Versatile Mage: My magic is off the charts!

Chapter 540 Meeting the Red Split Demon Again!


At this time, the place was flooded by sea water, and only tall buildings could stand in the sea water.

"What should we do? The sea water is coming, are we going to die?"

On a high-rise building, everyone looked at the rising water and felt extremely scared.

If they cannot be rescued, they will drown in the sea water and be cut into pieces by the sea monster as food.

"I don't want to die!"

"My child is still young, he hasn't..."

"What should we do? Why hasn't anyone come to save us yet?"

Everyone is desperate, they don't know what to do, because they are just ordinary people.

However, the crisis in Xiamen came so suddenly that even if there was support, Xiamen was too big to be rescued immediately.

Moreover, Xiamen has been demonized by sea water, and the sea surface has become dangerous.

You never know if there might be a siren on your bottom.

A conference room.

There are many military mages and hunters gathered here to support.

The man in charge said: "We found a lot of people on a high-rise building. Now we need to send someone there. Is there anyone else over there?"

Everyone looked at each other and sighed.

"My people have gone to other areas."

"Me too, they just received the mission, and there are people over there who need to be rescued."

"The same goes for mine. They are still encountering difficulties and I have no way to reinforce them."

In an instant, the conference room suddenly became quiet!

Who would have thought that even with support, it would still be difficult for them in this situation!

Moreover, the Qinling Military, the Hongling Military, and the Nanyi Mage Group all sent people over.

It's just not enough at all. The scope of the Siren's invasion is too large and requires too much power.

Someone said: "There is still a group of support on the way, but it will not arrive until tomorrow."

As soon as these words came out, those people fell silent again.

If it doesn't arrive until tomorrow, I'm afraid those people won't survive tomorrow.

"If there is no manpower, I will take people there now." The leading man said.

Although he is over fifty years old, he is full of energy.

Someone stood up and said: "Grand Army Secretary, you can't go over, we still need your command in the rear."

"That's right, we have to go through it." Someone said.

However, at this time, someone rushed into the meeting in a hurry.

"Oh no!"

"What's up?"

"A commander appeared in the place where the residents were besieged!" the man said quickly.

When everyone heard this, their faces showed solemn expressions.

If it were a commander-level sea monster, those people might...

The commander of the army said: "Never mind, go over now!"

Over Xiamen.

Song Jie, Jiang Shaoxu and others have already arrived here.

They looked at Xiamen, which was submerged by the sea, and were deeply moved. After all, this is a big city, but now it has become a paradise for sea monsters!

"Tingtingting!!" Ice Emperor Wind Eagle made an excited voice.

Hearing this, Song Jie already knew what was going on.

"Take us there immediately!"

Ice King Wind Eagle understood, changed direction, and headed straight for the sea monster he found.

Song Jie's idea was very simple, which was to let Apasi control a commander-level sea monster, and then let it lead them to find the culprit that caused the sea monster invasion.

With their guidance, it would be much easier for Song Jie to find higher-level sea monsters.

Otherwise, you really don’t know when you’re going to find it, and you have to take a chance.

At this time, Song Jie, Jiang Shaoxu and others came to a high-rise building, and the sea water was now submerged to about the tenth floor.

"There seems to be someone on the tall building!" Lingling pointed to the tall building not far away.

Song Jie nodded, and he also saw the people on the tall building.

"They seem to be being targeted. That sea monster looks familiar." Jiang Shaoxu said suddenly.

Song Jie looked down and saw the sea monster. It was the red split monster they met in Asuka City when they participated in the World War!

"Turns out they are old friends."

Although it's not the same one as before, it's at least the same species.

"Let's get there quickly, otherwise those people will be in danger." Jiang Shaoxu said.

Song Jie nodded and let the Ice Emperor Wind Eagle go straight to the tall building.

The red crack demon had obviously noticed Song Jie and the others, but by the time it reacted, it was already too late.

Song Jie separated from the Ice Emperor Wind Eagle and jumped straight towards the red crack demon.

He fell suddenly and stepped on the red crack demon.

In an instant, the entire sea surface was centered around the red crack demon, and the waves suddenly exploded in all directions.

The red cracking demon was also grabbed hard by Song Jie and thrown to the roof of a tall building!

Apasi asked the Ice Emperor Wind Eagle to take her to the roof of the building, and then she slowly jumped into the roof.

When Song Jie saw Apasi passing by, he stopped paying attention and looked at another tall building.

Those are the ones who are trapped.

"Someone is here to save us!" Someone in the building suddenly exclaimed, and others immediately looked out.

Song Jie broke through the window and came to them.

"Master Master, please save us!" a mother begged.

Song Jie said: "Don't worry, I'm here to save you."

After everyone heard this, they quickly thanked Song Jie as if they were grasping at straws.

"Lingling, how far is this from the reception area in Xiamen?" Song Jie asked.

Lingling was preparing to do something when several figures suddenly appeared outside.

"Song Jie, someone seems to be coming over there." Jiang Shaoxu looked outside through the window.

Seeing this, Song Jie followed Jiang Shaoxu and looked out, just in time to see several people wearing military mage uniforms flying towards him.

Those mages came to contain this leader-level sea monster, but they didn't expect that Song Jie had already solved it.

"It will be easier when someone comes." Song Jie watched them fall and those people came over.

"Hello, which organization are you from?" the leading military mage asked.

Song Jie said: "I'm not from that organization, I'm just here to help."

"Thank you on behalf of Xiamen!" Military Master saluted Song Jie.

"Can I ask, what's going on with the red crack demon outside?"

"It's under my control, so there's no danger." Song Jie explained.

"That girl..."

"She's not in danger."

After receiving the answer, the leading military mage nodded.

Song Jie asked: "I want to rescue these people, is this far from your safe zone?"

"A bit far."

The military mage nodded, "Now that most of the buildings have been submerged, and there are so many people here, it may be a little difficult for us people."

"Just tell me what the distance is." Song Jie said.

The military mage replied: "It's a bit far from here to the safe zone, about five kilometers."

"Five kilometers..."

Song Jie thought for a while and then thought it was okay.

"Now, take your people to help me see where there is a place to stay."

"what are you up to?"

"I can save them."

...(End of chapter)

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