to the place of judgment!"


Astraea could see that Song Jie was very anxious, so she did not hesitate.

The top of the Temple of the Goddess.

Finally, Salan threatened the lives of his mother Pamishi and others.

The palace mother Pamishi was poisoned by Salangde, who killed her poisonous mother suddenly.

It was the violently murdered poisonous mother that Song Jie and Mu Ningxue met in Chongming County.

It was just that the Black Church was experimenting at that time, and this time they came in handy.

Pamishi didn't want to die like this, so she let Salan go.

"Since we all know that Ye Xinxia is not Salang, can we let her go?" Old Man Bao Song Qiming said.

"She is not Salang, but she killed Panijia, so she is still guilty!" Duranke immediately retorted.

"Mother of the Palace..."

Song Qiming looked at the palace mother and was about to say something, but she waved her hand.

"Okay, this is how I want to decide this matter. I don't want to worry about it anymore!" Pamish turned around and left.

The poison that killed the Poison Mother is now making her feel very uncomfortable. Although it has been suppressed, it has not been completely eliminated.

When Duranke saw this, a smile appeared on his face. He looked at Song Qiming and said with a smile:

"The ruling is already being implemented. Do you want to go over there and take a look?"

"The ruling has been implemented!?" Song Qiming frowned. He did not expect that Duranke actually increased the ruling time privately!

I'm afraid this guy doesn't want Song Jie to save Xinxia! !

Duranke smiled and said: "And it's a dark judgment. No one can save her!"

Song Qiming clenched his fists, with anger in his eyes, "You actually use this kind of judgment method on a girl, you people are really crazy!"

"Song Qiming, you are too pedantic, I will let you see a new world!"

Duranke said, turned and left here.

He wanted to see who could save Ye Xinxia now!

Judgment platform.

Song Jie and Astraea have arrived here.

"They actually used dark judgment!!" Astraea also showed shock when she saw this scene.

The Dark Judgment is used to judge those who commit heinous crimes!


Song Jie's face was expressionless. Although he knew the plot, he was also angry inside!


Some people shouldn't live in this world!

...(End of chapter)

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