Versatile Mage

Chapter 1414: Xiao Tianyan Wolf


The gaze had no effect, and Medusa’s high-cold and proud face finally brought a bit of anger, and the hairs of the snakes that had been burnt out by Mo Fan re-growed, one by one, opened their mouths. It reveals the fangs that can paralyze the living creatures for a second.

The two long arms overlap, and Medusa seems to be carrying out a strange sorcerer. A soft, evil light like a cloth appears in front of her, and quickly forms a collar that she holds on her chest. The harp, the bouncy string, is a blushing color with a dangerous hazard!

The harp played fast between Medusa's hands, and a slap of the hammer with the force of the shell shattered. Mofan felt that the situation was not right, and immediately shunned back!

The harp string hits the rocky ground, a long rift appears, and the exaggerated extension stretches for three or four kilometers!

Mo Fan quickly changes the soul shadow, the wolf's soul shadow will give it excellent movement speed and reaction ability, with the force of the first string sweep, soon a faster death whip movement in Yu Jun Medusa's fingers are playing very fast! !


Mo Fan quickly evaded, and after a retreat, the stringing force finally eased, but Mofan soon heard a more sharp jingle! !

This sounding of the piano, the entire army of the monks did not know when the wall of the copper wall was formed. With the heavy allocation of the strings, there were a large number of monks in the four directions of Mo Fan. The monks who have been called by the harp are much stronger than before, and the assault is even more earth-shattering, so that Mo Fan has no way to hide! ! !

Mo Fan was somewhat confused at the time. This is the real monk army, or the Qianjun Wanmao made by Jun Dumei, who took a deep breath and calmed his emotions a little.

The more noisy, the more frenzied, the more you need to maintain a calm and calm heart, and the chaotic battle will surely expose weaknesses! !

"Space rhythm - time lag!"

Four people screamed and shouted, and Mo Fanshi exhibited the power of space, forming a diamond-shaped space that enveloped this area. Under this field, high-speed moving objects will be greatly reduced. Some weak will even stand still in it! !

The release of the time-lag field, in the silver zone, Mo Fan quickly found that some of the huge monks in the army had stagnated, like a painting, but some monks were not affected by the lag. Still roaring and rushing! !

Mo Fan’s heart is clear, this 蝎君美杜莎 is the command of the crowd attack, but at the same time the use of the illusion of the sound system, giving people a great army is far more powerful than before! !

In the falsehood with real, 蝎君美杜莎 is a master of playing with psychology, after all, even a powerful mage can not face such a powerful monk army!

The illusory monks have arrived in front of Mo Fan. They raised the sharp-edged axe in their hands. A monk has six arms. When the six arms are cut down in turn, it is basically impossible to tell which one is clear. It is the most deadly!

In the face of such a swearing person, Mo Fan directly ignores them. They are a group of phantoms that have been simulated by the phonological magic, so Mo Fan really wants to eliminate those who are slowed down by their own time lag! !

The nearest position to Mo Fan is a black monk who has reached a height of fifteen meters, but after being disturbed and blessed by the strings, the black monk reached nearly thirty meters in Mo Fan’s eyes. The whole height is doubled, and even the breath it emits is close to the monarchy!


Mo Fan directly locked the black monk with his mind and lifted it into the air. Before the other monks rushed to the front of him, the black monk was smashed into a piece of lightning from the air! !

These fragments did not fly around, but were suspended in midair, and then manipulated by Mofan's mind. Those sharp armor directly turned into fierce weapons, bursting into all directions, and piercing the smashing smashing People and army! !

The foremost monks immediately fell down. They were pierced by the hard, sharp shell of the black monk, and they were cut off from the waist. Mofan, who has thousands of ideas, can pour extremely powerful pieces on those small pieces. Desperate, let them reach the ultimate speed, enough to penetrate the brown body! !

The power of the silver space is at the same time as the first wave of swearing, in the right hand of Mo Fan, a fire crystal candle slowly ignited, and it is really not very eye-catching under Mofan’s body flame.

The sound of the piano is still playing in high spirits. Mo Fan saw the squadrons of the hustle and bustle of the mountains, endless, and the speed of space magic to eliminate them is not enough to catch up with the speed of their coverage!

