Versatile Mage

Chapter 1369: Full line alert

When I heard this sentence, Zhao Manyan was stunned first.

Judging from Mofan's tone, there was no joke.

Not waiting for Zhao Manyan to ask, the head Mo Fan has hung up the communication, I believe that in the place near the Black Holy See, the communication equipment is actually very easy to be detected, Mo Fan dare not say anything more.

"Hey, hello, don't go!" Zhao Manyan returned, and hurried to the female officer just ran.

The female officer turned around with a disgusted look, and she looked at Zhao Manyan's temper.

"We are the leader of the prevention team. My companion just received an important message and asked you to call the city of Beiguan to the whole city!" Zhao Manyan shouted at the female officer.

The rank of the female officer is not low. It can be easily distinguished from the military medal on the chest. Zhao Manyan naturally does not know where the city general is, but he does not know who has the authority. He can only inform himself that he has the highest rank!

"Where are you here?" The female officer was angry.

A waiter, a person who is disrespectful to the ancient Great Wall, is not worthy to say a little more to him!

"I am not kidding, immediately, immediately, inform you of the city generals here, full-line alert!" Zhao Manyan said very seriously, when he said this, he naturally did not forget to show the identity of the prevention group, although it was a temporary The identity, there is also a certain persuasive power.

At this time, the officers next to the female officer could not help but laugh.

One of the tall and handsome looking men said: "See more people looking for a variety of reasons to know our boss. I used this method for the first time. You can see that it is a felony to lie to the military, and quickly take back this boring. If we come, we can barely hear it."

"Mom, are you embarrassed, I told you that I am a prevention group." Zhao Manyan was a big fire.

Is the identity of this prevention group a device? These soldiers seem to have never heard of it. Since there is no real power, what should the prevention group do?

"What is your name?" asked the female officer.

"Zhao Xiao..." Zhao Manyan wanted to say his own pseudonym, but he realized that he said that his own words were not convincing. He simply showed his own national medal and said, "I am Zhao Manyan, the world." I am not kidding, and my companion Mo Fan will not make fun of my own life. Now, immediately, immediately roll me to tell you the chief commander , full line alert!"

Zhao Manyan’s voice is very large, and it is almost used by this group of people.

He believes that Mo Fan, I believe that Mo Fan will not easily use that tone, there is no extra vocabulary, and there is no extra emotion.

The female officer looked at Zhao Manyan, and his eyes looked at the direction of the north.

Several of his men were about to talk, and she raised her hand and stopped them from speaking.

After a while, the female officer said: "All the way."

"I am letting you inform your general commander, the whole line of alert, you call the whole line to have an egg." Zhao Manyan burst into flames, I can't wait to give this woman a proud and self-righteous woman.

The female officer looked at Zhao Manyan and looked with a bit of dignity and perseverance: "I am the chief commander here."


Full-line alert, which means that whether it is on-the-job, off-duty, waiting for instructions, or military mages, intelligence officers, and reserve combatants who are responsible for important military missions and logistics, will go all the way. Designated in the battlefield.

Zhenbeiguan Fortress City is a typical magic market and defensive city. There are very few ordinary residents here. Most of them are magic merchants, hunters, soldiers, experienced people, and magic associations. Since the northern Xinjiang wild animals have invaded all the year, they have been kept here. War martial law, such a full-line alert situation rarely exists exercises, once the full-line alert order is issued, there must be warfare, if the incumbent staff are scornful, direct military law disposal!

When I arrived at the Shibei Building in Zhenbei, the female commander Bin Wei was put on the battle preparation gown, and after wrapping the tight military uniform on the weekday, the whole person's temperament was changed completely. When Zhao Manyan re-examined her, he realized that What I bumped into was actually a character similar to the Egyptian staff general Fenner. The most important thing is that this female officer looks so young, white and beautiful, it is easy to be misunderstood as a vase. .

"If there is a mistake, I will hang your head on the city gate!" Bin Wei glanced at Zhao Manyan, the first impression of this man is frivolous and ignorant.

However, the identity of his prevention team and the members of the government allowed Bin Wei to pay attention. If the prejudice caused his bad things, her general staff was seriously dereliction of duty.

