Versatile Mage

Chapter 1225: Poisonous seal, konjac chase


"I have already put a few women in accordance with your requirements. Now you have to tell me the core of the earth?" asked the military division Shi Qianshou slowly.

"They have nothing to do with this, I don't want them to die." Lin Feili said.

"I know that you want to save all the people. In fact, as long as you tell me the core of the earth, I don't care if these people die or live." Shi Qianshou said.

"The military commander, I told you before, there is still one person not controlled, the kid is very strong, you put those women, they are likely to find the kid." Zheng Tong said.

"Is he a super-level mage?" asked Shi Qianshou.

"No, it's a high-level wizard."

"Do I need to care about this inconspicuous character?" Shi Qianshou asked.

"Yes, yes, the military commander!" Zheng Tong looked stiff. "I am just afraid that the kid is upset."

"Lin Feili, you at least tell me the direction of the earth's core, I know it must be near this pile of black rocks..." Shi Qianshou said.

"In that direction." Lin Feili pointed to one of the rock walls.

Lin Fei voluntarily waved, and immediately an officer rushed toward the rock wall and took out a very sophisticated instrument to patrol there.

It didn't take long for the instrument to shine, and Shi Qianshou's eyes immediately lit up.

Lin Feili did not lie to himself. The core of the earth is indeed in that direction. I want to see that the rock is different from the surrounding black rock.

"Continue to let go, otherwise you will want to find the core of the earth." Lin Feili said.

"Okay, but in order to prevent you from being swindled, this kid will only be in the last party." Shi Qianshou grabbed Zhang Xiaohou and said with a sneer.

Lin Feiji gritted his teeth and could only personally walk to the rock face. He pressed his hands into the rock wall, and suddenly a layer of dark brown circles swayed, and a layer of almost invisible banned slowly scattered. Going, those thick rock formations suddenly became soft and turned into mud.

The mud ran out, but it revealed a long passage.

<p "The original is a ban, the old captain can really be awkward, he actually had a precaution against me." Shi Qianshou laughed, the eyes became extraordinarily greedy, "children, you are holding this kid Lin Feili, you go ahead, let's go in."

Tong Zhuang escorted Zhang Xiaohou and Lin Feili into the dark passage. Shi Qianshou waved his hand and immediately there was a military squad to follow. After someone was in front, Shi Qianshou took a step.

When I first entered the crossing, Shi Qianshou looked back at the other officers and glanced at the remaining prisoners. "Zhang Qihu, you stay here, and anyone comes in and disposes directly!"

"Yes!" Zhang Qihu took a military ceremony and said with a serious face.

"Shi Jun Division, you really put those guys out, although they are not afraid, but they will certainly create some trouble for us..." Zheng Tong has a light, and he does not want to leave any trouble.

In fact, he is even more reluctant to run away from the slavery, but that is the type of woman he most wants to possess. In this desert without people, strength and the army are everything, even if you commit any sin, no one will know. !

"I am the kind of soft-hearted person, rest assured, they can't go far, there will be something to entertain them." Shi Qianshou showed his palm, a layer of poisonous light in his palm flashing weakly.

When Zheng Tong saw this, his face immediately showed a horrifying color: "I have always heard that Shi Junsi can manipulate the insects, is it that those dust storms are also sent by you??"

Shi Qianshou smiled but did not answer.

"The two women who were let go..." Zheng Tong whispered.

"I can't live." Shi Qianshou glanced at Zheng Tong, and his mouth was hooked up. "You are a typical character that can't be a big event. Women are good, but that's just satisfying the momentary sex. Desire, wait until you sit. When you reach a certain position, you will understand that compared with power, a woman is just a tributary."

"The military commander said that he just thought that the beautiful girl died like this, and it is a pity." Zheng Tong said.

"You have performed well this time. Otherwise, it is really difficult for us to step in safely in this desert. When we get the core of the earth, you will get everything you want. But before you can die, don't let He is alive, dead, desert, is my most assured." Shi Qianshou said.

"Yes Yes!"


Outside the stone mountain, Mu Nujia and Jiang Shaoxu rushed toward the direction of the Flame Mountain.

They must tell Mofan the situation here in the first place, no matter how they can find a way to rescue Zhang Xiaohou and others.

"Right, Lingling, we haven't found the spirit yet, the spirit will not have anything!" The shepherd Jiao suddenly remembered something and hurriedly said to Jiang Shaoxu.

"She is very smart. She should find a place to hide. I am afraid she will not be able to hold back. After all, she is only a teenager..." Jiang Shaoxu said.

The two were flustered. I don’t know if I would go to Mofan first or go to the lost spirit.

