Versatile Mage: My magic is off the charts!

Chapter 386 I’m afraid this is the country of Jingjue, right?

"wait for news?"

"Yes, my friend went to look for clues about the totem, so we are here waiting for news about her." Song Jie replied.

Li Man asked, "Totem? A mythical beast like the Guardian Beast of Hangzhou?"

Song Jie nodded.

"Yes, they are all the patron saints of China!"

"It makes me a little envious of you." Li Man suddenly felt that her life in the military camp was a bit boring.

"If you envy us, resign and join us. With one more of us, we will have more strength."

Li Man shook his head, "Forget it, I chose this path myself, and I have to finish it no matter what."

Song Jie nodded and said nothing more.

Then, Liman's cell phone rang, someone should be looking for her.

"Okay, I will stay soon. There are more than 10,000 people who still need to be arranged by us." Liman stood up and said.


Song Jie stood up.

Just when Li Man wanted to open the door and leave, Song Jie grabbed him.

Li Man turned around suddenly, and was then hugged by Song Jie's waist, and his rosy mouth was immediately blocked by the other party.


Li Man didn't expect that Song Jie would come and show up like this. He really couldn't suffer at all, right?

She originally wanted to push away, but Song Jie kissed her so hard that she felt like she couldn't stop.


Just give this guy a try!

Don't know how long it has been.

Just when Song Jie was about to take action, Li Man's cell phone rang again.

At this time, Li Man reacted immediately and pushed Song Jie away.

"I am leaving."

Without any hesitation, she turned around, opened the door and left.

Song Jie looked at the hurried figure and felt a little pity! !

After all, this was his first time doing such a thing with a woman in military uniform...

the following few days.

Song Jie and Jiang Shaoxu both spent time in the Tarim Fortress.

At the same time, they will help from time to time.

Song Jie's summoning system has also been upgraded to the third level of advanced level in the past few days!

In this way, he only needs one Chaos Element to become a fully-cultivated high-level mage.

And just when they were helping, Lingling suddenly sent them a message.

"What's wrong?" Jiang Shaoxu asked.

Song Jie said: "Lingling sent me a message saying that there was something wrong with the instruments at the Niya site."

As soon as these words came out, Jiang Shaoxu suddenly became energetic.

"Then what are you waiting for? Let's go there quickly!"

Song Jie nodded.

He originally wanted to go there alone, but Jiang Shaoxu and Bai Tingting both followed him.

Jiang Shaoxu went there, of course, to look for clues about his brother.

Bai Tingting went because she is a healing mage, and Song Jie cannot live without a healing mage.

Song Jie felt that these two people were justified, so he had to take them both with him.

In order to make the Ice Emperor Wind Eagle faster, he also improved its level.

So much so that when they passed by a demon tribe, those demons didn't dare to mess with them at all.

Song Jie must rush to the Niya ruins, otherwise the other party is likely to move again.

In Grandpa Atul's room, Lingling was looking through old books.

"Artur, does your grandfather have any information about the Niya ruins?" Lingling asked.

Because she searched for a lot of information left behind, but found nothing else.

"let me see!"

Artur paced back and forth. After a long time, he suddenly looked at a corner.

He walked over, squatted down, and took out a wooden box the size of two palms.

Lingling walked over and looked at some old boxes.

Artur immediately opened it and took out some years of information from it.

"Look at this."

Lingling nodded, and then looked at the pages of the book that exuded an old smell.

However, she didn't pay attention to these smells, but became more and more fascinated as she looked at them.

"In the country of Jingjue, the king ruled the city of Jingjue. It was eight thousand eight hundred and twenty miles away from Chang'an, with four hundred and eighty households, three thousand three hundred and sixty mouths, and five hundred victorious soldiers.

There is one Jingjue Captain, one left and right general, and one postmaster.

It extends 2,723 miles to the Governor's Office in the north, 4 days to the garrison state in the south, travels through the sky, and reaches 460 miles to the west..."

At this time, Ice Emperor Feng Ying had already brought Song Jie, Jiang Shaoxu and others to the Niya ruins.


Song Jie suddenly frowned when he heard this.

"What does it say?"

Jiang Shaoxu and Bai Tingting asked curiously.

"It said that there is a powerful guy here, and even it is no match." Song Jie elaborated.

As soon as these words came out, Jiang Shaoxu and Bai Tingting were both startled and alert to their surroundings.

"Can you fix it?"

Song Jie nodded.

"should be no problem."

He looked at his phone and there was no news from Lingling.

Song Jie said: "There is no news from Lingling, let's go down and have a look."

Jiang Shaoxu and Bai Tingting nodded at the same time.

Song Jie knew the location, so it was easy to lead people down.

While he was preparing to go in, he also summoned Little Flame Fairy.

That guy has a strong aura!

So he must be prepared.

However, when Song Jie and Jiang Shaoxu came underground, they were all stunned.

There is actually an extra city here.

This place was empty before, but unexpectedly a city suddenly appeared.

Jiang Shaoxu said: "Song Jie, it's too dark here, you can't see anything."

Song Jie released light into the sky, and soon the entire area was illuminated.

Bai Tingting was surprised, "This is... a city!!"

"Song Jie, what's going on? Didn't you say there was nothing here before?" Jiang Shaoxu also said in surprise.

Song Jie nodded.

He had been here before, and there really wasn't much here.

But now...

Song Jie glanced at these buildings of some age, which were obviously from a long time ago.

"This should be the country where Jingjue was buried." Song Jie said.

This Jingjue country is neither big nor small, and it looks like there are only a few hundred households.

But because there is no one there, it looks very strange here.

"This is Jingjue Country!" Jiang Shaoxu and Bai Tingting were stunned.

Think about it carefully,

It really is! !

"Let's look around and see if there are any clues." Song Jie said.

Jiang Shaoxu and Bai Tingting nodded and followed Song Jie at the same time.

The three of them searched around, looking aimlessly at the surrounding scene, but found nothing.

"I don't know if Lingling has gained anything." Song Jie was also very anxious.

If it is true that, as Artur said, only people of Niya blood can command totems, then everything he has done may be in vain.

At this time, a message suddenly came from Lingling.

Lingling: "Song Jie, I have a lot of information here. How is the situation over there?"

Song Jie: "We seem to have arrived in Jingjue Country."

Lingling: "You have arrived in Jingjue Country? That's great!"

Song Jie: "How do you say that?"

Lingling: "I seem to have found a way to communicate with the totem!"

As soon as these words came out, Song Jie suddenly became interested. Isn't this what he has been looking forward to?

If Lingling were here, he would definitely go over and kiss her!

But it’s not impossible to kiss again when you go back.

Song Jie: "What do I need to do?"

...(End of chapter)

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