Versatile Mage: My magic is off the charts!

Chapter 367 Empress Flame Fairy! Destroy the corpse with one sword!

When Ye Xinxia was about to release the Holy Light towards Song Jie, Song Jie suddenly grabbed her hand.

"Song Jie..." Ye Xinxia was overjoyed to see Song Jie still alive! !

"I'm fine..." Song Jie opened his eyes and looked at Ye Xinxia in front of him.

There were tears in the corners of Ye Xinxia's eyes. She immediately hugged Song Jie and started sobbing.

Song Jie patted Ye Xinxia's back and wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes.

"Don't cry, am I back?" Song Jie comforted.

At this time, Han Ji, Song Qiming and others also saw this scene and couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Song Jie is fine!

Seeing this, Astraea breathed a sigh of relief and wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes.

"This guy is so bad, it's really an advantage for him to die like this!"

Everyone at the Parthenon was stunned, although it would have been better for Ye Xinxia not to release the Holy Light!

But this is undoubtedly the resurrection magic of the Parthenon!

She has mastered divine magic!

You are qualified to become the goddess of the Parthenon!

"Mother of the Palace..."

Fen Ai looked at the palace mother Pami Shi. Ye Xinxia had mastered the magic of resurrection. She couldn't die!

Pamishi had a sullen face, as if she was making a decision.

Song Jie stood up and helped Ye Xinxia aside.

"Wait here, I'll kill it!" Song Jie touched Xinxia's head.

Ye Xinxia nodded.

Song Jie calmly came to Xu'ao, and Queen Yanji also returned to him.

Gu'ao had just suffered an unprecedented blow, and now it was extremely weak.

And this was the gift Song Jie prepared for it after entering its body!

"Little Flame Fairy, this time I will let you kill him with your own hands!" As soon as Song Jie finished speaking, he took out another jade bottle.

Although Xiao Yanji knew it was tap water, she still took it and drank it.

next moment!

Her realm began to improve rapidly! !

The supreme monarch!

Yadiwang! !

emperor! !

Astraea watched Song Jie take out the Liquid of Time, and then saw Little Flame Fairy's strength increase!

She couldn't help but be surprised.

How much liquid of time does this guy have in his hand? !

"This is the emperor level..." Zhu Meng was really confused, the emperor level just appeared! ?

Not only was he blinded.

The same goes for Song Qiming, Han Ji and others, even the summoning master Pang Lai.

"Emperor level!! An arrogant existence!!"

In the evil abyss.

Zhan Kong felt very empty, and at the same time he wanted to scold his mother!

At this time, the palace mothers Pami Shi, Fen Ai and others also showed solemn expressions.

No wonder this guy has the confidence to cause trouble in the Parthenon!

It turns out there is such a powerful trump card!

Song Jie looked at Kui'ao, who seemed to have a hint of fear at this time! !

"Little Flame Fairy, give it a good time!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Queen Flame Fairy rose into the air, and then raised her slender arms.

In an instant!

A flame tornado suddenly appeared in the sky above the corpse!

The flame tornado is so huge that it has surpassed the size of the body and can completely swallow it!

However, the next moment, a huge flaming sword suddenly emerged from the tornado!

In an instant!

The entire area was instantly like a fire, and the air suddenly solidified at this moment.

Xu Yao noticed the terror of the flaming sword above his head, not to mention that it was injured now!

It immediately opens the door to hell and wants to leave this place of right and wrong! !

But the Flame Queen wouldn't give it a chance. The flame sword instantly ignited flames and swooped down!

When Song Jie saw this, he immediately turned around and left with Ye Xinxia in his arms.

So does everyone else!

Han Ji, Zhu Meng and others turned around and left without hesitation! !

"Hurry up and start the formation!"

The temple mother exclaimed, she didn’t want the Parthenon to be affected too! !

Boom! !

The flaming sword fell, and before Su'ao could enter the gate of hell, he was nailed to the ground by the flaming sword!

In an instant!

The fire shot into the sky, and the flames were like huge waves, sweeping across the entire city of Athens in an instant!

When everyone looked up, Gu'ao gradually fell down, and the sky fire was burning its body.

"Kui'ao... is gone?"

The people in the Parthenon were stunned.

"This guy actually killed Xu Yao..." Fen Ai said in shock.

Duran Ke stood in the distance, his eyes filled with disbelief as he watched Xu'ao fall.

"How can it be!"

"That's Ku'ao!"

Durank did not expect such a result.

The guard beside him said: "Sir, leave quickly, otherwise you will not be able to leave."

Duran Ke was very unwilling. After planning for so long, it turned out to be such a result.

"It's just a little bit close, just a little bit close!!"

The guard saw that Duranke was unwilling, and immediately said:

"Sir, I have a way to reverse the current situation."

"What can you do?" Duranke turned and looked at the guard. He had been with him for more than ten years, so he could naturally trust him.

However, just when he was eager to know the answer, the guard suddenly took out a dagger and stabbed Duranke in the heart.

Duran was stunned. He didn't expect that his personal bodyguard would actually...

"I said I would kill you, and I keep my word!" At this time, Salan came out of the darkness.

"Sarang!!" Duranke looked at Sarang, his eyes full of shock.

He didn't expect that there was someone from Salan around him!

"You people are just wolves in sheep's clothing, you don't deserve to live in this world!"

Salan sneered,

"I will make you go to hell one by one and pay for your choices!!"

Sarang! Wen Tai's former wife was also Ye Xinxia's mother.

And what she wants to do is to take revenge and kill all the people who have cast doubt on Wen Tai! !

"Do you think that after you die, Yizisha will definitely resurrect you?" Salan suddenly laughed.

Duranke clutched his chest and vomited blood, but that was what he really thought in his heart.

"Don't worry, Yizhisha is dead, and you won't have a chance." Salan laughed.

"Dead... how is it possible... Yi Zhisha has mastered the magic of resurrection!!"

Duran was in disbelief.

But in the end, he fell down.

The city of Athens is not far away.

Ku'ao is dead and the farce is over.

Queen Yanji returned to Song Jie and brought him the essence of Xu'ao.

"Song Jie..." Ye Xinxia hugged Song Jie tightly.

"It's okay, this matter is over." Song Jie touched Xinxia's head.

Ye Xinxia showed amazing resurrection skills, and the truth of this matter will soon come to light.

By the time!

Ye Xinxia will naturally be safe and sound.

At this moment, everyone in the Parthenon also saw Ye Xinxia using magic!


Ye Xinxia has become their belief! !

Song Jie hugged Ye Xinxia and flew to the observatory with Queen Yanji.

At this time, the palace mother Pamishi, other sages, and Hailong also came here.

Song Jie's arrival made everyone else nervous.

after all! !

Behind Song Jie is an emperor-level one! !

Pamishi and Hailong both looked at Song Jie, wondering what he was going to do.

...(End of chapter)

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