Versatile Mage: My magic power can be doubled

Chapter 95: The Plas version of the light-guiding array appears!

Dongting Lake also belongs to this area of ​​the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River plains. Located in the northern part of Hunan Province, it is a huge lake of nearly 40,000 square meters, surrounded by various ecological circles, and countless demons live here.

Fan Jian remembered that the bullies who occupied Jinlin City were the giant lizard-skull demon tribe. They used Jinlin City as their lair and Dongting Lake as their base camp. They were very arrogant.

The more famous the mountains and rivers in the past life are, the more dangerous they are. Those dangerous places in the past life are forbidden places for humans, just like Bermuda in Antarctica. The majesty of the Antarctic emperor cannot be underestimated. Every move of this person They all lead the strong people around the world.

After arriving at Kangning City, the nearest human city outside Jinlin City, everyone still needs to walk on foot. Along the way, Jingjing, who has a lot of experience, introduces some situations around Jinlin City and the mobile humanoid encyclopedia.

Before that, they had also prepared some supplies that might be needed, such as food, water, some medicines, etc.

"Old Fan, have you brought enough things? Tell me!" Zhao Manyan patted his chest, full of confidence. He also brought a space ring with a lot of things in it, red and white. Blue has everything.

"The bomb was planted, do you believe it?" Fan Jian joked. He put all the magic stones into the space ring and took them out when needed, otherwise he would panic.

"Holy shit, brother, please, don't throw it around anymore. I'm really afraid that the demon won't be destroyed by then, and I will be destroyed by you!" Zhao Manyan suddenly got goosebumps, and he quickly exclaimed, rushing He came here to persuade Fan Jian to calm down, but he could never forget that white curtain. When it exploded, everyone had to lie down!

The other people in the team looked at Fan Jian with a hint of horror in their eyes, you really did bring a bomb.

Lu Zhenghe snorted coldly: "If you don't follow the right path, you will only prepare these weird things."

"I think so too." Mingcong nodded.

"Then I'll give each of you one. Do you want one?" Fan Jian smiled and took out two magic stones from the space ring.

"As long as it doesn't affect the team, it's not impossible."

"That's right."

The two of them silently retreated some distance away from Fan Jian.

Lu Zhenghe curled his lips, a true man would not suffer the immediate consequences.

"Let's just follow this track here." Song Xia said, holding a map in her hand, and pointed to the railroad track in front of her.

The rails were completely rusted, rusty and old, covered with dense weeds and moss, heading straight towards the green forest in the distance.

The railway is a natural guidepost. If you follow it, you will definitely reach the city.

"Let's decide first who will be the commander in the team? With a commander, we will be able to complete the tasks assigned by the school more smoothly. I personally think Mu Ningxue can be the commander." Lu Zhenghe said, feeling deeply in his heart The captain is strong enough to take on the responsibility.

"I don't deserve it." Mu Ningxue refused directly, which made Lu Zhenghe look a little embarrassed. Then his face returned to normal and he said: "Ahem, in that case, let me do it. I personally have participated in a team of a certain military camp. Command the game and win the championship..."

"You want to take us to your elder brother's place, right?" Fan Jian said, looking at him with a smile on his face. This bitch just wants to take them to Lu Nian's place for demon experiments, and the target is Mo Fan. The rest of the people are just food for the demons, and their thoughts are very vicious.

Big brother? ?

Everyone looked over. They knew that Lu Zhenghe had an older brother, but you wanted to lead the team to your elder brother's place. What do you want to do?

In the wild, no one has killed so many monsters, and they have all experienced hundreds of battles. You, Lu Zhenghe, won the first place and you want to kill them all in the wrong way, right?

"You..." Lu Zhenghe looked strange. How could Fan Jian guess that he wanted to lead everyone to his elder brother.

"You should just follow the team honestly, um... hand over everything first." Fan Jian said unceremoniously, for the safety of the team and to prevent him from contacting Lu Nian to make any news. Like that, just apologize again, but the probability of this will not happen.

Fan Jian stripped off all of Lu Zhenghe's things. The more he resisted Fan Jian, the more vigorous he became. Under the strange looks of everyone, the two of them seemed to be fighting enemies. The strong Fang Fanjian finally stripped off Lu Zhenghe's things and took charge.

"Okay, okay, anyway, the route forward has been determined, let's move forward first." Jingjing said, comforting everyone.

The others didn't react at all. It doesn't matter who leads the team, as long as they don't plot evil and mess with them. Thinking of this, one or two people glanced at Lu Zhenghe.

Everyone's route was officially decided and they began to move forward along this abandoned track.

There is no change in the track on the flat ground. It is very safe along the way. There are no monsters inhabiting this side of the track. It is smooth and unobstructed.

But after walking for a long time, the terrain became more and more rugged and complex. The track led to mountains and hills. The more it looked, the more it looked like they were plunging into the mountains and forests. The track was surrounded by groups, and there was even a The tunnel is not far from them.

"It is marked on the map that this track is two kilometers long. Judging from the frequency of meeting monsters along the way, it is very likely that this is the nest of monsters, inhabited by a large number of monsters." Song Xia turned to everyone and said: " We still don’t know what kind of demon it is, so it’s not easy to rush in. I think we should take a detour and get through it.”

Everyone heard Song Xia's words clearly. In this dangerous wilderness, in tunnels like this, the probability of demons living there is the highest. They can't gamble. If they are not careful, they may be wiped out.

"Why are we so careful? We didn't encounter more than three or two demons on the road. It's impossible that there are a nest of demons in it. Can they fit them in?" Lu Zhenghe said while sitting on a track. Without orders, he is now like an internal spy, stirring up trouble, picking faults everywhere, and jumping all the way.

"It's better to just kill them!"

Liao Mingxuan nodded. He also meant that. He wanted to show off in front of many girls and took out an item. When he was about to say something, he found that everyone was surrounding Fan Jian.

Fan Jian took out a few magic stones with magic circles engraved on them.

"What are you doing with this? Blow up the tunnel?!" Mo Fan's eyes widened suddenly.

"Don't talk nonsense if you don't understand. There is an improved formation I have carved on it. If you activate it and throw it out, it can attract demons. Let's listen to the movement inside and we can know whether there are a large number of demons living in the tunnel." Fan Jian said slowly, introducing the magic of his thing.

He is like an enemy who taunts you in front of you, making you furious and want to kill him. The key is that he also has martial arts, and you can't kill him. This modified light-attracting formation is like this. Fan Jian added a few defensive water formations there, and held the only two "light-attracting formation plas in his hand.

Inject magic energy and throw it fiercely inside.

"Hide quickly." Fan Jian shouted, and he rushed towards a bush. Seeing this, the others did the same, revealing their eyes to watch the reaction in the tunnel.

I saw that the originally dark and extremely dark tunnel seemed to have a sun appearing inside, dazzling and bright, with light overflowing.

The light element was surging wildly inside, making people terrified. They felt their eyes stinging just by looking at it, and it felt as powerful as blindness from the light.

Everyone opened their mouths wide. What the hell was this? Why had they never heard of it?

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