Versatile Mage: My magic is off the charts!

Chapter 529 I have something even better!

"Speaking of me? What are you talking about me?" Ding Yumian asked in surprise.

Dean Xiao smiled and waved to Ding Yumian, "Come in and sit down first."

Ding Yumian nodded, then entered the office and sat on the sofa.

"Song Jie, you probably don't know that Ding Yumian is also a disaster victim, right?" Dean Xiao asked.

Song Jie smiled, "I know."


Dean Xiao looked at Song Jie and then at Ding Yumian.

"How did you know?"

"You can guess for yourself." Song Jie said with a smile.

Ding Yumian turned around and drank a glass of water to calm down.

"Young man..." Dean Xiao sighed with emotion.

Ding Yumian was curious, "Why did you discuss the victims?"

"You have to ask Song Jie about this."

Ding Yumian looked over and saw Song Jie telling her about Qin Yu'er.

She nodded. Although she knew that she was not the only one who suffered from the disaster, hearing the news about other victims made her feel more empathetic.

They all know what kind of impact their physique will have on them.

"Is she still in the Magic City now?" Ding Yumian asked.

Song Jie nodded, "She is in Ning Xuecheng. If you are free, you can go over and chat with her."

Ding Yumian responded. As disaster victims, they were subject to too many restrictions.

She is okay, not many people know about her, but Qin Yuer is different, she will be regarded as a disaster and an alien that must be eliminated!

"What did you come to see Dean Xiao for?" Song Jie asked.

Ding Yumian nodded, "I have work matters here."

Later, she told him the reason why she came to see Dean Xiao.

"I was thinking about who should go before this matter, but now Song Jie is here too? It just so happens that he can contribute to the school." Dean Xiao said.

"Okay, leave this matter of cleaning up the demons to me." Song Jie nodded.

He applied to Dean Xiao to enter the Three-Step Tower to practice, and the other party agreed so readily, so he couldn't push back.

What's more, it's just a simple thing for him.

"Then you two go ahead and try to finish it as soon as possible." Dean Xiao issued the eviction order.

Song Jie and Ding Yumian stood up, said goodbye to Dean Xiao, and walked out of the office.

"Should I go over now?" Ding Yumian asked.

"Don't worry, we haven't seen each other for so long, shouldn't we have a meal first and then chat?" Song Jie said.

"I think it's better to solve the problem there first and then do other things." Ding Yumian said.

Song Jie nodded, "Then if I finish it, will there be any reward?"

Ding Yumian raised his head and looked at Song Jie, "What reward do you want?"

Song Jie looked at no one everywhere and asked her to be addicted to the wall, "What reward do you think I want?"

Ding Yumian lowered his head shyly, his ears turning red.

She mustered up her courage, suddenly raised her head, and kissed Song Jie on the face.

"Is it enough?"

Song Jie was surprised. He didn't expect Ding Yumian to be so proactive.

He smiled evilly and said, "Of course it's not enough."

"What else do you want?" Ding Yumian asked softly.

Song Jie looked at her like a hungry wolf looking at a little sheep. Especially the tone of Ding Yumian's words shocked him!

"I won't talk about this for now. I'll tell you when the time comes." Song Jie said with a smile.

Ding Yumian knew that Song Jie would definitely open his mouth, but she didn't think anything of it.

"Let's go then, let's clean out the monsters!" Song Jie took Ding Yumian's hand and walked out of the office building.

Ding Yumian's task is to clean an area, which will become a place for Pearl students to practice.

The reason for cleaning is because there is still construction to be done here, so the safety of those people must be ensured.

When this area is completed, it will become a training base, allowing students from Pearl Academy to practice.

If Kong has the strength, but is too frightened to release his magic when facing a demon, then it would be the school's dereliction of duty to teach students like this!

Therefore, Pearl Academy has also begun to attach importance to students' experience and help them grow faster.

That's a dense forest!

Song Jie called out Xiao Lu, and with Xiao Lu's all-round locking, those demons were swept away.

In less than three hours, there were no more demons in this area.

"Tell them that this place has been cleaned," Song Jie said.

"So fast!?"

Ding Yumian didn't follow, so when she heard what she said, she looked horrified.

Song Jie nodded.

"I'm a little curious, what state are you in now?" Ding Yumian asked.

"Super level."

Song Jie replied.

"A series of super level?"

Song Jie shook his head, "Three series super level."


Ding Yumian fell silent.

At first, she was about the same strength as Song Jie, but now Song Jie has become so powerful.


Ding Yumian praised.

"I have something even better." Song Jie raised the corner of his mouth.

Ding Yumian was very simple, "What is it?"

"You'll find out later." Song Jie replied with a smile and gave Ding Yumian a meaningful look.

Ding Yumian still didn't know, "Then I will tell Dean Xiao about this immediately."

She went to make a phone call and told Dean Xiao about it.

After hanging up the phone, Song Jie came over and hugged her and said, "Can we go to dinner now?"


Ding Yumian responded.

Cleaning out the monsters is time-consuming and laborious. If they were to do it, it would probably take several days to finish.

However, Song Jie only needed three hours to complete it.

"Then let's go!"

Song Jie pulled Ding Yumian. Leave this dense forest.

He asked, "Are you still sharing a room with Huang Xingli?"

"She is no longer in the Magic City. She went to the Imperial City and said she would develop there." Ding Yumian said.

Song Jie asked, "So you live alone now?"

Ding Yumian nodded.

"Is there a kitchen?"

"I usually cook too."

Song Jie snapped his fingers, "That's good, then we'll go to your place and I'll cook for you."


Later, Song Jie took Ding Yumian to buy groceries. After buying groceries, he returned to the other party's residence.

"Your apartment is not bad." Song Jie felt that this apartment was much better than the apartment they shared before.

"The rent for this apartment is higher than before, so the environment is good."

Ding Yumian now works at Pearl Academy, so she has financial connections and her life has become abundant.

"Then I'll start cooking." Song Jie entered the kitchen with the dishes.

Ding Yumian also wanted to follow in, but was pushed out by Song Jie.

"You go to the sofa and rest. I will prepare today's meal myself." Song Jie said.

"Let me help you, I don't know what to do." Ding Yumian smiled.

Song Jie said: "Then go and change into the most beautiful clothes, or take a shower."


Ding Yumian didn't know why.

"Just do as I say and go quickly." Song Jie kissed Ding Yumian on the cheek.

...(End of chapter)

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