Versatile Mage: My magic power can be doubled

Chapter 33 I don't have any magic power left!

The five black beasts let out sharp and piercing screams and surrounded Fan Jian. Fan Jian's scalp felt numb for a while.

"Water Control·Cycle!"

The three streams of water quickly turned into floating ribbons to protect Fan Jian's body.


One after another black light came one after another, and the water guard was punched one after another. Although it was quickly filled up, Fan Jian was still covered with claw marks, his clothes were damaged, and he was dripping with blood.

"Brother, if this is the case, I'm just passing by. We don't mess with each other. If you continue to beat Mo Fan, I will never help him!" Fan Jian grinned in pain.

"Believe it or not, I will be the first to kill you and then kill Yu Ang!!" Mo Fan shouted loudly. He regarded Fan Jian as a reliable partner, but now he changed hands and wanted to sell him! ?

"Hehehe... I'm sorry, you all have to die for me!!" Yu Ang's face twisted and he laughed loudly.

"Fire and explosion!"

A ball of flame suddenly fell in front of Fan Jian, and then burst into flames. The flames were scattered in all directions, and the fire waves spread out layer by layer with Fan Jian as the center, and there were sparks all over the place.

A violent wave of air blew against the three of them.

"Mo Fan, I'll fight you!!!" Fan Jian shouted loudly. The man's fire hit him, and the water barrier was directly broken. He was the one who withstood the most power. Fan Jian's flesh and blood was burned. A large, ash-faced man, his upper body clothes were burnt to ashes, and he was shirtless.

"Thunder Seal!"

Another burst of purple lightning struck, followed closely by dense arcs of electricity, which continued to pass between several black beasts around Fan Jian, paralyzing them and restricting their movements.

"Hurry up and run!" Mo Fan said and rushed into the mall. Fan Jian followed closely behind him with a big black face and a grin on his face, running wildly.

Fortunately, Mo Fan's heat disinfected the bleeding claw marks, turning them into scars and no longer bleeding.

Yu Ang stared at Mo Fan with a vicious face, his eyes were so ferocious. As he raised his hands, four more black shadows came out, extremely fast. Following Yu Ang's order, like a Like a well-trained assassination team, they headed straight towards Mo Fan.

But Yu Ang himself was called by a voice, and he did not dare to disobey the order, so he had to turn around and leave the mall.

Before walking out of the mall, he seemed to think of the scene where Mo Fan was tortured and killed by the Black Beast, and he couldn't help but laugh excitedly. In his opinion, the Black Beast who tracked the master would definitely tear Mo Fan into pieces!

"Enjoy this moment of being hunted, hahahaha!" Yu Ang looked at their figures, and his laughter gradually became distant.

"I'm telling you, if I can get out, I'll fight you on horseback!!!" Fan Jian roared loudly at Mo Fan in front of him.

"I'm helping you, okay? Why can't you understand me?" Mo Fan replied helplessly.

The two of them ran and cursed all the way, and rushed towards the elevator. What they didn't expect was that the four black beasts were waiting for them there in advance, and they attacked fiercely.

"Holy shit!"


The two got into the emergency passage not far away and ran wildly. According to his impression, there was a control room here, and Fan Jian could only follow behind Mo Fan.

The black beast's claws are very sharp and can tear through iron sheets in minutes. They can only place their hope in the control room, which is made of much thicker material than the house.

Climbing the third floor in one breath, the black beasts were right behind them. The greedy gasps came closer and closer. Mo Fan threw a thunder seal with his backhand, paralyzing a few black beasts, and kept moving forward. Run wildly.

Fortunately, the control room door was not locked, and the two quickly rushed in and closed the door.

"Hoo~~~!" Fan Jian kept panting. Thank God, he could finally relax for a while.

"Bang bang bang!!!"

The heavy iron door was banged crazily, and a deep depression suddenly appeared. Then the depression became bigger and bigger, and black beasts crazily hit the iron door.

