Versatile Mage: My magic power can be doubled

Chapter 98 Arriving at the Deserted City of Jinlin

The mountains and rivers that seemed to be beautiful and the dilapidated tracks hidden in the wild grass did not belong to them, but the feces hidden in the wild flowers and grass on the side might belong to them.

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These things in the wilderness were also left by demons. Maybe a demon would appear in a blind spot.

After walking along this extremely long abandoned track for a long time, they were all sick.

The rest of the journey was relatively smooth. Although they encountered several waves of demons, they were all within their ability to deal with.

With their current strength, they would be easily torn to pieces by demons and could not deal with the magicians who had several demons.

After about ten days of walking, everyone finally arrived at the deserted city of Jinlin.

On a mountain, a tunnel appeared in front of their eyes. Everyone went around the mountain and didn't need Fan Jian to throw anything in.

Climbing to a high place, a vast plain basin appeared in front of them, stretching endlessly. A river meandered through the city of broken walls and weeds, flowing to the mountain under their feet.

"Has Jinlin City become like this?" Someone sighed.

"It's only been fifteen years, how could it become like this?"

"Many demons have lived here, and those houses, buildings, and roads have been destroyed beyond recognition. It must be like this, and these plants use demon feces as nutrients, growing very fast, and vines and mosses are everywhere." Jingjing explained.


Looking at the dead, desolate and damaged city in front of them, everyone felt bad. A human city was easily invaded by demons and turned into this state.

"It's time to go. Let's survey the outer area and count how many demons are still wandering around." Song Xia said, and everyone nodded. This was also for their own safety.

The outer area of ​​Jinlin Deserted City is a very wide flat land surrounded by forests. In this large forest, they are not sure whether there are still many demons. They need to check the area first to determine whether it can achieve the significance of reconstruction. Specifically, it is necessary to find out whether the surrounding areas are completely occupied by demons. This is also an important purpose of this experience.

The main purpose is to survey, not to clear demons.

Jinlin City is at least a second-tier city. In the previous life, it was a provincial capital municipality. There are countless demons entrenched. Even if it is a suburb, its scope is so large that it is unimaginable. Without a few elite troops, it is impossible to re-demarcate it into the human territory.

Fan Jian came to the outer forest and threw a magic stone with a light-attracting array plasm plate into it. As the magic stone burst out with a bright light, it also attracted the monsters in the forest.

What surprised everyone was that there were only a few monsters wandering in the forest, and no groups of monsters were seen.

So the survey of the outer forest was very smooth. Song Xia painted green on the map, indicating that the outer forest area was unobstructed and there were fewer monsters.

"Let's go in quickly, finish it early, and go back early. I always feel a little scared when I stay outside for a long time." Zhao Manyan muttered.

"I agree, let's hurry up." Luo Song agreed very much. In just ten days, he felt that he had lost ten pounds. He didn't want to continue to suffer here.

"There are so many points to survey, how can it be so easy to finish it and mark them all out, unless we act separately, maybe it will be faster." Lu Zhenghe snorted.

"One person is responsible for several points, the speed will be much faster."

"No!" Song Xia firmly opposed: "If we encounter a group of demons together, we can deal with it for a while. If we act alone, it will be difficult and our lives will be lost."

"I think Song Xia is right. It is more reliable to survey one by one."

Everyone voted in favor, and Lu Zhenghe's suggestion was rejected again.

Entering the deserted city of Jinlin, everyone walked straight along the cracked road and passed a residential area. The houses were full of dust, and there were dense and unknown vines climbing up along the floors and growing into the windows of these houses. The entire floor was covered with vines.

Many demon feces dried by the wind like sand were piled up everywhere, and the skeletons of some large creatures were also thrown all over the ground.

The ground was cracked and overgrown with weeds. The living ones kept drilling into these crooked cracks and crushing the broken road.

There is a small park ahead, built in a residential area. The facilities inside are also covered with dust and vines. There are mosses in the dry pool, and the rotten stench is overwhelming. There may be a lot of demon feces exposed to the sun every day.

The rusty vehicles on the roadside are also pierced by the strange pain of being penetrated by the hard concrete. Some are twisted into a twist, and the bushes and weeds are as high as the knees.

"There are bodies in the car!" Bai Tingting said with a pale face, pointing to a car in the distance.

The car was badly damaged. Through the broken window, you can see a person sitting halfway inside, but his head was missing and his chest was torn open by claws. After fifteen years, only dry bones were left. A large hole in the chest cavity can be seen on the empty bones.

"Alas, there is no way. Ordinary people will choose the safest way in their hearts to escape in times of crisis." Fan Jian sighed.

Looking at the towering trees in front of them, with treetops covering the sky and lush branches and leaves, there were some roars coming from a long distance, and their expressions were solemn.

This residential area was their first survey point. From these signs and the roars coming from it, it was clear that demons must have lived here.

"I dare not imagine what a miserable situation it was at that time." The more emotional Bai Tingting said with some sadness.

The wilderness would not give people such a feeling. This is a city. Compared with the wilderness, it has countless streets, alleys, buildings, and residents, but there is no living person.

The sense of desolation that hit them made them feel a little sad.

"There may be demons everywhere here. Should we find a safer place to stay first?" Shen Ming said with a smile.

"Or that building, anyway, it is close to us." Luo Song pointed to the tallest building not far away and said.

"I think it's feasible. This is the municipal building, which is convenient for us to observe the surrounding situation." Song Xia said, taking out the map to compare.

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