She is not very familiar with the prevention group, but there is a directive on the top, that is, the commanders of the major defenders must refer to the information given by the prevention team to make some decisions.

"Sir, do we have some big problems, even if he is a prevention group, it is not good to increase the level of alert, so it is easy to issue a full-line alert order. If it is wrong, it will seriously affect your prestige. Many small leaders will also A variety of bites are made to your misjudgment," said the former male sergeant.

"Yeah, how many people are staring at you, maybe this kid is our hostile party who deliberately made you make mistakes, and you will be bounced off..."

"It is indeed more appropriate to increase the level of alert. It is no longer necessary to increase the two guards. So we are not negligent and contrary to the military law. The most important thing is that if something goes wrong, the blame will not fall on your head." Said a lawyer.


"There is no sound. If it really needs a level of full-line alert, how can there be no movement, this brain grows to the chest? What are the women in the department doing, and are we playing with these dolls as their doll soldiers?" The voice of a captain’s dissatisfaction came out.

"I knew that there was no good thing to do for this kind of position for women. We patrolled the night and finally could close our eyes for a while, and the result was called!!"

"No, I must find a way to drive this woman away. I said that she relied on the upper position. I still didn't believe it before. Now I think it must be!"

Dissatisfied voices have been heard on the fortress gates, on the walls, on the watchtowers, on the towers, and on the front lines. As a qualified commander, the most accurate information must be obtained through intelligence, current conditions, momentum, and number of enemy forces. Judging that this full line of defense is the highest level of defensive measures, equivalent to the city's **** warning, although most of them are masters, it is quite heavy alert.

Personnel transfer, enchantment opening, defense equipment activation, material deployment... even if it is just an exercise, the consumption is quite large!


The various voices quickly returned to the general commander Bin Wei, her eyes still staring north.

Several of her colleagues around her have been discussing how to minimize this loss of mistakes. Obviously this is a ridiculous instruction.

"I still don't understand why you are doing this." The adjutant stood next to Bin Wei, and his voice seemed to be somewhat depressed.

"We are here called Zhenbei Building, and our eyes are always gazing at the back. In fact, what really cares about us is the north, or behind us?" Bin Wei asked.

"Yes..." The adjutant did not know how to answer the question.

"You are thinking about the enemy, considering the position. I am thinking about Yulin City, Anqin City, Feihuang City, Zhongning City... behind them. Those who live behind this line of defense have no fighting ability. Probably the real reason why a female officer is needed in the entire military. The man is always thinking about **** the enemy, how to sweep, how to set up the military, but ignore the most essential things. You always say that if this is a ridiculous If there is no enemy at all... But what if there are really enemies? I will not gamble with so many people’s lives, not only now, but in the future I will still issue such a full-line alert command, humming, impeaching Yeah, as long as I am in this position, I can't let the Central Plains behind the Zhenbei Building be threatened by a little bit." Bin Wei said.

Zhao Manyan was also on the side. He heard this and his heart was touched. He had a complete improvement in the female commander.

The fortress is full of guards on the city, the tower is full of mages, the sentry masters and the light masters are always ready to convey the war orders. The captains, commanders, and guards of the parties have long been concentrating, always staring at the movements in the north. Even the ancient Great Wall stretched across the ridge like this, it is a bit heavier than the previous Weizheng! !


Whether it is the whole loess-covered land or the original city of Fortress, it has become extremely silent at the moment, and there is more dissatisfaction and prejudice in the heart. It can only be verbally and guilty. During the whole line of alert, no one is there. You can ask the general commander about this.

Zhao Manyan was also quite nervous at the moment. On the one hand, the terrible crisis that Mofan said in his mouth, on the other hand, the cold air and the wariness of the whole town of Beiguan made him himself a combatant, which is far more than the city. The kind of defensive momentum should be dignified, and it must be much more trained. It can be seen that it is often experienced in war!

"Sir." The adjutant could not help but speak.

"Don't talk!" Bin Wei's eyes stared at the land outside the ancient Great Wall. The whole person was like a leopard with hair erected and eager to fly.

She seems to have caught something that others are not aware of, and her expression is focused on the extreme, and the chilling scent is emitted from the delicate body!

At this moment, several of her adjutants can also feel it.

Really something is coming...

The breath is very powerful! !

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