Fan Jian turned his head and saw ten black beasts gathered there outside the control room on the third floor on the monitoring screen. They were tearing apart the iron door crazily, trying every possible means to rush in and tear them into pieces.

Mo Fan looked a little ugly at this time and kept scanning the surveillance screen, but he still didn't find the figure he wanted to see.

"Bang bang bang!!!"

"Bang bang bang!!!"

The iron door was constantly being slammed into, and the depression turned into a huge pothole. They could also hear bursts of harsh metal friction.

"I'm going to try to break through, you protect me!" Mo Fan turned to look at Fan Jian and said, then closed his eyes.

Fan Jian could sense that the aura on his body was slowly changing, and he was trying to break through to the intermediate level!

"I'm not envious at all, not at all...!" Fan Jian murmured.

The bright star trails around them flashed away, and the water flow emerged out of thin air and turned into water guards on the two of them. Fan Jian kept releasing the water guards, superimposing layer after layer of water guards on their bodies.

They also blocked some debris in the control room at the iron door.


These black beasts were extremely obedient to Yu Ang's orders. The two of them would not leave until Fan Jian was torn apart. They rushed towards the iron door crazily. Some black beasts stretched out their claws and rubbed against each other, making harsh sounds. .

Safe boundary.

Lin Feng took a wheelchair and a girl with black hair to the boundary.

"Little sister, it's safe now. I'll go first. The captain said your brother is also in the barrier. You are all safe." Lin Feng said with a smile, waved his hand, and turned to leave the safety barrier on the wind track.

When Ye Xinxia was passing by the Walmart store in the square, Yuan Yun and his friends saw many people rushing out. She was the only one sitting there alone, alone and helpless in a wheelchair.

Yuan Yun asked Lin Feng to take her back to the safety boundary. They went to Mingwen Girls' Middle School first. It happened that he was a wind mage and acted quickly.

After a while, Lin Feng returned to the team. Several people looked at the front. There were many demons crawling there and attacking them.

"Officer Cheng!"

Xu Dahuang recognized Officer Cheng. Luo Yunbo and his companions were also struggling to resist. As expected, as soon as they destroyed the entrance of the demons, they were surrounded by these angry demons.

"Here comes the work, hehe!" Lin Feng smiled, rushed up first, kicked away some debris piled up on the side, and attracted many demons because of the noise.

"Support!" Yuan Yun said, and they all took action. The magic light illuminated the area, and the gorgeous magic light kept flashing.




These black beasts became more and more irritable. They stretched out their claws to try to tear the iron door open after failing to break through the iron door.

In the control room, Fan Jian and Mo Fan were now wrapped in extremely heavy water guards, like specimens surrounded by resin.

Fan Jian's face was extremely pale. He had squeezed out all his magic power. The stardust became dim and dry, like a desert.

"Brother, why haven't you broken through yet!" Fan Jian couldn't help but howl loudly. Seeing that Mo Fan's breath was still growing steadily, but not much, it was obvious that he was still stuck and hadn't broken through.

"I've been squeezed dry. There's not a trace of magic power left... I can't do it!" Fan Jian was numb. The scene he was most worried about finally appeared. He closed his eyes, as if he had given up struggling.

"Bang, bang, bang!!!"

The iron door was hit again, and the debris at the door was directly knocked open. This time, the dented iron door was directly broken open, and several sharp claws tore through the thick iron sheet, and several black beasts directly drilled in.

"Squeak, squeak, squeak!!!"

They rushed towards Fan Jian, and their smelly and ugly figures continued to magnify in Fan Jian's eyes until they occupied the entire eye.

They immediately wrapped Fan Jian, who was closest to them, and their sharp claws tore him madly, trying to tear Fan Jian to pieces. Mo Fan closed his eyes and broke through in the corner, covered with the water defense released by Fan Jian and some newspapers covering him.

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