Versatile Mage: My magic power can be doubled

Chapter 256: Coming to America for Revenge


The captain shouted loudly, his eyes scanning the surrounding dark forest. An unbearable aura began to spread out. The bloodthirsty tree demon waved its branches like a vine whip, and each time it made a loud cracking sound in the air. exploded in it.


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The earth mage took the lead in releasing a mid-level magic rock barrier to block them, and then released a ground wave to control the ground and led the three of them to escape quickly into the distance.


The bloodthirsty tree demon swung gently, and the seemingly solid rock barrier was directly smashed into pieces. Every time it took a step, a breath came out, and something like a shadow on the branches quickly squirmed and exploded towards the three of them. go.

what to do? Almost caught up. "Some people turned their heads to look, and saw several squirming black shadows approaching quickly, already close to their buttocks.

Their three-person team belongs to the same country, but there is no light mage in their team. This is obviously the ability of dark creatures, and they cannot crack it.


The black shadow burst hit, and the captain roared loudly and took the lead in counterattack. He waved his hand and unleashed a terrifying punch, which grew larger and flew towards the bloodthirsty tree demon.

And after those black shadows came into contact with them, it was like a forbidden effect. They could no longer move and were forcibly trapped in that small area.

‘We didn’t provoke it! Why should we chase after him! ! ? "

One of them collapsed and said.

The faces of the three of them became increasingly pale. As soon as they entered the dark and withered forest, they were surrounded and suppressed by a team of bloodthirsty tree demons.

What is the result of escaping? Encountered again!

Is there any royal method for this? !

Does it make sense? !

The devil is telling you nonsense! They almost died on the spot.

Countless spikes of dead wood fell down like heavy rain.

They finally managed to put up a defense to resist, and a huge black withered claw fell from the sky and slammed down hard.

boom! ! !

Being controlled there, they couldn't move a step, and even if they wanted to roll sideways, they couldn't. The defenses they had put up were shattered, and the three of them had no choice but to use magic armor to protect themselves.

The strong impact made their body bones so painful that they could not stop grinning. They wished they could roll over on the ground a few more times. Their bodies were also slapped away by a claw and hit hard on a dead tree.

Me, all the bones in my hands and feet are broken! "One of the team members shouted loudly. The arm cushioned under his body was limp, and the same was true for his left leg, like a tissue soaked in water.

In the distance, there are dead trees rising from the ground, turning into bloodthirsty tree men. Their branches are sharp weapons, like skull claws, slender and sharp, like spears!

"It's no longer enough after all my magic energy is consumed!"

The long-haired companion shouted in horror, his body shaking continuously.

Among other national team players, there are actually very few examples like Fan Jian, Mo Fan and Ai Jiangtu. Most of them are considered good if they reach high-level in one series. They can then release high-level Magic is already considered strong.

After all the magic energy in the magic system that he majored in was consumed, his combat power was cut in half, turning him into a weakling.

Pfft! ! !

Someone's abdomen was directly ripped out by the "Nine Yin White Bone Claws", and his intestines were about to be pulled out. He fell to the ground in pain and was sweating coldly. Fan Jian and Zhao Manyan stood on a hillside and looked in this direction. There were two in their hands. Chicken feet, each person gnaws on a ten-cent piece of chicken to eat.

The three of them kept running away to see how they were holding the space scroll. While trying their best to dodge the attack, they gritted their teeth to see whether the scroll was in use or not. The two of them laughed even more happily.

It’s a sense of déjà vu to sit on a mountain and watch tigers fight, not to mention it’s fun to watch tigers hunt and watch them hide and hide. "Zhao Manyan was amazed and wiped his mouth, "Speaking of which, if they teleport back, will we still be able to get their belongings? "

The smile on Fan Jian's face suddenly froze, and so did Zhao Manyan.

Teleported back

There is no need to pick up the leaks. Whose should we pick up? Pick up the tree demon! ?

This bloodthirsty tree demon looks to be in better shape than this team.

Just have fun and have fun, don't take your things back with you, otherwise all your talk will be in vain. He won't do this. "What kind of monster is there? Let's catch him without a fight!"

Fan Jian jumped off the hillside and slid directly down the curved slope.

The three of them were stunned when they heard a sudden voice. Is there any support? !

‘Go, go, go! ! ! "

"Fuck them, don't believe me!"

"Friends, please lend a helping hand and you will be greatly appreciated!"

Several people became energetic, and all the remaining magic energy in their bodies exploded, and they stood up heroically.

stand up!

The surrounding bloodthirsty tree demons were all repelled, and the bloodthirsty tree demons were also approaching quickly. The captain used all his magic power to release a rain of sky fireworks.

Terrifying fire clouds filled the air above, and the scorching and terrifying flames continued to fall like rain. The bloodthirsty tree men were burned to the point of commotion, and silent roars of pain came from them.

The bloodthirsty tree demons were also forced back a certain distance. Fire magic was a powerful force for them, not to mention high-level magic.

Light magic can also cause a lot of damage to them, a familiarity and a trait.

The three of them were very excited and fought off these tree demons!

The friends who came to support seemed to be riding a wave of terrifying waves that quickly swept through the surroundings, washing away these bloodthirsty tree men. All the dead branches were broken, and the tree trunks were broken with holes.

"Tan Aiyi, man, you cast your magic in the wrong direction!" Someone shouted loudly, looking at the blast wave in front of him with a face full of horror.

Now this terrifying blast wave can make them stupid. The three of them ran away with serious injuries. The one with a broken bone cried, with a fierce look on his face, holding the space scroll tightly and preparing to inject magic energy.

"Hey, this is wrong." Fan Jian stretched out his hand and took the space scroll away familiarly, and then an invisible energy wave controlled them and they could not move.

Fan Jian stretched out his hand to search for valuable things on them from a distance, and swept them all away.

From beginning to end, he never really saw the other party's true face, and was just held there.

"If you want revenge, come to America to find me."

A mocking voice was left, and Fan Jian's figure disappeared here.

The bloodthirsty tree people around were rushed far away, and the bloodthirsty tree demon was still a distance away from them.

The invisible energy around the three people loosened, and they fled out of the black withered forest without gnashing their teeth. The one with broken hands and feet was unwilling to infuse magic energy to teleport out of this space.

The other two people also had little magic energy left, and they couldn't even cast intermediate magic.

Don't let me meet this guy again, or I will tear him into pieces. "

"Damn it! "

The two men were so angry that their faces turned red. They left the forest unwillingly. On another hill, Fan Jian and Zhao Manyan squatted there counting the spoils, with a smile on their faces.

After the two men left, they kept saying harsh words, and their voices were recorded and broadcast by Tongying above.

What the hell?

Members of the American team gathered in the black withered forest?!

—The crowd was stunned and soon after they filmed Fan Jian and Zhao Manyan walking out with smiles on their faces, everyone present understood.

It was said that no members from other countries went in, and the culprit was this car.

Too scheming, framing this.

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