Versatile Mage: My magic power can be doubled

Chapter 205: Xuanwu Constellation Appears

The fight lasted for an unknown amount of time. One after another, figures covered with green bumps jumped out of the water and came to the rooftop where everyone was sitting. The sound made by their palms and teeth was so unpleasant and harsh.


Four sawtooth green monsters rushed over with their heavy bodies. Fan Jian raised his hand and cut them in two with two Chaos Marks. The blood was wiped out together, and the solid shell was like paper.


All fell to the ground and were kicked down by him.

The Sea War City was now filled with a large sea fog. It was hazy and visibility was very low. The sea water below was still rising. It had been a long time since Tokyo Sea War City had encountered such a tide.

The air was full of hazy mist, which made people wet all over.

Looking at the endless sea monsters in front of him, Fan Jian's consciousness was immersed in his own spiritual world. Looking at the undead system, he wondered if using that method would have any good effect.

After putting on a defense for himself, Fan Jian sat down cross-legged directly.

Ai Jiangtu and others saw from the corner of their eyes that they were standing quietly not far away to help clean up the sea monsters in Fan Jian's area.

The stars are star tracks, and the stars are arranged in another way, blending into the stars of the northern Xuanwu constellation, and the light keeps flickering.

Fan Jian's body suddenly has corpse gas spreading out, drifting forward like mist, stretching for several miles, and the surrounding area has become his domain.

The household gas spreads endlessly.

What is the undead?

In the household gas domain, I am the commander, and all the dead souls will fight for me!

The bright starlight appeared in an arrangement, and some illusory Xuanwu constellation map appeared. Everyone didn't notice it, but they were puzzled by this inexplicable household gas.

Fan Jian has surpassed the level? That's not right, how many systems is he now?

The half-dead or dead sea monsters below, with their eyes staring, all came alive!

They are between living and dead, not undead creatures, but they are stained with the breath of the undead.

They are like an orderly team, opening their mouths to continuously attack the earthly aura that permeates the earthly aura field, and once they inhale it into their bodies, they seem to be strengthened.


At Fan Jian's command, all the dead sea monsters came back to life, sucking the corpse aura and killing their own kind when they were alive.

These sawtooth green monsters obeyed Fan Jian's orders, and they acted swiftly and fiercely, like puppets, piercing through their own sea monsters one after another.



Blood splattered continuously, and the turbid sea water was filled with the smell of blood and corpses.

The gray eyes of the living sawtooth green monsters were all filled with confusion. Why did their dead counterparts suddenly attack them?

Fan Jian was now like a master of the undead system, with a corpse aura that everyone was naturally afraid of and rejected.

What the hell is wrong with you, Old Fan?!" Zhao Manyan rushed over and hooked his shoulder and asked, "Huh?" Fan Jian raised his head expressionlessly. In this state, his emotions seemed to be exploited, and his temperament was a little cold.

"Forget it." Zhao Manyan let go of his hand. Everyone had their own secrets, so he didn't ask any more questions.

Everyone in the Guofu team stopped and rested, because there were too many dead sawtooth green monsters and the sea monsters before. Now they all helped to kill monsters like their own people. The surrounding area was cleared and they all went to other teams and blocks.

Awesome. "Jiang Yu shouted, pushing up his glasses at the same time. This breath is like a high-level one, a high-level one of three systems?!

He has known that Fan Jian is a high-level one for quite some time.

The various sea monsters that attacked seemed to be fighting each other. The fierce sea monsters such as the shark monsters in the rankings also died in batches. They were controlled by Fan Jian as if they were dead and reborn, and continued to attack. In this cycle,

the corpse gas continued to spread. Those who didn't know would think that some poison master opened a big one without distinguishing between enemies and friends. Everyone who stayed in this range just felt a bit of stench and discomfort.

All the blocks noticed the abnormality on this side. These sea monsters seemed to be killing each other. The more they fought, the more fierce they were. The corpse gas continued to spread to them.

Mu Tingying wanted to complain, but seeing that Ai Jiangtu and others were looking at her, she had to shut up.

I don't know how long it took, but suddenly someone shouted loudly: "The tide has receded, receded! "

The hazy mist also dissipated, leaving only a faint smell in the air.

The sea water receded, and all the previously submerged places were exposed. The area where the sea monsters could move gradually decreased, and the battle gradually came to an end.

Mo Fan didn't know when he came back. He lay aside with a lot of blood on his body, sighing that the tide had receded.

Fan Jian stood up and took back the corpse qi that poured into his already exhausted undead galaxy. It was a drop in the bucket. However, he had discovered a He could collect all the dead and controlled sea monsters into a special space through the astrological scripture, as if they were in the undead galaxy.

In a row, he collected about 200 sea monsters, all of which were at the level of generals, and could be used by him in the future. They were also marked with undead marks for easy summoning.

The exclusive formula of the ancient king, if you die, you will be mine.

Not dead? Sorry, you will die first,

The tide in the distance gradually receded, and the remains of the buildings scattered on the streets were also exposed wetly.

It was impossible to count how many sea monsters had not been killed, but they had all left with the tide. Without the seawater as their solid backing, their mortality rate would increase greatly, and their strength would be greatly reduced. There was no need to continue to entangle them.

The destroyed block was in a mess. With the command of the district master and the tearful maintenance workers, the buildings of the Sea War City block were quickly rebuilt.

The bodies of the sea monsters were also quickly taken out by the cleaning team.

After all, the bodies of monsters are also a kind of wealth. They absorb things outside the human territory and convert them into their own strength.

The strong flesh also carries the essence of nature, and the research and anatomical value is extremely high.

The bodies belong to the blocks, and they are responsible for the distribution and management. The 20th block has the most bodies, and the district master can't suppress his smile.

The people of the National Government Team didn't care. They didn't care how much the bodies were worth. They just wanted to go back and have a good rest. After all, the resources provided by the background behind them multiplied them several times for their cultivation.

Nan Yu, in the person of the butler, was distributing the commissions to everyone. Fan Jian was the most meritorious. After calculating the sea monsters, he won a lot of money, more than 10 million. The second was Mu Ningxue, who killed a lot of sea monsters like an ice queen.

Everyone got a small commission. This was also because the 20th District Master saw everyone's strength and gave them a little more. They could kill so many people. How could their status in China not be simple? They were all a group of young magicians.

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