"Rumble rumble rumbling ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"

In less than a few seconds, the savage army completely drowned the area that Mofan worked hard to kill. The scorpion used his body, fangs, carapace, and the tail to cover the dozens of layers inside and outside. stand up.

The foremost monk has already trapped Mofan into a brown shackle, but the monks in the back are still mad, and in a short time, a hill composed entirely of monks is formed, and this 蝎The hills of people are constantly stacking and expanding.

Thousands of monks, real, false, faint, even Mofan’s demon flames have been completely suppressed, and there is no trace of thunder and lightning in the sky. What can't be swallowed up? ? ?

Among the great army of the monks, Jun Jun Medusa stood there, staring at the mountain composed of this monk, it seems that this is more like a crazy creepy tomb! !

The monks who did not grasp the body of the companion rolled down and fell from the heights, but there were more monks climbing above in the gentle areas below. They obviously had a bit of fear and jealousy against the demon Mofan, so this tomb The higher the stack, the bigger it is, the more secure they are!

"Whering to call ~~~~~~~~~~"

In the black pressure of the squatting base, a trace of red flame is slowly revealing...


Suddenly a loud noise, the flame bursting of the entire tomb of the tomb rushed out from the interior of the mountain, just like the black volcano can not withstand the anger of the eruption of the eruption, the entire Lushan was blown apart, the sky of the monks Engulfed in the midair by the horrible bursting flame! !

For example, heavy rain, falling down, and the flames that have been suppressed for a long time are releasing endless energy at this moment, killing thousands of people.

The moment ago, the majestic Mount Lushan was instantly blasted and wrecked. No one dared to climb up easily. Among the scorpions and the fire, the shadow of the demon was still standing proudly, a pair of **** colors. The eyes of the monks are so huge that they still shot the brilliance of all the monks! !

When the strings are broken, how can you not think that the two powerful forces that you have used are broken by the other side, watching this flame engulf the picture of the monks, and the beauty of Dudu is equally shocking. ! !

"Your tricks are exhausted!" Mo Fan stared at Medusa, without saying a word, but in Medusa's eyes that could see the human mind, I saw this devil to say this.

Devil Mofan clenched his fists and crossed each other.

The flames under the feet are raging, and the fire tongues around them are gathering!

In front of Mo Fan, a flame crack suddenly tears open, like the other world's erected door!

Inside the flame door, a huge and majestic flame head was explored, which allowed the leader-level monks to burn out and look down on this incomparable land.

The flames are taken out, majestic, overbearing, and wild! !

"Tear it!"

Mo Fan stood in the body of the giant flame wolf beast, indifferently pointing to the 蝎君美杜莎.


Xiao Tianyan wolf rushed out, and the innumerable monk army was easily crushed under the wolf claws. The flames formed its huge body. When running, the monks along the way all vaporized...

Xiao Tianyan wolf rushed to the 蝎君美杜莎, 蝎君美杜莎 I do not know what to use to resist, it is cold and arrogant eyes flashed panic color, it twisted to go, but was Xiaotianyan wolf Biting the neck, the body and the human body were thrown to the ground at the same time!

Whether it is the whistling wolf that Mo Fan summoned or the 蝎君美杜莎, it is comparable to two mountains. The former is composed of flames, the latter is the body of armor, and the wolf is not a real creature. It is the element. The imitation of force, under the powerful control of the devil Mo Fan, this form similar to summoning into a wolf can last for a while, Xiaotian Yan wolf is given a wolf, does not need Mo Fan idea control, it also has Terrible killing and destruction.

The two great tricks were exhausted, and Jun Dumei faced such powerful magic. At one time, it could not stand it. Its sleek scales were burned and festered, and the long neck was bitten by flames and teeth.

Its sly tail is mad at Xiaotianyan wolf, and it is a normal flesh and blood creature. It must have been paralyzed and killed alive after a few seconds, but Xiaotianyan wolf is not a real creature. , it is elementalization, unless it is broken up with powerful power...

蝎君美杜莎 was bitten, torn to blood, and even burned to the face, until it ran away from the steel legs, Xiaotianyan wolf also chased out several kilometers!


Mo Fan had no time to kill this 蝎君美杜莎, a tall and straight body has appeared in front of him!

It was a mummy creature wrapped in a sacred corpse, and there were thousands of powerful and sturdy swords behind the guy. !

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