The matter was officially over. After Lingling developed the vaccine, she offered a huge bounty to solve the case in the name of Qingtian Hunting House.

Fan Jian took more than half of the 300 million bounty and put it into his card. This was enough for him to buy another copy of the Galaxy Vein to feed the two hungry little nebulae.

The rest was accepted by Mo Fan with a smile. He was going to continue to strengthen himself.

Back in the team, Zhao Manyan, who was bored to death, came over when he smelled the smell.

"You two went to solve the Drowning Curse?!"

You really know everything. "Mo Fan said with a strange look on his face. Zhao Manyan was speechless. How could he not know if others didn't know?

Qingtian Hunting House is a time-honored brand, but the ones who accept bounties more frequently are Mo Fan and Lingling, and Fan Jian occasionally makes guest appearances.

The other brothers and sisters all act half-heartedly.

This guy suddenly took out 300 million. Even Zhao Manyan couldn't help but grumble.

Fan Jian followed Jiang Yu to stroll around, and Jiang Shaoxu took Mu Nujiao to go shopping.

After returning, Fan Jian and the others also brought them a message.

The skeleton on the seashore is at its peak strength, and it is the existence of a sub-monarch!

"Well, I heard that there is a human corpse with the same tragic appearance on an island not far away. "Fan Jian added.

Mo Fan's hair stood on end, and he didn't know what to say.

As the training mission came down, several people went to the next place of their choice, the Sahara.

This was an experience mission urgently assigned by the instructors, to go to the Sahara for rescue.

"Damn, that place is a forbidden area with a danger level two levels higher." Zhao Manyan said there, and he couldn't understand what the instructors were thinking.

The Sahara Desert is a forbidden area, and there are always several demon tribes and empires.

The more demons there are, the more scarce the resources are. Not to mention that humans, who are extremely hated by demons, will be surrounded and killed immediately if they step in, even the war between demon tribes is difficult to stop.

"Those who give up going to support will lose the qualification for the next government resources." Ai Jiangtu said: "We only need to look for the missing people in the outer range, and there is no need to go deep into the Sahara Desert. "

Ai Jiangtu gave everyone a shot of adrenaline.

Guan Yu and the other two refused to go directly. For them, it was not worth taking risks for such a small amount of resources. Moreover, the next destination had its own channels to obtain more resources, and such small resources were useless to them.

Nan Rongni and Mu Tingying also shook their heads and refused to go.

In that case, Nan Yu, you can lead everyone to support, and I will take the three of them to the next place." Ai Jiangtu said helplessly. The team had already had disagreements. The two teams were missing Zu Jiming before, otherwise they could have really confronted each other, but they would have been abused.

Ai Jiangtu and a few people set off directly, while Fan Jian and others stayed.

They definitely wanted to obtain the resources and wanted to shine.

When they arrived at the place, Zhao Manyan had a bitter face. It was not that the brothers were afraid, but this kind of place was really not suitable for us. Just take a casual walk around.

The price they offered was completely disproportionate to the degree of danger! "Zhao Manyan complained. For these broken coins, several people plunged into the forbidden desert.

The endless golden sand stretched from the front to the end of the sky. If you stand on a relatively high sand dune and look down, you will have a panoramic view of this magnificent golden picture.

This area is very calm, there is no wind, and there is no dust in the sky.

Everyone climbed over one sand dune after another and headed for the place pointed out by the World Magic Association of Efik Continent.

This is just the outer desert circle. Several people came to the place where these people were before they disappeared. The most terrifying thing about the Sahara Desert is that there is still an extremely terrifying maze here. If you don’t know it, you will only go deeper and deeper and get lost in it.

"The last contact was made here. According to the clues, they once encountered a very strong desert dust storm and should have gone south to avoid it. "Nan Yu analyzed.

Then everyone lined up in a long dragon formation,

and connected forward one by one, one person per kilometer to form a long dragon formation of several kilometers. In this way, even if they entered the desert maze, they could ensure that they could get out.

The desert maze actually has a relatively obvious boundary, that is, the golden sand slowly reveals a red color. Once the desert in front of them begins to turn a little red, it means that this is the desert maze.

Nan Yu is the benchmark, located at the last position. Fan Jian and others entered one by one, and chose a fixed point on a hill to do it. Mark.

After going several kilometers into the maze, Jiang Yu and Zhao Manyan shook their heads and refused to go. This place was too scary. They would not accept this mission.

Jiang Yu looked at Zhao Manyan, then Mu Nujiao, Jiang Shaoxu, then Mu Ningxue, Mo Fan and Fan Jian.

For a full seven kilometers, Fan Jian could only feel the red dust and the sand that was occasionally lifted by the upward vortex. It was so strong that he walked sideways. Fan Jian found a body buried in the dust in the distance. It was suffocated and dead. It was very scary.

Fan Jian made a mark at the spot and then returned. What made him speechless was that he went the wrong way and was completely different from the original direction. Then Mo Fan, the idiot, also went the wrong way. The two of them went around in a whole circle and finally came to where Mu Ningxue was.

This place is a bit outrageous. The sense of direction seems to be locked directly. "Mo Fan complained.

As the few people retreated, they could see a bright signal above them. Jiang Shaoxu acted as a signal light.

After finding the opponent, the team slowly withdrew.

This place is so scary." Mu Nujiao couldn't help but say, reaching out to hold Fan Jian's hand tightly.

Go, go, go, hurry to Jiang Yu's side. I always feel that his position keeps changing. "Zhao Manyan said.

The positions of the few people were not a long dragon at all. It was like a ring, and then suddenly turned a corner and straightened up. Not long after, it went around again. It was extremely weird.

"Yeah." Jiang Shaoxu nodded. Everyone's position was constantly changing.

"Yes? Why didn't Nan Yu send another signal? Five minutes have passed." Jiang Yu suddenly said.

The few people looked at each other and stayed there for another five minutes. Seeing that the other party still did not send out a magic signal, they hurried to the direction of Nan Yu.

Fan Jian stopped, as if they had made a mistake. They were now surrounded by red sand.

"Don't look for it, we are lost!" Fan Jian conveyed his words to everyone through the voice of the heart, and everyone felt scared.

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