Versatile Mage

Chapter 1206: One will not let go!

Without blocking, Mo Fan stepped forward to Yu Ang, and his eyes were more like a flame at any time, but he was calm and terrible.

There is still awkwardness in Yu Ang, and his previous madness and pride have long since disappeared.

There is a super-class judge, and there are nearly 20 judges. Yu Ang believes that the impulsive Mo Fan will be irritated by himself and then fight in Beiyushan, so that they can take the opportunity to kill Mo Fan and work afterwards. Naturally there will be Lu Haotian to deal with.

This plan is really not a perfect solution, but it must be able to let Mo Fan die, this is enough!

Who can think of what they have not counted is that Mo Fan will bring a vampire with enough strength to complete the super-level wizard, and even less think that Mofan’s own power is also terrifying, and those high-ranking judges are in front of him. Unbearable!

"Mofan... I am now working for the trial... I promise that your father actually has nothing at all. Lu Haotian is scaring and scaring you, you killed me, the trial will let you go..." Feeling the strong killing of Mofan, I immediately nodded with a little bit of enthusiasm.

Lu Bingfeng, he dared to kill, who else does not dare to move? ?

"Yu Ang, you have to know that in the list of my murder, you are second only to Sarang, so don't tell me such stupid things, be prepared to die!" Mo Fan took another step forward.

When there is only one thought in a person's mind, the degree of spiritual concentration will be several times higher than usual. At this moment, Mo Fan's thought completely surrounds Yu Ang, but his bloodshot eyes are roaring! !


Mofan’s voice was deafening, and at the same time, the madness invaded into the body of Yu’ang.

Like countless blades that can disintegrate enemies, and like a heavy hammer of revenge, it is more like a storm knife. This idea will completely annihilate Yu An at the moment of Mo Fanzhen. ! !

Yu An’s body exploded directly, including his head. In the second before the burst, Yu An’s face also had a deep fear of Mo Fan’s face. He lingered to death today. He wanted to live more than anyone, but he was unexpected. I ran into the face of this killing demon, and even if there were 10,000 remorse in my heart, it was useless!

The eyes, the palms, the skulls, and the internal organs flew on the ground, and the thick blood splashed in the air. It fell for a long time and landed on Mo Fan.

After smelling the ugly blood of Yu Ang and personally giving him the blast, the violent temptation that Mo Fan has been hiding in his heart has been completely vented. At least at a certain moment, Xu Zhaozhen will not float in his mind and pray for himself. He burned it into an ashes!

How to die, shows Mo Fan’s hatred for this person!

"Which member of Parliament has let Yuang vote for the Northern Rain Mountain Trial?" Mo Fan looked at the side, and Feng Jinglan, the deputy judge who had not shot or heard.

Yu Ang’s sinful and full-fledged person is qualified to survive. It is a great insult to Xu Zhaoxuan who has obtained the blue deacon list. Unforgivable is unforgivable. If such a person does not get the punishment, Mo Fan I would rather stand on the opposite side of the trial and the association!


"Master, his size bones, small to finger bones, I have broken it. I personally picked out each of his tendons. In order not to let him faint, I deliberately gave him a focused bloody. Let him more clearly understand the pain of every inch of his body!" The vampire Bola fell down and threw Lu Yutian in front of Mo Fan.

Lu Yantian's face was violently twitching, seven points were pain, and three points were an angry anger against Mo Fan!

He is the presiding judge, the presiding judge of the Northern Rain Mountain! !

Members can't do this to him! !

The bones are completely broken, the tendons are picked out, and the taste is unforgettable. Lu Haotian vows to let Mo Fan experience this pain ten times and hundred times! !

"Mo Fan, leave him a life, I went to see your father, he has nothing, no injuries, just a little scared..." Nighthawk said in a hurry.

"Take me to see him." Mo Fan said.

"That Lu Haotian... let your friend let him go, he is not alive," said the Nighthawk.

Mo Fan did not answer the night hawk, but the vampire Bola on the side smiled and raised the almost sly Lu Haotian, firmly in the hand, not allowing anyone to touch him.

Mo Fan did not give him permission, Bola could not let it go. As for how to deal with it next time, it is estimated that Mo Jiaxing’s situation is concerned. Lu Haotian best prayed that he did not move Mo Jiaxing, otherwise he would definitely provoke again. Angry Mo Fan.

To be honest, Bora is somewhat afraid of anger, and even the Greek **** of death is torn by him. Why do these ignorant people have to provoke the demon who is sleeping in Mofan's body?

Oh, these people probably don’t know that the **** hurricane of Parthenon is the masterpiece of this young man!


Mo Fan went all the way to the Beiyushan house. Just stepped into the hall and saw a nighthawk's hand holding Mo Jiaxing out.

