Versatile Mage: My magic is off the charts!

Chapter 532 The first undead subordinate!

Just a hug around the waist?

How could Mu Ningxue believe Song Jie's lies.

She stood up quickly, not giving Song Jie a chance to mess around.

Seeing this, Song Jie could only give up and sit and watch the game below.

Mu Nujiao and Dongfang Lie are both outstanding players of the younger generation, so they won the game easily.

Song Jie felt that he hoped he and Mu Nujiao would not meet each other, otherwise the Mu family might have to stop.

After the game,

Jiang Yu, Mu Nujiao and others all entered the top twenty-five.

"I noticed a few super mages today. You should all be careful when the time comes." Jiang Yu said.

Not only did he see it, but Song Jie and Mu Ningxue also saw it.

Although they are hiding it, super-level and high-level are different, so they can still analyze it.

"Tomorrow, there will be an empty spot among the top 25, and this spot will be directly promoted." Mu Ningxue said.

Everyone thought about it and realized that among the twenty-five people competing, one person would indeed be alone, so this person would advance directly without an opponent.

This time Ning Xuecheng played five people, four of them advanced, and one person was very unlucky and met a super-level mage!

At this time, Mu Ningxue's cell phone rang.

She answered the call, answered a few times, and hung up.

"What's wrong?"

Jiang Yu was a little curious.

"It was a call from the official side." Mu Ningxue explained.

"Then what? What did you say?"

Mu Ningxue said: "They said that if there are any vacant spots, they will belong to Song Jie."

Hearing this,

Everyone was silent.


Song Jie asked many questions, "Did they decide on their own, or did everyone decide together?"

He didn't want this kind of back door.

Mu Ningxue replied: "The official has explained to me. He said that this was decided together by the big families."

"If that's the case, then I can accept it." Song Jie nodded.

Anyway, these people are no match for him, and fighting them might be a waste of time.

And he also saw the situation today. Those people didn't dare to fight him at all, so they surrendered directly.

Very boring.

And those families also know how strong Song Jie is, so they might as well let their own children fight with others.

After all, no one knows whether one of his children will meet Song Jie.

Therefore, they always thought it would be better to send Song Jie away.

Mu Ningxue nodded, "I'll get back to him later, and I'll let you know when it's your turn to play."

Song Jie responded.

In the next game, when twenty-five makes it to the top thirteen, Song Jie doesn't have to play! Advance directly!

When thirteen reaches seven, Song Jie doesn’t have to play!

And when it comes to advancing from seventh to fourth, Song Jie doesn’t have to play...

Only in the last scene was he made his appearance.

Song Jie felt very comfortable.

He knew that he had indeed bullied others by participating in the Youth War, but who made him still young?

I am young!

I'm right!

Song Jie left them and went straight to Lingling.

In the Qingtian Hunting House, Lingling was living quite a fulfilling life. After all, she was looking for traces of the totem with Jiang Shaoxu.


Song Jie walked into Qingtian Hunting Center and saw Lingling and Jiang Shaoxu looking through the information.

"How did you come?"

Song Jie said: "I came here to see you for something."

"What's up?"

Song Jie said: "I may want to go to Asahi Island. You can help me figure out the situation there."


Lingling's eyes lit up, "There does seem to be a totem there. Sister Shaoxu and I just found the information not long ago."

Jiang Shaoxu nodded, "My brother has also been to that place, but I don't know what he is looking for right now."

Song Jie knew the plot, so he knew that Jiang Shaojun was probably looking for the totem beast Ao Fu!

But Ao’s father is probably dead.

But its abilities are still preserved.

With this power, maybe his undead system can be upgraded faster!

But before that, Song Jie still needs to go to Egypt to contract his undead.

There was nothing to do during this time, so he planned to go to Egypt tomorrow.


Zhan Kong has turned the dragon's skeleton into an undead!

It roared angrily and kept attacking the pyramid of the ancient capital! !

Although it is impossible to break the pyramid, doing so will disgust Khufu! !

Because of this, Khufu was disgusted for more than half a month, and he was so disgusted that he had no temper at all.

The Bone Dragon is at the imperial level, and except for Khufu, none of its men can be the opponent of the Bone Dragon.

Therefore, Khufu could only hide in the pyramid and suffer from suffocation.

Zhan Kong, on the other hand, was very fast. He surrounded the pyramid every day and never let any undead in the pyramid come out.

"It's time for these boring days to come to an end." Zhan Kong said.

In doing so, he has demonstrated to the whole world the strength of the Chinese Undead.

I'm afraid no one will dare to mess with China's undead from now on.

The undead from Egypt went to China and wanted to take the land as their own, but they were beaten to the doorstep by the undead from China.

Such humiliation has made the Egyptian undead unable to hold his head up, and so does Khufu!

At this moment, a figure suddenly flew towards Zhan Kong.

The Eight Dead Lords behind Zhan Kong saw someone approaching, but when they saw that the person was Song Jie, they quickly averted their eyes.

"Coming?" Zhan Kong said in the tone of an elder.

Song Jie nodded, "That one is my bone dragon?"

Zhan Kong responded, "Yes, you guys really got a big deal."

"This bone dragon definitely has the strength of a little emperor. It should reach its peak in the early stage of a little emperor."

Song Jie was also a little surprised. He didn't expect that the bone dragon would still be so powerful after it died.

One can imagine how terrifying this bone dragon was before.

"Do you still need it? If you don't need it, I'll take it away." Song Jie said.

"Take it away, my goal has been achieved." Zhan Kong said.

Khufu couldn't shrink back, so Zhan Kong let them live in restlessness for half a month.

I feel very happy!

"I still have a question, how do I make a contract with it?" Song Jie asked doubtfully.

"I teach you."

As soon as Zhan Kong finished speaking, he waved to the bone dragon.

The next moment, the bone dragon flew towards him.


A huge body appeared in front of Song Jie.

"The contract of the undead is very simple..." Zhan Kong told Song Jie some precautions for the undead.

Song Jie listened carefully and then grasped the essence.

"Then it's up to you." Zhan Kong taught him everything he had, so there was nothing more to teach him.

Song Jie nodded, and then began to make a contract with the bone dragon.

Don't know how long it has been.

Song Jie and Bone Dragon finally have a spiritual mark! !

"Finally successful!" Song Jie tried to order Bone Dragon to do something, and the other party did it one after another.

"It seems you succeeded." Zhan Kong said.

Song Jie nodded, now he has another powerful general under his command!

"Can I ask, how can I improve its strength?" Song Jie continued.

...(End of chapter)

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