Versatile Mage: My magic is off the charts!

Chapter 501 Yu Clan Grand Ceremony

On the next day, Master Yu woke up from Song Jie's arms and woke him up at the same time.

"It's time to go."

Song Jie responded, and then pinched the mountain!

Master Yu glanced at Song Jie angrily and pursed his red lips.

After Song Jie succeeded, he didn't care about the eyes and put on his clothes.

Then, they came to Yue'ehuang's territory and followed Yue'ehuang to fly to the Qinling Mountains.

Before setting off, Song Jie also took Lingling with him, as well as Apasi, who summoned the plane to sleep.

After Lingling and Apasi met, they looked at each other, and neither of them felt comfortable with each other.

"You must be jealous of me." Song Jie nodded shamelessly and said to himself.

Lingling said: "I have collected a lot of totem information before, and there are other totems over there in the Qinling Mountains."

"What totem?"

Master Yu asked curiously.

"Sacred deer."

Lingling replied, "This is also a kind of totem beast, but so far, I have not found any other information about it."

Song Jie said: "If there is no news at all, then this totem is probably dead."

He knew the original work, so he knew that the totem sacred deer was gone, and only a force of power remained.

Lingling nodded, feeling that what Song Jie said made sense.

"What are we going to do in Qinling?" Although Lingling came with her, she didn't ask what she was going to do. After all, she thought it would be fine as long as she could get out.

Master Yu said: "We are going to Baiba Mountain!"

"Baiba Mountain? What are we doing there?" Lingling asked.

"There will be a grand ceremony of the Yu Clan there. You can get a lot of benefits by participating in it, and at the same time, Yue'ehuang's status will be improved." Master Yu explained.

"The Feather Clan Grand Ceremony..." Lingling touched her chin thoughtfully, as if she had heard of this before.

Song Jie also had some impressions of this matter. He went along with him to unite the Yu clan.

If other races of the Yu Clan disagree, then he can only let Yue Ehuang become the master of the Yu Clan! !

In this way, other Yu clan races should not object.

After a long time.

Yue'ehuang is at the monarch level and has absorbed the power of Tianguan. Now her strength has been greatly improved.

It flew very fast, bypassing human cities, and soon saw the outline of the Qinling Mountains.

Master Yu said: "That side should be the Qinling Mountains."

Song Jie and Lingling have both been to Qinling before, so they are very familiar with it.

Lingling pointed to the distance: "Baiba Mountain should be over there."

Master Yu nodded, "Yes."

Yue'ehuang kept heading straight towards Baiba Mountain.

"It seems that this grand ceremony is about to begin." Master Yu said while looking at the Yu Clan demons appearing around him.

These Yue tribe demons did not dare to approach them, after all, this was the monarch-level Yue'e Phoenix.

"Song Jie, I hope you can help Yue'ehuang when the time comes." Master Yu said sincerely.

Song Jie nodded. After all, Master Yu had sacrificed his life last night, so he would definitely try his best to help.

What's more, Yue'ehuang is still a descendant of the totem, and will definitely be a great help to China in the future!

If there was no Master Yu, he would definitely help.

Song Jie knows what the Yu Clan's grand ceremony is like, which is to compete with who can fly faster and reach the top faster!

With Yue'ehuang's current strength, it's still a little bit difficult to compete with those guys.

Because in this grand ceremony, there are many monarch-level ones, and there are also many who are stronger than Yue'ehuang.

The monarch-level silver dome master that appeared in Hangzhou before will also come, and its strength is slightly stronger than Yue'ehuang.

But these monarchs are not worth mentioning in front of Song Jie.

"You guys go over there first, I still have things to deal with." Song Jie suddenly said.

Master Yu and Lingling looked at each other and finally nodded.

Song Jie remembered that Jiang Shaoxu seemed to have also come to Qinling Mountains, and he should be on his way to Baiba Mountain.

Before coming, he sent a message to Jiang Shaoxu, but the other party did not respond.

So Song Jie guessed that Jiang Shaoxu might have come to the Qinling Mountains just like the original work.

The Ice King Wind Eagle appeared, and Song Jie called out Xiao Lu again and began to search for Jiang Shaoxu in the woods.

At this time, Jiang Shaoxu was being surrounded by demons.

"So many demons!" Jiang Shaoxu asked Mu Ningxue before, and she was told that Song Jie was not in China.

Therefore, she had to come to Qinling alone.

But she didn't expect that she would be unable to move even before she reached Baiba Mountain.

Fortunately, she sent a signal and someone should come to rescue her.

Jiang Shaoxu said: "Find a place to hide first, otherwise there is no way to continue consuming it like this."

Facing the demons chasing after them, Jiang Shaoxu mastered the psychic system and immediately made them kill each other.

But even so, it cannot solve the current situation, because it cannot last long.

Jiang Shaoxu kept going back and forth, and soon thought of a place with a wide view.

If someone comes to rescue her, she will be able to find him immediately.

However, when Jiang Shaoxu looked up into the sky, he suddenly saw a familiar figure.

"Isn't that the Ice Emperor Wind Eagle?" Jiang Shaoxu muttered in his heart.

"Is Song Jie here?"

Jiang Shaoxu's face showed joy, and then he released a ray of light into the sky! !

Although it was daytime, she believed Song Jie should be able to notice it.

But Jiang Shaoxu also exposed his position because of his current move.

"here we go again!"

As soon as Jiang Shaoxu finished speaking and was about to leave, the demon underneath was instantly crushed into blood clots.

She suddenly looked up and saw Song Jie in mid-air.

"You came!"

Jiang Shaoxu looked happy.

Song Jie nodded and landed on Jiang Shaoxu's tree trunk.

He asked: "Why did you come to such a dangerous place?"

"My brother has been here, so I want to come here to find him." Jiang Shaoxu said.

Although Song Jie knew what he was asking, he didn't want Jiang Shaoxu to be in danger.

He continued: "Next time if you want to continue looking for your brother, you can tell me in advance and don't do such dangerous things alone."

Jiang Shaoxu nodded like a kitten with a warm heart, "I understand."

Song Jie didn't know what happened to Jiang Shaojun, because the original work didn't mention whether he was alive or dead.

And if you want to find traces of Jiang Shaojun, you can only search slowly step by step.

"Why did you come to Qinling?" Jiang Shaoxu asked.

Song Jie said: "It's also because of the totem thing..."

Later, he told Jiang Shaoxu about Yue'ehuang.

"I see, then we both have the same destination." Jiang Shaoxu said with a smile.

She was thinking about how to get to Baiba Mountain before, but now that Song Jie is here, it will be no problem.

"You take me with you!" Jiang Shaoxu suggested.

"Of course, I don't worry about you being here alone."

Hearing this, Jiang Shaoxu stood up on tiptoes and kissed Song Jie, "Go back and I'll reward you well."

Song Jie smiled and said, "I think you thought about it, right?"

"I was discovered by you." Jiang Shaoxu said with a smile.

...(End of chapter)

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