Versatile Mage

Chapter 1069: Disease disorder

The body of the little red devil is still regrouping together (only, it can be seen that after being absorbed by Mofan’s condensed evil beads, the body’s breath is obviously weakened by a few points, and the little red devil is Knowing that this condensed sacred pearl has not been a normal condensed sacred bead, it immediately revealed a panic color and began to escape in the prison hole opened by Mo Fan.

Where will Mofan run away from it, and display the rule of the night, and use the giant shadows to create a trap of this energy body!

It is true that you need a piece of film to absorb, you can find the right way, things will become much easier.

After repeated crushing again and again, and again and again, finally, the last body of this little red devil was inhaled into the evil spirits by Mofan.

Mo Fan inspected the energy inside the condensed evil spirits, and it actually rose a lot. This is a good thing for Mo Fan!

"Fan Ge, what happened in the end!" Zhang Xiaohou ran around a big circle, looking at it all inexplicably.

"The source of the plague has been solved. I did not expect it to be a group of evil energy with a mentality. This may be a long story. How is your contact with the government?" Mo Fan asked.

"There is a riot in the epidemic of infectious diseases. It seems that the emotions of the patients are difficult to control." Zhang Xiaohou said.

"This is still there, is there any control?"

"It is estimated that there is no control. After all, there are too many infected people."

Mo Fan’s heart sinks, although the source of the disease is found and destroyed, the disease is sick, the harmful substances are still in the human body, and they will become irrational. It is likely that the plague itself is not just Destroying human body tissue will also amplify people's negative emotions, which is itself the most terrible thing of the Red Devils!

"Lingling, have you found something that can eliminate rickets?" Mofan asked.

They solved the curse before, they got the antibodies from the cockroaches, and made a vaccine to the major coastal cities, so that they are not suffering from cursing.

At present, this kind of rickety should also need to find a resisting body from the source of the disease. Mo Fan hopes that there will be some gains from the spiritual side.

"Oh is a creature. It's normal to have antibodies. You can see it when you just confronted this monster. Magic can't hurt it. It's a bunch of energy. It's impossible to have antibodies." Lingling said.

"Since the source of the disease is not life, it is a mass of energy, how can it infect a rickety that is harmful to life?" Fen sorrow is also a trainee waitress in the temple of Goddess. Naturally, there is some understanding about the disease.

"Before I was very strange, why the normal treatment of rickets is ineffective against it, and it spreads more and more. Now, the disease is not from the body, but from the heart of the people. Strictly speaking, It is a vicious contagion of the mind system. Everyone has a negative emotion similar to that of a prisoner. Under the catalysis of the monster, this negative emotion will be entangled and enlarged, which may explain why the disease is sick. The symptoms that people appear are just colds, and the current massive riots... This is a heart disease. They interact with each other through the same negative and negative emotions, not air, food, or emotional infections! The spirit said.

"There is still such a rickety in this world?" Zhang Xiaohou stretched his chin, an incredible look.

"This thing should not be completely immune to magic. It should be in the mind system, but once this evil thought is so large, the strength of the mind system will not help. After all, the spiritual system itself does not carry any substantive. Destructive effect." Lingling said.

"Don't say that so much useless. The quarantine area has already rioted. We have completely failed in this trip. Going back must be blamed by the great sage," said Fen.

"Hey, this thing is going to be a big deal. They can't drag the relationship. Who told them to send higher-level people earlier, but deliberately harmed both of you." Mo Fan said coldly. This Parthenon is obviously not as sacred as it seems!

"Since it is a spiritual system, then I can try to calm down the negative emotions in everyone's heart." Xin Xia said.

Lingling shook his head and said: "This negative energy has been brought to so many people by the little red devil. If you are a super-class spiritual master, even if you are a super-class spiritual master, your spirit will come in, your spirit. It will also collapse. The best way is not to press, but to transfer, you have to transfer these negative energy to a reasonable place, otherwise the Little Red Devil will soon be resurrected and become a more terrible devil! ”

After that, Ling Ling took a look at the condensed evil beads held by Mo Fan. She seemed to see something from this condensed evil bead, but at the moment the situation was urgent, she did not ask more, but To Mofan said: "You like this bead can accept these things."

"Well, it seems that it is ok, but I feel that the evil in the beads has increased," Mo Fan said.

