Versatile Mage: My magic is off the charts!

Chapter 544 Another battle with two little emperors! !

Before Song Jie left, he asked the military mage to bring back the news here.

When the water recedes, it's time for them to fight back, so don't miss this opportunity!

Xiamen must have suffered some losses when it was invaded by the sea monster, so it could only make up for it by killing the sea monster.

Song Jie took Apasi and others all the way towards the ocean.

Ba Xia followed Qiu Zhen, and whenever he had any ideas, he would give him a big dick.

However, Qiu Zhen is very sensible. It knows that it is no opponent, so it does not dare to do anything strange at all.

Because many commanders and monarchs were killed, Ocean Invasion has lost its leader!

Because of this, the sea water is slowly receding, and the sea monsters are beginning to return to the sea.

Song Jie and others ignored this and quickly arrived at the sea.

Under the leadership of Qiu Zhen, they gradually entered the Pacific Ocean and headed deeper.

"Apasi, ask it how long it will take to arrive." After Song Jie finished speaking, Apasi immediately asked Qingzhen.

"Qiuzhen said that the guy is nearby and should be arriving soon." Apasi replied.

Song Jie nodded, looked into the depths of the ocean, and suddenly frowned.

Just as Qiu Zhuan said, that guy is right in front, but not at one end, but at both ends! !

Song Jie smiled and said, "I didn't expect there would be an unexpected gain."

Apasi also noticed the hostility directed by the two sea beasts.

If it were before, she might not have dared to get close, but she still knew Song Jie's strength.

Therefore, these sirens are serving food to Song Jie.

Song Jie and others kept getting closer, and the two powerful sea beasts also came towards them.

Song Jie now poses no threat to them, and he doesn't know how these humans dare to run wild in their territory! !

Lingling suddenly said: "That should be the Xuanjin Mingjia Turtle!"

Before coming, Lingling had done research on the overlord of the ocean.

Among the only data available, the Black Gold Underworld Turtle has appeared before, so there are records of it.

"Where's the other end?" Jiang Shaoxu asked curiously.

"The Sabre-tooth Phantom Shark is the speed king in the ocean. It is very fast in the ocean!" Lingling introduced.

Everyone nodded, understanding this.

When Qiu Zhen saw the two ocean overlords coming, he felt happy.

Humanity! !

Wait to die! !

"There is actually a turtle, just right for Ba Xia." Song Jie said.

These two overlords were both at the level of little emperors. They hid behind the scenes and did not actively invade.

The reason for this is that the Kraken is still in the testing stage, so it has not launched a large-scale attack.

At this time, Ba Xia also suddenly emerged from the water, raised his head, and looked straight at the two emperor-level sea monsters coming slowly!

The Black Gold Underworld Turtle and the Saber-tooth Phantom Shark didn't stop after seeing Ba Xia, because they didn't take Ya Emperor's Ba Xia to heart at all!

When Qiu Zhen saw that his big brother was coming, he was filled with emotion. He didn't want to leave these humans all the time now! !

Song Jie watched the two little emperors coming straight towards him, and he summoned the little Flame Fairy in a hurry.

After Little Flame Fairy appeared, he enhanced her strength.

The next moment, her strength continued to increase from the little monarch! !

Song Jie firmly believes in the truth that as long as it is strong enough, the flame can evaporate the sea! !

Qiu Zhan looked at Yan Ji and was shocked!

They are both demonic creatures, so they can all detect each other's strength. The feeling given to Little Flame Fairy is extremely terrifying!


Now it feels even more oppressive than Ba ​​Xia gave it! !

In addition, Song Jie also summoned the Black Dragon Emperor and the Undead Emperor Bone Dragon!

His undead system is already at a high level, so the bone dragon can be summoned for a while.

The pressure that Queen Flame Fairy put on the two little emperors was enough, and with the addition of the Black Dragon Emperor and the Bone Dragon, the two little emperors were confused! !

With their strength, they are already the overlords of the sea, but the auras exuded by the three terrifying creatures in front of them are several times more terrifying than them! !

The Black Gold Underworld Turtle and the Saber-tooth Phantom Shark turned around and ran away without even thinking about it. They were no match for them! !

However, for powerful creatures like the Black Dragon Emperor and the Flame Fairy Queen.

They are already too late!

The Black Dragon Emperor got into the water and headed straight for one of the little emperors!

Ba Xia, together with Queen Flame Fairy and Bone Dragon, went straight to the other end!

The current Black Dragon Emperor deals with the little emperor like an adult beating a child, and the other party has no power to fight back.

And between the Queen of Flame Fairy and the other two creatures, the other little emperor is no match!

Qiu Zhen was stunned when he saw this scene. He never thought that this human being had such a trump card!

"You guys wait here, I'll go help." After Song Jie finished speaking, he went straight in the direction of Queen Yan Ji.

He kept traveling through space and soon came behind the Saber-tooth Phantom Shark!

Now Song Jie has turned into a demon. Looking at the back of the Saber-tooth Phantom Shark is like looking at a lamb that is easily available!

"Little Flame Fairy."

As soon as Song Jie finished speaking, Queen Yanji stopped and then possessed her body! !

"Hot sun!"

Song Jie looked in the direction of the Saber-tooth Phantom Shark and suddenly threw a huge fireball as hot as the sun in front of it! !

The sea water is steamed, and when the scorching sun sets, the nearby sea water is instantly evaporated! !

Seeing this, the Saber-tooth Phantom Shark suddenly stopped. If it moved forward, it would probably be evaporated as well.

Song Jie suddenly jumped out, suddenly landed on the sword-toothed magic shark, and then fell straight to the bottom of the sea!

When the Saber-tooth Phantom Shark saw this, he thought that even a mere human being would dare to fight it on the bottom of the sea! !

But the next moment, Song Jie punched it with the power of space, instantly sending it into the bottom of the sea.

With this punch, the sea surface was turbulent, and the waves were spraying high into the sky like a volcano erupting! !

The Saber-toothed Phantom Shark originally thought that he would have an advantage at the bottom of the sea, but Song Jie was not affected at all at the bottom of the sea. After all, his strongest ability was his spatial ability!

After a while, the sea surface suddenly became restless, and the saber-toothed magic shark instantly rushed from the bottom of the sea into the air.

Followed closely by Song Jie, he came straight towards the Saber-toothed Phantom Shark. When he raised his hand, terrifying flames suddenly exploded in mid-air! !

In an instant, the sky was filled with fire clouds, and the fire rain instantly ignited the entire sea surface.

The Bone Dragon seized the opportunity and used its sharp tail spines to drive its huge body towards the Saber-tooth Phantom Shark!

Stab-! !

The body of the saber-toothed phantom shark was immediately pierced by its tail spines, and the blue-brown blood flowed into the sea water.

Although Ba Xia was a sub-emperor, it was also involved. The thick and huge turtle shell slammed into the saber-toothed magic shark at the fastest speed.

In the blink of an eye, the saber-toothed phantom shark was hit hard twice and flew backwards toward the sea.

Song Jie ran straight away, and when he raised his hand, a flaming sword that shot straight into the sky appeared above his head! !

The sword body was scorching with flames and filled with waves of heat, and the surrounding seawater was suddenly steaming with heat! !


As soon as Song Jie finished speaking, the flaming sword above his head was instantly cut down, and he came towards the Saber-tooth Phantom Shark! !

...(End of chapter)

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