
"OK, it's almost time, get ready to go!" Fan Jian stretched out and said, while Zhao Manyan sat slumped on the side, looking like a mess.

"I think Lao Fan, you can just take me flying."

"Haha, let's go and find Mu Nujiao and the others."

Fan Jian kicked Zhao Manyan, but the latter dodged and followed him. The two of them walked towards the Pearl Academy. Ai Tutu kept bombarding them with messages to hurry to the entrance of the Pearl Academy.

Fan Jian also remembered something on the way. According to the normal situation, there are still many minions here in the magic city. It was very quiet during this period and nothing happened. He felt that they must be holding back some bad thoughts. , planning and waiting for the next opportunity for a big outbreak.

At the entrance of Mingzhu Academy, two figures were there. Ai Tutu was wearing sportswear, and the rabbit on his chest was bulging, trembling with his breathing.

Mu Nujiao was wearing a long blue dress with her hair simply tied up. She was elegant and refined, as if she were a fairy. Suddenly, many eyes were attracted to the two of them, and they all took a few more glances at the beauty from the Pearl Academy.

"Here, here!" Ai Tutu kept waving his arms and greeting loudly, and finally jumped up, which was very eye-catching.

"Ahem, I'm talking about Lao Fan, why does she look like a cow?" Zhao Manyan muttered in a low voice. It's not that he has never encountered the best, but someone like Ai Tutu is a bit outrageous.

"How do I know?"

The two walked in quickly, and Ai Tutu immediately spoke: "I've been waiting for you for a long time. Come on, let me tell you the specific information! Beef has a huge attraction for shadow monsters, and they have to eat it almost every day. So half a cow, and..., so you understand?"

She raised her little head and looked at Fan Jian with some pride.

"I understand, let's go buy a cow and wait for it to come to your door." Zhao Manyan knocked on his hands and said.

"You should search the local area to see where some theft cases have occurred." Mu Nujiao said softly from the side, pointing out the key points.

"Then spread out. The Demonic City is so big. It may take several days to find them one by one." Fan Jian suggested, and everyone agreed.

Fan Jian walked towards a port in Pudong New Area, looking for clues and holding a hunter qualification certificate. Although he may be at a lower level than other people in the hunting station, the work was still very smooth, and the staff was very Cooperate and tell everything you know.

Fan Jian came to the beef warehouse and began to search carefully. The hair on the shadow monster's tail is easy to fall off and has a fluorescent effect, but it will turn into powder after seven days.

Fan Jian searched for these hairs. The presence of hairs meant that they had appeared in this area, so it would be easier to search for them.

After looking for several stores, I finally bumped into Mo Fan at the door of a warehouse that stocked beef.

"Hey, Mo Fan!"

"Hey, Fan Jian."

Mo Fan's eyes flashed with surprise, he didn't expect that Fan Jian had also found this place.

Fan Jian just smiled at this.

The two pushed open the warehouse door and took a look inside. The whole warehouse looked a little dirty, and a fishy smell came from inside. The two of them immediately felt that the warehouse was very unhygienic.

In a corner they found fluorescent tail hairs, but the tail hairs were about to turn into powder.

The two of them felt a little regretful that they had returned in vain and failed to find the true location of the shadow monster. This situation only meant that he had been here before.

The two left together and headed towards another suspicious place.

Not long after the two left, another group of people came here and searched for these warehouses one by one.

"Guys, someone came to check just now. Is there really a demon?" A staff member showed panic on his face.

"Someone came so quickly."

"Then we need to speed up our actions."

"Well, the shadow monster will definitely fall into our hands."

After Fan Jian left the meat warehouse, he walked towards the Huangpu River. There were also several processing plants there. I wonder if there were any traces of the shadow monster in their beef warehouses.

It didn't take long to arrive at the warehouse. Under the guidance of the staff, I passed through the several buildings in front, opened the warehouse door, and searched carefully. There was still no trace of the shadow monster. There were several warehouses in a row. so.

Fortunately, Fan Jian walked towards the Huangpu River, where there was also a processing factory nearby.

On the banks of the Huangpu River, the flashing neon lights of high-rise buildings are reflected in the river, swaying with the water like a fluttering ribbon.

Several black, deformed figures suddenly sprang out from the riverside, and their bodies still exuded a stench like feces.

There were five figures in front of them, shouting loudly, like driving a large group of livestock, with stern voices.

Several people and the black beast were rushing towards Xu Jiang'an, as if they were plotting some plan and they had to arrive in time to complete it.

A figure appeared in front of them, from the size of a black dot. As they approached, the figure enlarged and the face became clearer and clearer.

It was Fan Jian. Fan Jian was walking along the riverside road, thinking that he was still some distance away from the processing factory.

"The bounty target has been found." A man wearing a long gray cloak, covering his body and face, said, and several black beasts also locked onto Fan Jian from behind.

The five of them were all wearing gray cloaks, and there was a strange aura emanating from their bodies.

"Huh? Black Holy See!" Fan Jian recognized him at a glance, so he could bump into him as soon as he went out.

It's a good thing, the money you spent in vain has been delivered to your door.

Fan Jian rubbed his hands with a hint of excitement on his face, while the faces of the men in gray cloaks became very solemn.

Fan Jian's name has actually spread among the Black Vatican troops in their Demonic City. Several black-clothed men failed to kill him, while the blue-clothed man said that there was no need to rashly attack and attract the hunters. The attention of alliance and other forces.

What they didn't know was that Fan Jian had reported it in the morning and asked Lingling to check many suspicious dens and reported them all to the Hunter Alliance and the Magic Association.

"Three grays and four grays, you try your best to get out, you must take down the target, otherwise even if you get out alive, you know the consequences yourself.

Hui Yi looked at Fan Jian with a vigilant expression. Seeing that the opponent was not taking any precautions, he immediately ordered several black beasts to attack.

The gray three and gray four retreated a distance and plunged into the haystacks on the side, disappearing without a trace.

"Hey, why are you so anxious?"

Fan Jian shouted, the star track flashed away, and five water swords appeared out of thin air. The sword body was made of high-speed flowing water, and it shot violently towards the haystack.

"Haha, you should take care of yourself." Hui Yi said sternly. Several black beasts had already rushed in front of Fan Jian, and a stench also hit his face.



A series of sounds sounded, which seemed to be the sound of flesh being pierced.

Several water swords appeared and penetrated the body of the black beast. A large hole appeared and plunged into the haystack on the side with a trace of stamina. There were constant rustling sounds and stinky blood spilled to the ground. Fan Jian covered his nose. A look of disgust.

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