Versatile Mage

Chapter 1071: Dragon tooth fighting


“Very good, you are doing very well. The Croatian Magic Association and the government have sent us a thank you. The Croatian black azaleas that we need at the Parthenon will no longer charge any tax fees!” The temple mother is very happy, and the eyes of the heart summer are also very different from before.

Black azalea has always been a drug material that is very rare or lacking in the Parthenon. In the past, Croatia will charge a very high tax in this respect. The quality of black azaleas is only the best in Croatia. Under the annual purchase of black azaleas, the tax consumption is a rather alarming number. What the mother did not expect was that the Croatian government had directly exempted the tax because of the ill-conceived matter. The temple can save a lot of money.

All this turned out to be the new candidate Ye Xinxia, ​​who was deliberately killed. She not only solved the disease, but also seemed to have raised a voice of appeal in Croatia.

There are a total of eight candidates in the Parthenon. The summer is only the ninth place. Other candidates have their own fame and reputation in some places. Can they eventually become gods and see the world? The voice, once the voice of any candidate will respond in all parts of the world, then she is not far from the world shrine, people admire, love, form a religious belief!

Of course, during the candidate period, everyone is only supporting, and it is still not so deep-rooted.

Xin Xia itself is unknown in the Temple of God, but I don’t know why there is support in some places, plus the pyramid battle in Egypt and the hot Croatian infectious disease...

Both of her names were given, and the identity of the candidate was announced. So there was a call from both Egypt and Croatia to support the ninth candidate!

Although the voice of this appeal is quite different from the influence of several other candidates, it can be considered to have its own influence.

"Now no one should have any objection to her becoming a candidate?" The mother asked a question, her eyes glanced at the members.

"This achievement is still a gap from the candidates. The reason why the two countries will suddenly be sought after, but it is just follow the trend." The great sage Merola still directly expressed his dissatisfaction.

"As a newly promoted waitress, you can remember your name and make the world more respectful of our Parthenon. This is a very rare thing..."

I looked at my mother in the summer, I don’t know why the summer feeling is actually a bit strange.

It stands to reason that even if she did perform well recently and completed many things that the waitress did not complete, isn’t the house mother’s favor for herself a bit overdone? As a mother, she should not care more about candidates and female sages. The situation, compared to some of the bigger events, what I have done can only be regarded as general...

Xin Xia’s promotion of the Parthenon’s position is not so fanatical. Unlike other waitresses, almost everyone can get into the promotion. Instead, the mother’s three times are interested in carrying themselves. While letting the heart be flattered, I feel a little uneasy.

On the one hand, this kindness of the temple mother makes the heart unclear, on the other hand, it is the eyes of other people from the Goddess Hall. The heart is the spiritual master, she can feel the hostility of these people!



Venice Water

Returning to the water city, Mo Fan found that his traffic has become larger. Some narrow bridges and waterways are completely congested. It feels like someone will continue to enter Venice. The water transportation in Venice is completely paralyzed!

"Where, you can run like this in the national game?" Zhang Xiaohou listened to Mo Fan in the bottom of his heart. Other national players were nervous and waiting for it. I was afraid that there would be something unexpected after going out. In the game, Mo Fan went to cow B and went straight to the dangerous Croatia!

"I will naturally come back to the more important games," Mo Fan said.

"It seems that the afternoon is the event of our country. I will first see which country I am playing..." Zhang Xiaohou took out his mobile phone and checked it out.

The spirits on the side did not look at it and replied directly: "It is Spain."

"Spain??" Do not know why, Mo Fan raised a bad feeling in his heart.

"Is there any problem, this? Is the guy very strong?" Zhang Xiaohou asked.

"Strong is definitely strong, remember that they ranked about 13 in the last session." Ling Ling said.

Mo Fan turned his head and looked down at the spirit of the little green horsetail whip. He said: "You were only a few years old, you remember this kind of thing!"

The spirit suddenly silenced, as if thinking of something that made her less happy.

Mo Fan didn't know what he said wrong, and he didn't care. He just told Lingling and Zhang Xiaohou: "I will take you to the rest area later, you will watch it there, you will buy tickets. You are Don't want to buy a good location!"

When I returned to Venice, the time was a bit tight, and the traffic was exceptionally inconvenient. Zhang Xiaohou could not help but wonder if Mo Fan would miss the time.

