After Zu Yehua escaped, he quickly contacted his grandfather.

In a villa, Zu Qing was watching a drama in the lobby, when the housekeeper behind him came over with a phone.

"It's the young master's call," the housekeeper said.

Zu Tian nodded, then took the phone and asked, "Found it?"

Zu Yehua said: "Grandpa, I have found it, but I have encountered some troubles."

"What happened?"

Listening to Zu Yehua's anxious tone, Zu Qing felt that something must have happened.

"I originally found the person who killed the elders of Zu City, but this person was very strong, and the offerings I brought were no match for him." Zu Yehua said.

Hearing this, Zu Qing frowned and continued to ask: "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine."

Zu Yehua shook his head and said, "He didn't kill me, but he asked me to bring a message to Zu's family, saying that he would personally visit me when the time comes."

"What a loud tone!" Zu Qing said angrily, no one in China would dare to offend their ancestral family! !

Even the official government showed courtesy to their ancestral family, but the other party actually dared to visit! !

"Do you know who that person is?" Zu Qing asked.

Zu Yehua thought for a while, "I remember his appearance, but I seem to have an impression of who he is, but I can't remember it for a while."

"Don't worry about this matter for now. I will send someone to investigate when the time comes." Zu Qing said, he did not want his grandson to die there.

"I know, I'm rushing back overnight." Zu Yehua didn't want to stay in Dunhuang for a moment. Only by leaving here could he feel safe.

Zu Qing hung up the phone. The other party was able to kill so many worshipers, so it was obvious that he was very strong, but he was still too young to fight against their ancestral family!

But this matter must be explained to other members of the family. After all, this is a task inherited by his grandson Zu Yehua.

Zu Qing stood up and then notified other family members to start a family meeting.

The night passed.

Song Jie, Chen Ying and others also purchased return tickets.

"Are you going to the Imperial Capital too?" Chen Ying asked in surprise.

Song Jie nodded, "Didn't I say before? I want to go to my ancestor's house."


Chen Ying was startled, "Are you really going? The Zu family is not easy to mess with..."

Song Jie smiled and said: "Although they are not easy to mess with, I am not easy to mess with, but they happened to mess with me."

Chen Ying looked at Song Jie and hesitated to speak, but he believed that Song Jie would not do anything he was not sure about.

"Do you want me to accompany you?" Chen Ying said.

Song Jie shook his head: "You don't have to go, I can go alone."

Chen Ying couldn't do anything to help him wherever he went, he just watched the show.

When Song Jie woke up, he had contacted Mu Ningxue and she had returned to Ning Xuecheng.

Then, he asked Teng She and Ba Xia to set off for the imperial capital, and they would gather in the imperial capital by then.

Anyway, Vine Snake had been to the Imperial Capital before, so he wasn't worried that it didn't know the place.

Mu Ningxue didn't ask Song Jie what he was going to do. She knew that no matter what he did, Song Jie would never suffer a loss.

Song Jie and Chen Ying boarded the flight to the Imperial Capital and arrived in the Imperial Capital in the afternoon.

"Okay, let's say goodbye here. I'll play with you when I have time." Song Jie pointed out.

How could Chen Ying not understand the look Song Jie was giving her? Her cheeks were slightly red and she responded and left.

"Did you do anything to her last night?" Apasi asked, staring at Song Jie.

"Are you jealous?"

"Who is jealous!" Apasi spat: "Beast!!"

Song Jie squinted his eyes and smiled: "Your butt is itchy, right? How dare you talk to me like that?"

"Yes, do you dare to do anything to me?" Apasi raised her head, looking like she was expecting you.

Song Jie looked at the flow of people coming and going around him and knew that Apasi was so arrogant because there were people here, and felt that he did not dare to do anything.

However, he smiled evilly at this moment, grabbed her hand, and the two of them suddenly disappeared.




Apasi begged for mercy: "Don't fight, don't fight, I know I was wrong."

As long as she admits her mistake early, she will deserve a beating, but she knows that she can't beat Song Jie.

Song Jie looked at him, slapped his butt and said, "Weren't you very arrogant just now?"


Apasi begged for mercy: "I know I was wrong, don't fight."

Song Jie smiled and then let go of Apasi.

Apasi breathed a sigh of relief. She never expected that Song Jie would bring her to the rooftop! !

"Aren't you going to the ancestor's house? Why don't you go quickly?" Apasi said, touching her buttocks.

Song Jie said: "I'll go meet them first."

Immediately afterwards, Song Jie took Apasi to the gathering place of Teng She and Ba Xia.

When he saw Vine Snake and Ba Xia, the strength of these two totems increased a lot.

The vine snake steps into the little emperor!

Ba Xia stepped into the sub-emperor, and he was not far away from the little emperor! !

"Not bad, not bad." Song Jie nodded with satisfaction, feeling that all the hard work was not in vain.

Apasi looked at it in surprise. She didn't expect Song Jie to have two such powerful creatures! !

"Now that everyone is here, let's set off!" As soon as Song Jie finished speaking, he summoned the Ice Emperor Wind Eagle and headed straight for his ancestor's home.

ancestral home.

After the exchange last night, the next day, Zu Qing and others came to the family conference room for a meeting.

The Speaker of the Zu Family asked: "Have you figured out who that person is?"

"There is no news over there, but my grandson has come back." Zu Qing said.

"Ask him to come over and let's ask about the specific situation." said the Speaker of the Zu Family.

Zu Qing nodded. Zu Yehua was outside, so he immediately asked someone to call him in.

Soon, Zu Yehua walked in from outside and looked timidly at the family members.

Zu Qing said: "Tell me the specific situation at that time."

Zu Yehua nodded, and then told everything about what happened before, without any reservations.

"Do you know who that person is?" someone asked.

Zu Yehua nodded.

Zu Qing asked, "Do you remember who that person is?"

Zu Yehua nodded again, "That person is Song Jie, the former Song Jie of the National Team!!"

"Song Jie!?"

Everyone looked at each other and seemed to be somewhat familiar with this name.

"Be more careful," said a family member.

"That guy went to the Mu family once before, and the Mu family ended up looking like that." Zu Yehua said.

"It turns out it's him..." The Speaker of the Ancestor Family frowned, remembering who this person was.

"A Mu family is not worthy of being on an equal footing with our ancestral family." Some family members said.

Their ancestral family has a strong foundation and has many connections not only in China but also internationally, so they are not afraid at all.

The Mu family is only famous in China, but internationally, it is nothing.

Therefore, their ancestral family looked down upon the Mu family at all.

The family chairman said: "I heard that he is going to visit us?"

Zu Yehua nodded, "That's what he told me."

...(End of chapter)

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