Versatile Mage

Chapter 1231: Adding to the snow

Mofan controlled a group of flames suspended in front, and the fire illumined the hole like a fangs. From the invisible place, a very unpleasant smell came out, and the deepest part of the road could be felt. A heart-rending call came over.

"It seems like there is a small road here. Where are you going?" Mo Fan glanced at the front and asked.

"We don't know."

While talking, everyone heard the sound of footsteps. From the position of the little road, the two familiar figures walked out from each other.

The fire shines on their cheeks, and they can see that their faces are very poor, and one of them is still red.

"Monkey!" Mo Fan looked at him and screamed with joy.

"Fan Ge!" Zhang Xiaohou walked up quickly, but it was like a wounded younger brother, holding a Mofan and a heavy hug.

Mo Fan can feel Zhang Xiaohou's emotions. There is nothing hurt in his body, but the inner sadness has come out.

"What's wrong?" Mo Fan said comfortably.

"It’s Shi Qianshou’s dog thing that’s not human. He killed everyone inside,” Ge Ming said.

At the moment, Ge Ming told everyone about what happened inside. Everyone listened and couldn’t help but take a breath.

This stone Qianshou is too arrogant, and he has more than two hundred people brought into the subordinates. In order to revitalize the earth, he has completely killed all his carefully trained men. What is the heart of one person? To what extent is it necessary to distort this?

Mo Fan did not expect to encounter such a wicked army division. Fortunately, Zhang Xiaohou had nothing to do.

"Help, life, help, ah ~~~~!!!" At the main road position, the fire shines on the edge, a man in a military uniform stumbles and escapes.

This person ran all the way to the mouth of the mouth, as soon as he saw other people, it was like seeing the savior.

"It's Tong Li!" Ge Ming's eyes immediately became cold, staring at Tong Li.

Zhang Xiaohou is also extremely angry with Tong Li. This guy pretends to follow everyone in, and uses Lin Feili to bring Shi Qianshou to this place with kindness, forcing Shi Qianshou to surrender the core of the earth. If there is no such villain, it will not These things will happen, and this Tongli is self-defeating! !

Mo Fan naturally knows that Tong Li betrayed everyone. He looked at Tong Li Chong for help, but his eyes were a bit cold and disdainful.


Behind Tongli, a large group of black poisonous flying insects came over and was chasing Tongli who escaped.

Tong Lixiu is not bad, but it is the only one who fled here. He is about 100 meters away from Mo Fan and others.

"Save me, beg you, I am willing to tell you everything, as long as you save me, I will confess, I will accept the military court..." Tong Li shouted.

Mo Fan glanced at Zhang Xiaohou, Zhang Xiaohou was silent, with disgust in his eyes.

Mo Fan's hand raised, the silver radiance quickly intertwined a space wall in the front cave passage, and isolated the group of poisonous flying insects, so that they would not fly here again.

However, Mo Fan not only separated the poisonous flying insects, but Tong Li also slammed into the empty wall.

"Don't, don't, beg you!" Tong Li's eyes widened, and the pupil was full of fear.


Tong Li can no longer move forward, and the poisonous flying insects catch up with him easily. These seemingly small flying insects are attached to Tong Li's body crazyly and directly into his body.

Tong Li’s face immediately twitched. He slammed the wall of the void and wanted to escape. Mo Fan was indifferent to this.

Soon, Tong Li’s struggle became slow and became weak. Some fat poisonous insects smashed out of his intestines, and then flicked the **** wings and flew into the cave.

"We left here, and when the poisonous insects fly out, we all have to suffer." Ge Ming said.

It takes some time for Ge Ming's magic to recover. It is difficult to compete with Shi Qianshou in a short time, and even if the magic energy is restored, the strength of Shi Qianshou will not necessarily be his opponent. After all, what about his two hundred? The subordinates were easily killed by him!

This stone Qianshou, now certainly can't be touched. When this guy is crazy, it is best to leave this desert and tell the military about the things here, let the military deal with Shi Qianshou.

"Well, since everyone is fine, leave as soon as possible, or we will become the perverted sacrifice." Jiang Shaoxu said.

The people did not dare to stay for a long time, and immediately went out of this rock valley.

At the station, they joined the rest of the Golden War Hunter Group. They threw the captive officers in the ruins of the station. They were dead and live and they had nothing to do with everyone.

Going back along the way, this road will be much flatter than when you came in, but everyone’s mood is extraordinarily heavy. Who can think that this land reclamation trip will encounter such a madman, but the team is still relatively complete. There is no big loss!

