Versatile Mage: My magic power can be doubled

Chapter 16 Arriving at the Demonic Mine


The mountain road is winding and tortuous, with the scorching sun overhead, a team of 20 students from the First Magic High School affiliated to the Magic City are drilling into the narrow gap in the mountain wall in front of them.

The students came to a relatively open cliff, with a turbulent river below, and the sound of the river water colliding with the reefs is very loud.

No matter how much they complained or how dissatisfied they were, they also embarked on this road of training to complete the bounty.

There were three mountain roads in front of them before, and their second group chose the middle one, cutting through the thorns all the way, and it took them half a day just to get here.

"That damn chief instructor, I really want to say hello to him for assigning us such a task!" Someone sat aside panting, fanning himself with a hat.

"Yeah! What the hell, just gave us a map, didn't say anything about the details, and let us walk forward directly!" Others also complained.

Fan Jian's group has a total of 20 people, and the training tasks are completely completed by the students themselves. There is no teacher or instructor to lead the team, let them find the demon mine cave by themselves.

In this training mission, they must enter the demon mine and kill a demon to complete the mission. Can students do this?

"After crossing this river, go a few kilometers to the nearest mine." The class monitor said with a map.

"The key is how do we get there? We can't just jump down, right? There's no other way to go." A handsome student said.

There is no road near this cliff, and there is no other way except jumping down into the river.

"What should we do? We can't give up halfway, right?"

"Or should we go home? Maybe others can't complete the mission..."

"What kind of magician are you? You have no willpower at all, and you retreat when you encounter difficulties!" The class monitor frowned and looked at the man and said such words despite having good grades.

"Wind mages, let the wind mages rush over. Isn't there a tree on the other side of the river? As long as we put a rope on the tree, everyone can climb over." Fan Jian looked down at the river. There were several trees standing side by side not far away on the other side of the river, which were just right for support.

"Where can we get the rope? Except for the life on my body." Zhao Manyan rolled his eyes and said.

"You are the only one who talks too much!" Fan Jian kicked him unceremoniously, which would hit the morale and extinguish the glimmer of hope he had imagined.

"Let me do it. My vines should be able to hold up." Mu Nujiao stood up and said softly.

Next, the squad leader selected one or two wind mages who were a little brave, and tied the vines released by Mu Nujiao's magic around their waists.

"Wind track!"

"Wind track!"

A strange gust of wind rolled up around them, and under the control of their thoughts, it turned into a wind track. They turned into a blurry shadow and rushed towards the wind track they created, faster and faster!

The hillside did not cause any resistance to them at all. The two of them ran wildly and rushed to the edge of the cliff.

"Jump, jump over!"


Everyone couldn't help but shout loudly, staring at it, very nervous.

The two came to the edge of the cliff, stepped hard with their feet, crushed the rock on the edge of the cliff, jumped up one after another, and crossed the river!

"Ah ah oh oh oh oh ~~~~!!!"

Facing the whistling wind on the edge of the cliff, the two faces were blown out of shape, and their mouths opened wide and shouted.

It turned into two arcs, fell from the air one after another, approached the river little by little and stuck to it, wondering if it could successfully fly to the other side of the river.

On the cliff, Fan Jian and the others held the vines tightly in their hands. If they didn't jump far enough, they had to hold them back immediately, otherwise they would be washed away by the river and get lost in this strange place, which would be very dangerous.

In the air, they concentrated and barely released a wind track, explaining that they rushed to the shore, otherwise they would fall directly and would be crippled or broken.

The two of them stepped heavily on the shore, and their bodies rolled and buffered. They rolled dizzy and saw stars. They staggered to the tree and tied the vines around their waists to the tree.

"Good job, Zhuang Lifeng!" Fan Jian shouted loudly, and the others also gave a thumbs up, really admiring them.

"Let's go, let's go!" Fan Jian turned his head and looked at the others in the group and said, taking the lead and climbing the vines first.

Holding the vine tightly, Fan Jian was also very panicked. Why was the vine shaking? He felt so insecure.

"Hurry up, Lao Fan!" Zhao Manyan urged him from behind.

After a while, Fan Jian arrived at the river bank below first, and the remaining 19 people also climbed across the river one after another. They had overcome the first difficulty!

After walking several kilometers, passing through the trees and jungle, they came to a huge mountain wall, which was inlaid with some turbid purple stones.

There was also a huge cave on the mountain wall. They looked from the outside and it was extremely dark. They couldn't see clearly inside.

"Wait, have you ever thought about a question? We came down from the cliff. Do we have to climb back at night?" Zhao Manyan asked.


Everyone fell silent.

"Good question, back and forth. When we get back to the town and it's bright again, the chief instructor has no intention of letting us sleep in the town." Zhuang Lifeng said.

It took more than half a day just to arrive at the demon mine. If they traveled back and forth for two months, not to mention whether they would encounter demons, their energy and energy might be exhausted halfway.

"Don't talk so much now, let's focus on the mine in front of you." The squad leader said.

"It's your turn, Zhao Guangming!" Fan Jian turned to Zhao Manyan and whispered.

"Get out!"

"Send someone in to take a look. Is there anyone who can volunteer?" the squad leader turned to look at the others in the group and asked.

Suddenly, the second group fell into silence for a moment.

"I'll go!" Fan Jian walked out, still holding Zhao Manyan in his hand: "With him as a light bulb, will Zhuang Lifeng come? When there is an incident, you will be the fastest to report it!"

"Okay, add me in." Zhuang Lifeng stepped forward and stood side by side with Fan Jian and Zhao Manyan.

"I'll go too." Mu Nujiao said from behind, walking out and standing beside the three of them.

After waiting for a while, seeing that no one wanted to enter the mine, Fan Jian and Zhao Manyan had no choice but to turn around and walk into the mine. Mu Nujiao followed closely behind, and the four of them were suddenly swallowed up by darkness.

"Tch, get ahead!" Bai Zangfeng crossed his arms and said disdainfully.

This statement actually aroused the agreement of several people.

"Then why don't you show off your awesomeness? It's amazing to say bad things behind your back?" Liu Zi looked at Bai Zangfeng, rolled his eyes, and was speechless for a while.

The problem of the children of the broken family is that they like to be yin and yang when they can't pretend to be cool.

"Who do you think you are?"

"If you don't accept it, let's fight! You talk more nonsense and do less work." Liu Zi raised his head and looked at him sideways.

"Okay, okay, if anything happens, wait until Fan Jian and the others have finished investigating the situation." The squad leader jumped out to be the peacemaker and kept persuading.




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