Versatile Mage: My magic power can be doubled

Chapter 28 Encountering the Three-Eyed Demonic Wolf


After walking for a while, Xue Musheng took a breath and said, "One kilometer, the last kilometer left, we are safe."

He just felt that the decision to let Mo Fan lead the team was really correct.

Mo Fan was very experienced along the way. He used the method of finding monsters to infer, and used the method of making a feint to the east and attacking in the west, and killing many monsters instantly. What he didn't expect the most was that Fan Jian would sometimes discuss plans with Mo Fan, and they were all very reasonable, even better than Mo Fan.

In addition, Fan Jian had been chatting in the team and became familiar with him, so everyone was not so wary of this young man.

"The demons outside the Anjie will be more dense, everyone must not take it lightly." Fan Jian said at the back of the team, and Mo Fan shouted in front: "He is right, the demons will only be more and denser!"

The road ahead, the remaining one kilometer is in a mixed commercial and residential area. There are many small streets and alleys, which are very suitable for hiding from demons. Of course, it is also easy to be attacked by demons. There are many small streets and alleys. Once a demon emerges, it is impossible to defend it.

The vanguard team is very agile in action. It is not like most of them that turning a corner is a big project. Moreover, a group of people have been panicking and may explode at any time. Fear spreads throughout the entire army.

"It seems that there are other people fighting in front. Do you want to join them?" Zhang Xiaohou's voice came down from above.

"They definitely can't take care of us. Keep going." Fan Jian pointed to the front and said, and Mo Fan nodded in agreement.

Suddenly, when Zhang Xiaohou came down from the height, his eyes accidentally glanced at a certain place, his eyes widened, his face turned pale, and his breathing seemed to disappear.

"What's wrong?" Fan Jian asked in a low voice.

"A three-story-high demon..." He was interrupted by Xue Musheng before he finished speaking. He gestured to everyone to find a place to hide quickly, and Fan Jian also covered Wang Sanpang who wanted to continue speaking.

Several people quickly hid in the corner, not daring to breathe, with panic all over their faces, and extremely nervous.

Fan Jian was also sweating wildly, sticking to a corner, his scalp numb, numb, how could he encounter a general-level demon! This terrifying breath must be a general-level!

A heavy breath came out from outside not far away, and the messy airflow directly swirled in place, whizzing around.



Before everyone could catch their breath, heavy footsteps came from outside. Every time they stepped out, they could clearly feel the buildings shaking.

Fan Jian, who was hiding in the corner of a small building on a street, was like sticking to the wall. He was numb. He secretly took a look to see what kind of monster it was. It was a three-eyed demon wolf. Its three-story-high body and the hideous bone spurs made it feel very oppressive.

In fact, his angle was in line with the three-eyed demon wolf. He could collide with it if he just stuck his head out. There was also Zhang Xiaohou beside him. The two of them could feel its three big eyes constantly turning and sniffing in their direction.

If the three-eyed demon wolf punched the small building directly, Fan Jian estimated that he and Zhang Xiaohou would be crushed to death here on the spot.

Fortunately, there was an overturned garbage dump not far away, and the stench kept wafting out, covering up the breath of several members of the vanguard team, otherwise the three-eyed demon wolf would have killed and injured a lot of people with just one slap.



The shaking footsteps on the block slowly faded away, and the stiff bodies of the vanguard team such as Fan Jian, who were stunned, finally relaxed, and kept taking deep breaths, and their hearts were beating wildly.

Fan Jian and his team did not dare to move forward, because they did not know how far the three-eyed demon wolf had walked, so they had to rest in place for a while.

"Then... who can tell me what was just now?" Wang Sanpang looked at the head in the distance and said with a trembling mouth. Not only him, but others also wanted to know what was before.

"That was the three-eyed demon wolf. I don't know how it sneaked into Bo City. It's a general-level creature!" Fan Jian said with lingering fear.

Zhang Xiaohou and Zhao Kunsan both collapsed on the ground, their calves trembling wildly, and the others were not much better. Several girls were scared and their faces turned pale.

"Yes, it is also called the Bone Spike Wolf. Its three eyes can rotate 270 degrees, its body is as strong as steel, and its bone spikes are like a demon that can destroy the world for us. Even if the whole army is annihilated, it is impossible to hurt it." Xue Musheng said in a low voice.

This kind of terrifying creature is not something they can deal with now. The giant-eyed gorilla rat and the one-eyed demon wolf are not at the same level as it. They are not comparable at all. With such a large body, I am afraid that they can't break the defense of the three-eyed demon wolf even if they stand and hit it.

"This is not a demon we can deal with at all..." Xu Zhaoting said in despair.

"If the intermediate magician does not pay attention in time, he will be killed in one blow and die without a complete body, let alone us. We must quickly notify the large troops in the rear, otherwise it will cause a large number of casualties." Xue Musheng said.

Everyone nodded in unison.

Fan Jian looked up at the Silver Trade Building in the center of Nabo City. At this time, he was blocked by the fog after the rain, but Fan Jian could still vaguely see the huge body.

He couldn't help cursing in his heart. He knew that if he wanted to survive in this broken world, he had to pay a high price! The three-eyed demon wolf of the general level was so terrifying, not to mention the commander-level winged wolf lying on the top of the silver trade building. Fan Jian's scalp was numb.

If you don't practice hard, you can only let it slaughter you at will in front of such a demon.


The heavy rain stopped for a while, but the fog filled the whole city.

Yang Zuohe took action to solve the black beast that was chasing Lin Yuxin.

"Mr. Yang, thank you!" Lin Yuxin said excitedly.

"If I'm not mistaken, this should be a black beast!" Yang Zuohe said solemnly.

"Yes, they are the culprits of this disaster! I was attacked by them when I was stationed, and their target seemed to be the Holy Spring." Lin Yuxin said.

"We already know this. You shouldn't have given it to them, right?"

"I escaped with the help of a group of one-eyed demon wolves running around. I gave the Holy Earth Spring to a student who was practicing so hard."

"??? Is it that natural dual-element magic?" Yang Zuohe said, a little surprised.

"Well, I don't know where he is now in Anjie!"

Yang Zuohe was suddenly numb. What's the difference between holding a lot of money in the hands of a student whose life and death is unknown and wandering around in a slum, it's nothing but seduction!

Yang Zuohe also knew that the Black Church wanted to get the Holy Earth Spring by any means, just to attract several other commander-level demons to completely destroy this Bo City together! Turn it into a purgatory on earth! !

Lin Yuxin was also horrified after listening to Yang Zuohe's explanation.

"We need to find him quickly!" Yang Zuohe said, and saw that Lin Yuxin didn't know Mo Fan's current specific location and left first.

In the distance, the members of the vanguard team took a break and finally mustered up the courage to move forward. They dealt with the one-eyed demon wolf on the way in silence, so as not to attract other demons. After all, there were two thunder mages in the team, and their combat power was very explosive.

They looked at the approaching Anjie, the barrier that rose like a high wall, and they couldn't help but feel very excited. Finally, they were almost there!

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