But at this moment, a small and slender figure stood out, tied with a good-looking double ponytail, covered with a windshield, and the eyes were not in a messy mood in this harsh environment. Instead, they looked at them calmly and calmly.

"Don't worry about me, tell me what happened." Lingling came over and said calmly.

"Fortunately, you are fine, otherwise we don't know how to explain to Mofan!" Muyujiao was delighted.

When the army came around, the spirits suddenly disappeared, and they did not know how the spirits perceived that the big things were not good.

Fortunately, Shi Qianshou, Zheng Tong, Tong Zhuang and others did not take Ling Ling seriously. I felt that her little girl was walking here, and she would definitely be eaten by the demon. She is also worried about her husband and Jiang Shaofeng. This, who knows that the spirits are pure and white, even the hair has time to sort out neatly, it can be seen that the name of the hunter master is not the same, and she can find the safest place in the harsh environment. .

"The soldier inside is Shi Qianshou right?" Ling Ling asked.

"Yes, I really didn't think that this station was buried. He did it, how could there be such a heartbreaking man!" Jiang Shaoxuan said angrily.

"So, is there a real core in the earth?" Ling Ling asked again.

The two women groaned, they were a little strange, how did the spirit know the core of the earth.

"What is the situation now?"

"Lin Feili took Shi Qianshou into a passage, which should be the place leading to the core of the earth. Zhang Xiaohou and Ge Ming are estimated to be taken hostage by them. The Golden War Hunter Group Lu Fei, Yang Bao, Xu Pingdong and others seem to be In that rock valley, was guarded by a large team of officers." Jiang Shaoxu said.

"Somewhat strange." After listening to Lingling, he bowed his head and said to himself.

"Strange, what's strange?" Jiang Shaoxuan did not explain.

"It is reasonable to say that Shi Qianshou should not let any one survive. He put you so easily, it is too strange..." Lingling said.

"... Ling Shutou, you think we can't die!" Jiang Shaoqi said angrily.

The shepherd and the spirit also have the same doubts.

Shi Qianshou is mad again. It is also a member of the military. Once he is exposed here, his army is to be sentenced to death. His private army is also going to the military court!


A noisy voice passed from the other side of the mountain and gradually became clear.

Lingling looked up and looked at some undulating rocky mountains. When she found a large group of things like sand and dust, the spirit immediately understood.

"Sure enough, Shi Qianshou did not intend to let the two of you live. The guy is a poisonous super-order mage, and the dust storm konjac will be more than half here to do with him." Ling Ling said.

"God, why are these dusty konjades flying here, aren't they not going to be active near the station?" Jiang Shaoxu screamed.

Dust storm konjac scared the two women's flower eclipse, they can clearly feel that the dust storm konjac is directly directed at them, but this is simply impossible to understand! !

"You should be poisoned by Shi Qianshou. You can attract dusty konjac. You can run in the direction of the Flame Mountain. You can barely save your life. You must do it before they catch up with you." Arrived, there must be a flame there... I will take a step first, and both of you will ask for more happiness." The spirit spirit turned and turned, and quickly moved away from the shepherd and Jiang Shaoxu.

The two women watched the little back of the spirits quickly fleeing, and they never returned to God.

No, Lingling has abandoned them? ?

The number of dust storm konjac is so huge, and the strength of the two of them can withstand it. Seeing that the dust storm group is getting closer and closer, the two women simply do not dare to have a half-stay, and fly like a rush to the Flame Mountain.


Lingling ran in the other direction, and her little boots seemed to have endless magic, and the speed was extremely fast.

Going to a pinnacle, Ling Ling looked far away at the grazing slaves and Jiang Shaoxu.

"Hey, Mo Fan shouldn't blame me for not saving?" Ling Ling sighed.

When I was stared by the dust storm, I basically didn't live. Shi Qianshou didn't intend to let the people here live out of the desert at first. The release of Mu Nujia and Jiang Shaoxue was purely for Lin Feili.

"Mofan will avenge you." Lingling said.

Now there is no way for Lingling. The violent gangsters are only in the blink of an eye. Now I can only hope that the priests and Jiang Shaoxu can have any magic tools at the bottom of the box to escape this robbery.


"Hey, little girl, very clever, even escaped our investigation of this place!" Behind the rock, a strange voice came out.

Lingling turned his head and saw a black shadow, a tall, thin man in a gray-blue military uniform slowly appeared.

This person looks ugly, his eyes are convex, and the brutal light that comes out of his gaze knows that he has no intention of pity.

Lingling is very surprised, she did not think that Shi Qianshou also sent people to follow the slavery and Jiang Shaoxu, I believe that even if the dust storm konjac did not kill them, this person will also kill!

This stone Qianshou is really extremely vicious, and this kind of person has the almost terrible cautiousness of the military! !

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