Versatile Mage: My magic power can be doubled

Chapter 8: The First Display of Natural Talent

Fan Jian walked to the Star Sense Stone with a calm expression, stretched out his hand and placed it on the Star Sense Stone, closing his eyes.

When Fan Jian closed his eyes and focused, a blue light burst out from the entire Star Sense Stone, spreading around the Star Sense Stone and even overflowing from the Star Sense Star. The overflowing water light was very strong!

"This light..." The first person to have a hint of surprise on his face was Director Li.

The principal, the vice principal, a group of teachers and the rest of the students also stared at it carefully.

"The light is overflowing!" Li Sheng's face was full of joy. As a teacher for many years, how could he not understand that this was the light overflowing.

The overflowing water light was several points stronger than any previous teacher's light!!


The students from other classes who were watching, as well as the students from Class 5, were shocked to death.

The light was overflowing, this was really overflowing!

His class was full of hidden talents, and there were only a few real losers.

"Good job!" Zhao Manyan shouted loudly, he was very sure that Fan Jian's grades must be better than his.


"Do you want to confirm again?"

"...This light seems to be too low for S..."

The three examiners' faces and eyes flashed with surprise, and they quickly discussed and decided on Fan Jian's final score: S!

But everyone knew that Fan Jian's score was S, the highest score in the school test.

"Student Fan Jian, do you want to take the next test?" the examiner asked.

"I want to take the next test!" Fan Jian did not hesitate at all.

Since it was water magic, he took the magic release test directly on the spot just like Zhao Manyan did!

Fan Jian closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and focused his mind.

"Water control!"

A blue star track flashed around him, and three streams of water appeared out of thin air, floating like a ribbon, quickly wrapping into an arc-shaped water shield in front of him.




Final score "S!"

After completing all this, Fan Jian turned around and looked at his classmates, only to see that they were all dumbfounded.

Some of them hadn't recovered from Fan Jian's S-level result, but he had already released the water guard.

Without a pause, the speed of connecting the seven stars was even faster than that of Mu Nujiao and Zhao Manyan!

The final release result was S, and this was the first student to release an S grade so far! Everyone's eyes fell on Fan Jian, and at this moment he became the focus of the whole audience.

"Wait, did anyone notice that there were three water guards in front of him?"

"Oh my god! What the hell!"

"Is this a natural talent? The extremely rare natural talent?"

The students in Class 5 and the classes that came to watch the show were discussing it, and the teachers were all shocked, and they could guess which two words it was by looking at the lip shape.

Li Sheng's mouth was about to cramp from laughing.

Zhao Manyan and Fan Jian, two dark horses, fought their way to the top of the school, especially Fan Jian, whose release score is estimated to be the first in the school, and he is also a natural talent!

This is definitely the rhythm of promotion and salary increase!

"Not bad, you hid it so deeply! You practiced secretly behind my back, right?" Zhao Manyan stretched out his hand and punched Fan Jian who had just returned to the square formation.

"You are the same?" Fan Jian did not tolerate him and punched him back.

The annual assessment ended perfectly, the examiners put away the star-sensing stones and turned to leave. The school director brought a group of school leaders to the front where the examiners were originally sitting.

"I didn't expect that the school would have several magic seedlings with excellent grades and cultivate such outstanding students!" Director Li said, and the school leaders beside him were also moved when they heard his praise.

"The school's training resource funding should not have come yet?" Director Li turned around and asked several school leaders, only to see them all shook their heads.

"Distribute it as soon as possible, don't delay the students' progress!"

"We know, let's arrange it immediately!"

"And classmate Fan Jian, I think you are gifted and will definitely become a powerful magician in the future. This is something I give you personally." Director Li handed a Stardust Magic Device to the school leader beside him and asked him to give it to Fan Jian.

As long as a gifted person rises, he will be very powerful. He also learned from the school leader that Fan Jian was just an ordinary citizen, which made him love talents and give him something personally to make a good relationship.

"Ah?" Fan Jian had a bit of confusion on his face. He didn't know when the Stardust Magic Device would be in his hands.

You know, the Stardust Magic Device is very expensive. Fan Jian himself didn't know how long he would work hard to get it. He was planning to enter the top class to get the Stardust Magic Device, but suddenly someone gave it to him, and he was stunned for a while.

"Ahem, you know, magicians should take the people as their foundation and the country as their home..." Director Li changed the original topic and said.

Then there was a chicken soup-like speech, which lasted for ten minutes, and the annual assessment came to a perfect end.

Zhao Manyan and Fan Jian ran off with their arms around each other, and Li Sheng did not see them in the class.

The final results of the annual assessment came out. Fan Jian was ranked first on the blackboard with the best results, and Zhao Manyan was ranked fourth. I don’t know how many people were rubbing their eyes frantically. Zhao Manyan was fourth in the whole school. This world must be crazy!

Who on earth is Fan Jian? He actually beat everyone and won the first place. Even Mu Nujiao, who was regarded as the first in their minds, was defeated.

Moreover, even Director Li gave him a Stardust Magical Device personally. This move caused a lot of rumors to spread in the school for a while.

Fan Jian didn't pay any attention to these. In addition to meditation and practice of release, he ate and slept.

Fan Jian and Zhao Manyan also successfully entered the top class.

There are about 100 people in the top class. They usually have classes in the big classroom and practice in the big training ground.

People in the top class are all people who can control seven stars, but some people are not particularly proficient in release.

So when it comes to the practical class, it is the turn of the top students in each department to show their skills!

The teacher of the practical class is still Yun Han, and the head teacher of the top students is still Li Sheng. After all, there are many Ss from his class, and one of them is a natural talent. If he is not good, then others are even worse!

"Classmates, today we are going to talk about water monsters. They live in coastal ditches. They are transparent and good at camouflage. If you don't pay close attention, you can't tell them apart at all..."

Li Sheng was in class that day, looking at the two most conspicuous students below.

He also had a headache for Fan Jian and Zhao Manyan. Except for the practical class, the two of them slept every day and slept very soundly. Even in his monster class, they fell asleep before the class started.

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