Moreover, not long ago, the old guy was called to confirm it again, asking Mo Fan what the **** was doing, how could it not be on the scene.

Mo Fan certainly can't say that he has been running Croatia for a few days. He only said that he is retreating and practicing. If he doesn't do anything, don't call him...


"Where, how do you feel that there are a few people in this venue? Is it difficult for us and Spain to be unpopular?" Zhang Xiaohou asked when he arrived at the stadium.

Lingling also looked up and looked at some empty stadiums, a mouthful of words.

Mo Fan also wondered that it was impossible for everyone to enter the game, but even if they all entered the market, there should be a lot of people in the periphery. The world university battle can be regarded as a rare magical duel event reserved internationally. Most people want to see the real magic contest is only in this world university competition...

"Mo Fan, why haven't you arrived yet, they are starting soon!" Zhao Manyan's phone hurriedly hit him and asked.

"I have already arrived at the door of the Toronto Magic Fighting Field. How do you feel weird? There is no sound inside," Mo Fan said.

Silence for a few seconds on the opposite side.

"Have you **** your brain filled with the Venetian river? Today is in the dragon tooth magic battlefield!" Zhao Manyan’s voice roared from the phone, and Mo Fan felt that the guy’s spit had to be sprayed out.

"Mom, no one informed me!" Mo Fan was shocked!

"The seal is estimated to expel you from the national team, you sent me the position, I flew over to pick you up!" Zhao Manyan said.

"Oh, oh, I am going in your direction, we are halfway," Mofan said.

Mo Fan and Ling Ling and Zhang Xiaohou confessed one sentence, and ignored the city regulations of Venice, directly stalking on the waterway with the dark cloak...

Looking at Mo Fan, who was in a hurry to catch up, Ling Ling and Zhang Xiaohou both looked at the mentally retarded expression and watched Mo Fan go.

"Our national government has received a student like Fan Ge, and it really has to be broken."

"We still have to buy a ticket." Ling Ling spit a full unhappy.



The Dragon tooth magic battlefield is one of the oldest magical battlefields in Venice. This battlefield is not a temporary arrangement. It is always like a rocky forest with a stone like a dragon's fangs. peak.

The peaks of Shifeng are different. Some of them are only a few meters away from the ground. They look like a rocky mountain posing in a messy way, forming a labyrinth of rock shoots. Some peaks are quite high, up to thirty or forty meters. Many tall buildings in Venice, just above the block!

This battlefield is also here, rowing tarragons.

"This time it seems that the soil mage can take advantage of it." In the rest area of ​​the player, Jiang Yan looked up at the uneven peaks and said with emotion.

"That's not necessarily, don't you notice that the entire site is sinking?" teacher Bai Dongwei said.

The faculty members of the National Pavilion have also arrived. At the same time, several players from the National Pavilion have also been present. As the substitutes, they are sitting in the position of the players behind. There are also several players in the National Pavilion who are familiar with Mo Fan. Needless to say, except for her, Dongfang Lie and Yuelu are also inside...

Said to be a substitute, in fact, there will be no possibility of their presence, there are about 10 full members of the national government, unless there are any accidents in these ten players, they are here only to watch the battle.

"Since he didn't come, let me go. I am also a cultivating department. This battlefield is complicated and has a lot of stones. I can play a big role in it!" Said.

"What is anxious, the game has not officially started!" Feng Yu gave him a glance.

"But if you start, if he hasn't arrived yet, we won't allow anyone to let him go!" Mu Tingying said.

Before the time has passed, the government can choose the players to play, but when the time is up, the list is determined to be handed in directly. If you want to change, you will not be able to do so, and the person who has not played will be judged as abstaining.

"The guy you said, it won't be hiding. It's a timid guy. In our Spanish wizard, there is no such coward who can't avoid it!" It was passed down, and the words did not hide the irony of Mo Fan. However, when he realized that it was Mu Ningxue, Prince Banbo hurriedly showed a polite appearance, "Miss Muning, I It’s not for you and your team. I’m just targeting someone who is quite rude to me but I’m escaping. I hope that I can have a knot with him today, but I’m disappointed that he’s disregarded the team’s glory. ”

Prince Banpo was there to chatter, Mu Ning Xue was pure when he was the air.

Mo Fan, this person, Muning Snow is not not understanding, let alone repair a prince, and violently a king, he still eats, still sleep!

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