Old Man Bao walked down from the second floor, seemingly not finding the information he wanted. When he reached the first floor, he took Fan Jian to make tea.

He made a pot of tea and poured a cup each for Fan Jian and himself. The two sat there blowing the tea and chatting for a moment or two from time to time, as if they were planning something big.

At ten o'clock at noon, Old Man Bao left Fan Jian to have a meal at the hunting house and showed off his cooking skills. It can be said that he is excellent, top-notch, and delicious!

Fan Jian was thinking about it on the way back. The feeling that Old Man Bao gave him was that he was kind and unfathomable, a profound old man.

After finishing dinner in the cafeteria in the evening, Fan Jian called a taxi and came to the villa area to the north.

Fan Jian came to the roof of a building that was not in the style of a villa. Lingling had arrived here early and was sitting on a high platform with her two calves dangling there. There was a notebook on her lap, and there were several scenes in it. A piece of it was displayed, and she turned around to show it to Fan Jian:

"You're really late." Her cheeks swelled slightly, feeling a little dissatisfied. Fan Jian smiled awkwardly, and his eyes fell on the pictures in the notebook. These pictures were all collected and synchronized by her using a magic recorder. In the notebook.

It is divided into several areas. The pictures of the luxurious and spacious hall, study room and bathroom can be switched at will. Even the monitoring of the entire villa area can be called up. The picture appears in it, and there are constantly beating numbers in the upper right corner. .

Fan Jian's eyes twitched, he looked at Lingling and asked, "Did you hack all the surveillance cameras?"

"It's just to prevent things from happening. This is called caution." Lingling glanced at Fan Jian with a hint of disgust.

They don't know the specific situation in the client's home. If they don't do this, they would squat at the door and rush in if there is any movement. Wouldn't that be a warning?

Lingling, this talented little beauty, has already arranged everything properly, monitoring this area like a god's perspective. If nothing happens and everything is safe, they can call it a day and go back, and then negotiate with the client again.

Fan Jian was sitting on the top floor, and the cold wind howling in front of him hit his face, as if he had been slightly scratched by something. He felt a slight pain. He turned around and saw Lingling holding a notebook and shaking it. Little Foot, unknowingly, sat beside him, looking at the bustling city below and the silent night.

Fan Jian raised his head and looked up at the night sky. It was as dark as a curtain, and there were many stars shining in it, dotting it.

It happened to be the end of dinner, and several families came out of their homes for a walk, which was very pleasant.

"Honey, I'm going to bed first. I'm so tired recently." A woman's voice came from the notebook. At this time, Lingling was adjusting the screen to the scene in the client's home.

Fan Jian also called him a good guy. Forget about the black surveillance, she actually went to install a sound surveillance. It was really awesome. He looked at Lingling and asked: "Let me monitor you. You have been watching for a long time. It's time to rest." a while."

Lingling ignored Fan Jian and stared at the scene on the screen, ignoring any clues.

"What about the client?" Fan Jian asked.

"Watching TV in the hall, it seems that he didn't hear what his wife just said. Maybe the sound was quite loud." Lingling pointed to the picture on the upper left and said.

But after just a moment, the client in the picture seemed to look up at the ancient clock hanging on the wall. He began to become a little restless, pacing back and forth in the living room, and his eyes fell to the location of the room from time to time.

The two continued to monitor for a while, and nothing terrible happened in the picture. It was still as usual, and the picture the client said had not yet appeared.

"Holy shit, wait a minute, turn this up!" Fan Jian suddenly exclaimed, his eyes widened, and he pointed at the screen on the right, and Lingling also quickly zoomed in.

In the picture, the client's wife sat up, her hair disheveled, her hands kept scratching her face, and the gauze that was originally wrapped was torn off, revealing pieces of bright red wounds. Scratching wildly, blood kept dripping along her hands and onto the floor of the room.

Her eyes were dull, as if she had lost her soul. She suddenly stood up as if sleepwalking, making a clicking sound from her mouth, and walked straight to the door. The sound came from the notebook screen. Fan Jian listened. His scalp was numb for a while, and it was a bit oozing. If he had seen this scene at night, he would definitely be stunned to death.

"Wait a minute, I may not only have this situation with my client and his family." Lingling frowned her delicate brows, and kept working with her hands, and the pictures fell out one by one, pieced together like a painting.

In the picture, there is a figure sitting up and scratching his face like crazy, while their relatives are looking on with panic. Some think it is caused by some kind of disease, and some have invited hunters to come and see. There were still no problems, but without exception, every night, their relatives would suddenly sit up and repeat these actions.

In some of the scenes, the door is tightly closed, and someone like the client's wife cannot open the door and keeps banging against it. The banging sound is continuous, which looks very weird.

"I'll go talk to the client's wife first." Fan Jian greeted Lingling and walked downstairs. He held an intercom headset thrown by Lingling in his hand, put it on his ear and rushed downstairs. , at this time, Fan Jian was a little envious of those who had awakened the shadow system. The shadow escape telescopic, full force!

Fan Jian had already arrived in front of the villa where the client's wife and her family were. The door of their gorgeously decorated villa suddenly creaked and opened. The client's wife walked out directly, making a clicking sound in her mouth and scratching her face with her hands. Her behavior was weird. Seeing this scene up close, Fan Jian got goose bumps all over his body. He cursed in a low voice and saw the client behind him. He walked past his wife.

"I'm from Qingtian Hunting Agency. Don't worry, I will definitely solve the culprit of this matter." Fan Jian gave the client an injection of sedatives to make him less worried and let him go back to rest. Fan Jian followed the client.

Along the way, in addition to her, many people walked out of their villas, and their behavior was exactly the same as the woman, as if they were carved from the same mold.

Fan Jian couldn't help but sigh. This was not a demon's fault. He stood upside down and ate shit. It was such a weird thing.

These people walked slowly and orderly in one direction, like orderly zombies, walking in a line, neat and tidy.

"Is there anything else?" Fan Jian asked Lingling, who said that nothing else had happened yet, and asked Fan Jian to continue following while she monitored other places.

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