Versatile Mage: My magic is off the charts!

Chapter 394 The Mu Family of the Imperial Capital

Later, Song Jie found Mu Ningxue and asked about the recent situation.

"You are still dancing during this time, right? I just want to go to the Imperial Capital to see them." Song Jie said with a smile.

"Or else..."

Although Mu Ningxue found it disgusting to take a bite from the Mu family from time to time.

But if Song Jie wants to compete with the Mu family now, he will only injure the enemy by one thousand and lose himself by eight hundred.

"I know it well."

Song Jie hugged Mu Ningxue's shoulders and patted her.

Song Jie would not do anything like injuring the enemy by one thousand and damaging himself by eight hundred.

Maybe the Mu family members thought he only had the Liquid of Time in his hands.

But what the Mu family doesn't know is that he has more than just the liquid of time in his hand!

Mu Ningxue nodded, she knew that Song Jie would not do anything that he was not sure about.

"Are you short of money here?" Song Jie asked.

Mu Ningxue shook her head.

She had made a lot of money when she was in Venice.

What's more, Song Jie gave her so much, but she hasn't used much yet.

Safe enough.

"That's enough."

Song Jie just asked. After all, he left the shopkeeper alone and all he could give was money.

After saying that, he suddenly leaned over and kissed her, but it still tasted the same.

Mu Ningxue's cheeks quickly turned crimson.

There were people around who were envious when they saw this scene.

"There are many people here..." Mu Ningxue glanced at Song Jie angrily.

Song Jie smiled and said, "Then you mean that there are only a few people, right?"

Mu Ningxue did not answer, turned and walked towards the other side.

Song Jie did not follow, but booked a flight to Tarim.

He needs to let Vine Snake move Jing Jue City here first, and then take it to Mu's house.

In addition, he was hesitating whether to bring Ba Xia with him.

Anyway, Vine Snake can use space to teleport, and he can take Ba Xia with him when the time comes.

Two supreme monarchs!

Mu family?


A few days passed.

Song Jie and Li Rui boarded a flight to the imperial capital together.

"Boss, what are you doing in the Imperial Capital?" Li Rui has graduated from Pearl Academy and is managing Song Jie's career, so she calls him boss.

Previously, Song Jie visited the Parthenon for a beauty, and she was involved in this incident.

Li Rui was very envious.

She had also fantasized about whether Song Jie would save her like this, but it was just a fantasy.

After all, she and Song Jie are just subordinates, how can they compare to a beauty...

"Go to Mu's house."

"Mu family?" Li Rui was slightly startled, "Boss, are you going to the Mu family to discuss business?"

Song Jie shook his head.

"Aren't Mu Ningxue and I planning to set up our own business? This Mu family is very clever and dares to interfere, so I plan to teach them a lesson."

"The Mu family is a powerful force in the imperial capital..."

Li Rui originally wanted to say something, but the next moment he thought of Song Jie's trump card and stopped trying to persuade him.

Previously, Song Jie was able to summon two supreme monarchs.

Mu family...

That's it.

The incident of Song Jie breaking into the Parthenon had not been reported before.

Otherwise, even if the Mu family was given ten courages, they would not dare to mess with Song Jie.

"Boss, can I come with you to have a look?" Li Rui asked.

She knew that Song Jie's attack this time might also be because of Mu Ningxue.

Song Jie replied: "If you want to go, then let's go together."

He thought about it and realized that Li Rui seemed to be his contracted beast that could give her a fusion boost.

Then you can show another trump card!

Imperial capital.

Mu family.

In the conference room, all members of the Mu family were present.

Mu Hu said: "I don't think we need to stop Mu Ningxue. After all, that Song Jie is a thorn and is difficult to deal with."

"But after taking part in the World University Competition, do you really think he can go to heaven?" Another unshaven family member said.

"That's right." Someone also nodded, "Mun Ningxue wants to start her own business, there's no way!!"

"That Song Jie has the liquid of time in his hand, which can elevate the summoned beast to the monarch level..." Mu Hu said.

Just a Mu Ningxue.

He felt there was no need to confront Song Jie over such a trivial matter.

These people don't know Song Jie's strength and potential, but he naturally knows after watching the competition among universities around the world.

"His liquid of time is also limited, and he dares to go against our Mu family, right?"

Mu Ling said coldly: "They are just monarchs. Our Mu family is not invincible."

Mu Hu shook his head. He knew that these people were determined to have trouble with Song Jie.

Someone said: "Even if they get the land and establish their own business, our Mu family will never tolerate traitors. Let her know the consequences of offending the Mu family!"

Everyone nodded.

They were just two young men. Going against their Mu family would lead to death.

Imperial capital.


Song Jie and Li Rui have already come out of the airport.

"Boss, I have sent you the location of the Mu family in the imperial capital. Are we going there now?" Li Rui asked.

Song Jie sensed the location of the vine snake and then nodded.

Half an hour passed.

Song Jie and Li Rui arrived at the outskirts of the imperial capital.

This is the villa area of ​​the Mu family. At first glance, they are all luxurious villas.

Song Jie sighed, "The Mu family is really rich!"

"Boss, do you want to take action now?" Li Rui was a little ready to make a move.

She rarely had the opportunity to take action in the magical city. When she knew that Song Jie was coming to Mu's house, she immediately followed him.

"Don't worry, let me improve your strength first." Song Jie said.

Li Rui nodded slightly.

Song Jie had helped her improve her realm before when she was at the Parthenon.

It's just that she doesn't know what methods Song Jie used. This kind of thing is too unbelievable.

"This is a skill obtained by mutation of my summoning system."

Li Rui was one of her own, so Song Jie thought it was okay to tell her.

"So that's the case……"

Li Rui suddenly realized, and at the same time felt that Song Jie only told her because he regarded her as one of his own.


Li Rui's strength increased at a speed visible to the naked eye.


Little monarch! !

Legitimate monarch! !

At this point, Song Jie stopped. After all, it would be bad if it was too high.

"Let's go, let's fight in together." Song Jie said, taking the lead to walk over.

Li Rui nodded and quickly followed Song Jie.

The entrance of the villa area.

Two guard mages from the Mu family were on guard. When they saw Song Jie and Li Rui approaching, they couldn't help but come over.

"This is a private area, no one can enter!"

"Go on, I don't have time to fight with you."

As soon as Song Jie finished speaking, the two people were immediately thrown aside by his mind control.

One of them saw Song Jie about to break in, took out an instrument and pressed it.

In an instant!

The piercing alarm at the gate of the villa suddenly sounded.

"The more lively the better." Song Jie walked in nonchalantly.

At this time, many guard mages were rushing towards the gate.

They have been here for so many years, but they have never encountered anything like this.

A dozen guard mages came upon hearing the sound and immediately blocked Song Jie and Li Rui.

"Deal with them."

Song Jie gave the order, and Li Rui flashed by, killing more than a dozen people in one encounter.

The other people who came over panicked when they saw this scene. What kind of monster is this! !

...(End of chapter)

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