Mo Jiaxing’s face is still so yellow. It’s more colorful than it was earlier. It’s just that he’s very embarrassed these days, his lips are dry and his eyes are black.

His pupils are still expanding, with doubts and a bit of panic. He is just an ordinary person. He has not practiced a little bit of magic. Although there is no scar on his body, Mo Fan firmly believes that he must have been Lu Yutian in spirit. Some stimuli and torture!

Mo Jiaxing was always uneasy, until he saw Mo Fan coming, and the eyes calmed down.

He walked up quickly and said: "They said that you have done a lot of things, killing people, seeing you are fine... Great, great."

When Mo Fan heard it, the full of suffocation dissipated in an instant, leaving only a bit of bitterness.

"Dad, you should be worried about yourself, I am very good, but some people have to pay the price!" Mo Fan said.

This matter will not stop like this!

"Mo Fan, I have nothing to do, it is scared by the people of Yu Ang, people are good, this matter is not too big, don't make big noise." Mo Jiaxing does not want Mo Fan to do radical things, not to mention The Nighthawk also told him about the seriousness of this incident. Mo Fan had already killed him at the trial of the Northern Rain Mountain. He was still a judge, and he even beat the presiding judge to death. The people who handled it handled it. There is really no need to expand.

"Dad, I ask myself, I have already done a lot of things for the military, the magic association, the government, the country. On several occasions, I risked my life. I didn’t ask for anything from them. I only asked them to be innocent. When you return to Bo City, take good care of you, protect you, don't let the people of the Black Holy Court have a chance to take advantage of it, don't let some people who have no intentions persecute you here... but they can't even do this! The military, Lu Jia, the trial meeting, I will not let go of anyone related to this matter!!" Mo Fan's anger is far from being able to calm down because he killed a few people.

"Mo Fan..." Mo Jiaxing sighed.

The **** people are dead, and Mo Jiaxing really does not want Mo Fan to pursue it.

However, looking at Mo Fan’s attitude, it is impossible for him to persuade him.

"Dad, some things can't be tolerated. The more you tolerate, the more chilling you are, the more you treat them, the more they can do it, not to mention those who are obscured, but who have lost their loved ones to fight for the rest of their lives and the Black Holy See. "Mofan said to Mo Jiaxing.

Mo Fan knows that Mo Jiaxing is a person. As long as he is not bullied, he basically has to endure. He can think of the reason that the judge will get a **** and put his father under the protection of the military. Take away, you can be held in a place that you don’t even know, and you can even let a person who was once a sinner of the Black Holy See have direct contact with a father who has not repaired any Mofan.


Mo Fan took Mo Jiaxing from the Northern Rain Mountain Trial and brought it to the Qingtian Hunting Ground.

Qingtianhun has all the protection, and Mo Jiaxing will be there to be assured.

"Uncle Mo is all right?" Ling Ling asked.

"Nothing is okay..." Mo Fan glanced at the spirit and said, "Where is Lujiajia?"

"To the west, a place called Man Ye Town, half of the whole town is their Lujia people, and their mansion is there," Ling Ling said.

"Bola, holding the dead dog and I went to the town of Man Ye," Mo Fan said.

Called the Feichuan wolf, Mo Fan was not very anxious this time, passed through the magic city area, and went to the suburbs where the real estate was almost completely contracted by some families.

"The news has spread. Are you sure you want to kill Lujia directly?" Lingling sat behind, some worried.

"There is Bola, I will not have anything, let alone what is going on, the mysterious snake totem will soon be able to come over, rest assured, I promise you, will not use the demon system." Mo Fan said.

"Yeah." Lingling nodded.

There is Mofan this guarantee, there is nothing to worry about.

Mo Fan didn't rush to the first time, because he needed the people present to be there, let them know that they were going to Lu Jiaxing to ask for sin!

Lu Jia can't be slow to kill one of them. They haven't noticed yet. As for what kind of feast they have to deal with themselves, Mo Fan is not afraid at all. If you don't talk about the strength of Bora, you can basically save yourself. It’s no big deal to get out of the picture of the Parthenon.

At the Parthenon, there may be a force to counter the totem's mysterious snake, but Lujia...

Totem's mysterious snake can kill their family! !


good news! !

good news! !

"Full-time Master Mime" is about to start! ! ! !

On September 2nd, Tencent video was broadcasted on time at 10:00 in the morning. Everyone quickly prepared melon seeds, cola, popcorn, and anime with me! ! If you have any children's shoes, you can add me WeChat luanshu920, take a look at the 2 minute trailer to solve the problem~~~~~~~~~)

Although I know that everyone loves the Japanese, but the country needs more support~~~~~~ full-time mage anime, come a cry! ! ! !

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