After the treatment of the old man, the condensed sinensis is already an energy accommodator, no longer with any enchantment and mental attack, but after the small red devil is collected, the condensed sinister beads infiltrate some cold, want to condense Huaxiezhu is to purify the little red devil into energy that he can use, but it also has some impurities.

"Sister Xia Xia, you can't use your own mind to compete with this huge negative energy, but you can guide them, enter the beads of Mofan, trap them all in the beads, and the disease will follow. Eliminated." Lingling said his own way.

Transferring to the beads here, the heart will not be attacked by evil spirits, this is the best way.

"Well, it is not too late, let's go to the quarantine area." Xin Xia said.

When I went to the quarantine area, Mo Fan secretly gave a call to the old man. In the past, the condensed evil spirits accepted so many negative energies that it was possible to give birth to the next Red Devil. Mo Fande immediately let the old man come over and take the evil in the beads. The amount of performance is emptied, or purified, or God knows if there will be a more terrible Red Devil, but the people infected by the disease are all over half a city! !


When I arrived at the quarantine area, there was a big mess. The facilities used to treat the rickets were all smashed, and the isolation houses built were all broken. If there were still some high-powered cities in the city of Kakka. The Master arranged a ban, trapping everyone in the quarantine area, and wondering what the city would look like.

The military mages are lined up outside, one by one, but they are quite a bit. After all, those are just patients, not demons. What magic they should use to deal with them is an extremely difficult choice!

"Where did you go, here is like this, you are still leaving your job!! I will definitely confess my mother, and I will pay attention to you!!" The old woman, Gulan, saw the heart and the fragrance. Immediately accused of being angry and angry.

When Quran came here, he wanted to investigate the situation and prevent the Parthenon from taking responsibility for not doing everything. However, she did not think that things suddenly became the level of ill-conceived riots. Some officials have already proposed some inhuman methods, just to prevent the spread of rickets to other places.

"The Parthenon will send you this bunch of squeaky donkeys. It's very good, very good. If you don't want to help us in Croatia, don't pretend like this. We Croatians don't need your pity, let us be safe for you. De Saints is so trustful!!" The blame commander Dari said inexplicably.

"This matter...It has nothing to do with the Virgin of Anders. We have already sent this...this candidate came, she did not handle it well!" Gulan’s face changed, and he hurriedly took all the blame to the heart of the summer. Push it on!

“Candidate? She?” Commander Darry glanced at the age-sensitive summer.

Although there is no age for the candidate of the Parthenon women's temple, the woman is too young to be too young, the appearance of the magical college students.

"The temple mother recently elected her as a candidate. Our great sage did not neglect this matter. It was sent by the candidate!" Gulan continued to add fuel to the fire.

If the infectious disease incident in Croatia is a big problem, the great sage Merola is absolutely responsible. It may even involve the candidate Andrew Andre. Now things have gone in a serious direction, since they can’t escape. , then it can be pushed to others as much as possible, and the world must understand that it is not the great sage, the new candidate is incompetent!

"Fan Ge, heart summer, look at the generals with iron face and long nose next to the commander." Zhang Xiaohou's voice was lowered a lot, and his look became serious.

"What's wrong?" Mo Fan said.

"He doesn't have a very obvious military emblem, but he is wearing a general's suit. Not surprisingly, most of these soldiers are doing things that are not very glorious," Zhang Xiaohou said.

Mo Fan glanced next to Dari, the disease commander, and did see Zhang Xiaohou’s general.

"What you mean is that if the situation can't be controlled, they might take it..." Mo Fan didn't dare to think about it.

Rickets, infection, this is even more terrible than the demon, so the Kakka government will never let this rumor spread, and now the sick people have reached this level of irrational madness, and it will take a long time to break through the ban, to that At that time, the one who controlled the situation was the general who did not bring the military emblem! !

The heart was smart in the summer, and immediately realized the meaning of Zhang Xiaohou.

(Hey, we have a lot of Fujian mountains, it’s easy to get big water, so it’s so serious~~~ You’re in a mountain home where you want to be drowned at any time, but you’re so detached that you keep updating, heaven and earth conscience. I hope that I am diligent and sincere and sincerely called after a few days of good weather... The weather is smooth, not right, not right, big wrong, you don’t want to rain for me any more, to be a big deal, my family is a special one. floor!!!!)

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