When everyone left quickly and passed through the Shaqu River, there was no more magical power.

It wasn't long before I walked into the Shaqu River. The sky behind the desert suddenly came out like a thunderous sound. Mo Fan only remembered that the blue sky was suddenly covered by a huge cloud of brown blood. I can't see the sand dunes, I can't see the rocky mountains, and the dense dust is like the end of the dust storm is rolling over the horizon.

"The guy can manipulate the dust storm konjac??" Mofan said with some awkwardness.

"It should only be a lure for the violent konjac. Before he put poison marks on both of them, the dust gangsters attacked them. This station will be destroyed, because the guy brought the dust storm konjac, completely manipulated or not. No one can manipulate the dust storm konjac," said Ling Ling.

"Are we going to make a big disaster??" Jiang Shaoxu looked at the sky behind him, and his heart was extremely upset.

Shi Qianshou was originally a super-virtual mage master of horror, let him get the core of the earth, did he not become a murderous desert demon, especially he is still trying to lure dust storm konjac !

"This also blames us. Even if we don't enter the desert, do you think Shi Qianshou will not go in and find the core of the earth? Let Shi Qianshou get the core of the earth in this desert, let him get the huge energy. And with the hundreds of private troops, God knows what they will do to hurt the world. Now we know at least that this guy has become a demon, and the person who informs the military fortress in time can minimize the damage." Ge Ming said. .

"Yeah, Shi Qianshou is mostly going to have a big increase in strength. If we stay there and fight for him and die, then what happened here is really unknown!"

Everyone has no impulsive things. After all, Shi Qianshou is a military sergeant. The strength of those who can sit in this position is extremely strong. Even if they can escape, they are fortunate, but they must inform the Tarim Fortress. This stone Qianshou does not hurry. If you get rid of it, it will definitely bring immeasurable disasters here.



After a few days of escape, everyone finally arrived at the periphery of the desert, and the layer of horrible brown that was always behind was gone.

However, this does not give everyone peace of mind, Shi Qianshou will not let them go, he already has the core of the earth, will definitely add energy to the core of the earth crazy, this process is crazy killing.

The Tarim Fortress is entirely made of gray-white rock. This is a fortress city. There are hundreds of thousands of people living there. The entire Tarim Fortress City is centered on the city. There are many mines and stone factories in the basin with a radius of 100 kilometers. The wind source power base and the light source base are the main support towns. These towns are also within the Anjie area. The Tarim Fortress City will be dispatched to these towns every week to prevent the deserts, the plateaus and the caves from being demon. Invasion.

This area is not peaceful. There will be two or three attacks in a month. Each town is bordered by the fortress city of Tarim. The workers and mages are all in the enchantment, even if they are demonized. The invasion is also safe.

Everyone went directly to the fortress city of Tarim. Zhang Xiaohou was a soldier. It was relatively straightforward to enter the military. Others were exhausted, but they all waited outside the gates of the military. I hope they will immediately give them a wanted order.

Zhang Xiaohou directly entered the military battalion. Every town here has a military commander. After all, the energy required by a city is enormous. The mines and energy bases of a town in the Tarim Fortress city can provide five. Energy support for six second-tier cities, including the continuation of enchantment!

"Dajun Division, Qinling Army Zhang Xiaohou asked to see, there is something to report." A communications officer stood in front of the camp.

At this moment, there is only one military officer on the long table of the military battalion. The rest are military squad, but most of them are command and communication, not the military.

The two staff members sat next to the army's army, Mudda, and his face was dignified.

"We have not found out the reasons, but it is imperative that the workers, the townspeople, the soldiers, the mages who are trapped in the emergency shelter have come out. They have been trapped for three days, and the food and water are not enough. There are still many injured people, and they will die without drugs." One of the female staff members said.

The big army Si Muda sneaked a sigh: "Save people, I don't want to save people, but I can't find the reason, don't evict those dust storm konjac, we send more people to Anjiao Town to go to die, have passed three It’s a day, there’s no one eyebrows, no message can’t be transmitted, and it’s not a pass, it’s a group of rice bowls!”

"The Grand Army Division, outside the Qinling Army Zhang Xiaohou to see." The communications officer repeated.

"The Qinling Military Department came together to make fun of it, no effort to take care of him!" Dajun Simuda said with no anger.

"But he said something important..."

"What is more important than being trapped in more than 10,000 people in Anjiao Town!!"

"This... well, I let him wait."

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