Versatile Mage

Chapter 1440: Take a share

"Brother, I asked the recruiter to write out the details. According to your statement, we are not right. We will find the families of the victims in the future. We have no face to face."

"Everything is good at making claims, and everything is good to make claims! Do you want us to drink the northwest wind from this family!" Shepherd Hua was angry and said to her.

The room was in silence again, and no one spoke for a long time in the East family.

They themselves have some helplessness and embarrassment, the fire is more dangerous than their imagination, even if they are a family known for their fire, it is difficult to solve, although they can do well in subsequent mining and subsequent quenching, But if you can't get through that tunnel, everything is white.

"I can't do it. I can only choose from the children of the family. Let's make a decision. Let's release it. Besides the heirs, other children can voluntarily come to us to register. Any participant, regardless of success or failure, will be enshrined by us. And get a large amount of pension. If successful, you can directly promote to a member of the tribe and enjoy the treatment of the elders."

Fighting still has to fight, they can't wait forever like this, outsiders can't take care of it, naturally only send their own people.

"Yeah." Munu Xin also agreed with this method.

"The only way, hehe." Dongfang said.

After the two sides discussed, the result was to sacrifice their own people.

There is no sacrifice, everything is voluntary. The tribe should know the danger level of this mining. They are willing to rely on this to help the family through the storm. The family will naturally not treat them badly, but if they do not want to risk this life, They will not force.

"I am going!" Just then, a voice came out.

Everyone turned their heads. Some of them were surprised by the cowardly children. Most of them were able to enter the lobby to discuss matters. Most of them were younger brothers, and some of them had inheritance rights.

"Yushan???" Shepherd Hua looked at this young man with a strange look.

The people of the shepherd naturally recognize the cedar, and it is better to enter the inside with the strength of the cedar. The problem is that people who cultivate to this level rarely do this self-seeking.

"Yu Shan, have you considered it clearly?" Father asked me carefully.

"Successful, I can get a membership of a tribe, right?" asked Yu Shan.

"Yes!" Mu Shan nodded.

"In the family, everyone values ​​me, but what I need is not to value, but the real right to speak." Yu Shan's eyes glanced at the shepherd, and at this moment he was completely different from the frustration.

Shepherd Xin kept silent. She knew that the words just made it really irritating to Yushan, but she made this choice as surprised. Perhaps, without this embarrassment, the cedar can fly higher.

"If you take the lead, I believe that many people will be more willing to join." Mu Shan said very gratified.

Yu Shan looked at the East Lie, and Dongfang Lie seemed to know that this person was his own rival. When he thought of becoming a heavy responsibility, he became a little sang, but he was not very happy!

"That, can I go?" Mofan asked.

"Hey, we don't have to do anything about the three religions. You can get the graduation book of the Pearl University first!" Shepherd Hua recognized the Mo Fan, the classmate who was not a good boy, and said nothing. .

"Big Brother, should you go to learn how to treat the guests!" Muyu is very dissatisfied.

"When is it your turn to say it to me? You are a national player. You don't contribute anything to your home. You don't want to be like this. You don't want to be like that!" Shepherd's temper is very violent.

"Mr. Shepherd's Big Brother... He is not a trio of people. He is Mo Fan, Mofan, the first in the world's academic affairs." Dongfang Lie said.

As soon as this was said, everyone’s eyes gathered all over, and Yushan stared at Mo Fan tightly, revealing a bit of surprise and unbelievable look.

And the shepherd Xin was surprised to open a small mouth, her eyes and the shepherd Jiao touched it, and the shepherd whispered something, her face immediately showed a bit of rosy color, and then went back to see Mo Fan At that time, it seemed a bit shy and could not look directly at Mofan’s eyes.楸/p>

"Really, why is it so unfortunate." Sheu Xin felt that she was somewhat self-sufficient. At that time, her mood fluctuated a bit. She made a somewhat extreme analogy. I know that the party is present, and my sister, Ms. It hurts that she thought she brought Bai Hongfei!

"You are Mo Fan?" Mu Shan, Dong Fang asked at the same time.

"Yes, I just came here to congratulate. I didn't expect to hear you talk about this. I am a magician who majored in the fire department. Now I am missing a primitive soul. I think the fire pulse you mentioned has the original soul. The possibility of this kind of species is very large, so I want to go in and try it," Mo Fan said.

"Shepherd Hua, apologize to Mo Fandao, don't be so reckless next time." Mu Shan first opened his mouth and his tone increased.

The shepherd of the birch was twitching, but the animal husbandry was open. He naturally did not dare to violate it. He had to apologize for the difficulty. Then he glanced at the shepherd, and seemed to blame himself for her husbandry. On the body.

"In any case, Mo Fan is an outsider. This is a matter for our family. He can't get involved in Snow Mountain." After she apologized, she said something like this.

"My strength should be clearer, and I have the contract animal Yanji. If you are willing to invite me to join, we can talk about it in detail. If you don't want me to intervene, then I will not rumor about the things you discussed today. Mofan said directly.

"What do you mean by this, can you not get a piece of it?"

"Shepherd, calm down." Mu Shan once again snarled.

The shepherd Xin hesitated for a while, and looked at the Oriental Lie with a few inquiries.

In the heart of the East, I didn’t think that my wife who had not passed the door listened to her decision so quickly.

Since he invited Mo Fan to come over, Dongfang Lie naturally believed that Mo Fan had that ability. He spoke to the East and said: "Da Bo, Mo Fan is my classmate, we are working together in the country. I know his strength." To say the candidate, I think no one will be more suitable than Mo Fan... Moreover, where Snow Mountain is about to become an important urban area in the northern part of the city of Asuka, where it can become an important place to go, we don’t have to rely on the military. So, working with them is not a bad thing!"

Dongfang Lie said this, Mo Fan himself was stunned.

This matter Mo Fan just intends to participate, and has nothing to do with Fan Xueshan, but Dongfang Lie directly to Fanshan, and also a very happy way to share, which is somewhat unexpected.

"I think we can sit down and talk about it." Sheu Xinxin said.

"This is not so complicated for me..." Mo Fan just wanted to explain, Zhao Manyan next to this time stopped, he gave Mo Fan a look, Mo Fan also quickly understood, and simply closed his mouth.

"It's not like this. Today, let's talk about the pro, let's go to our Van Snow Mountain as a guest. By the way, visit us to build the snow mountain. It is not very important that this cooperation is not cooperation. What is important is that we can contact more than one. Snow Mountain is just getting started. Many places need to take care of you like this old family... Of course, you don’t want to have a cup of this fire, we will not have a glimpse, but we are still confident that Snow Mountain can do it." Zhao Manyan said that Mo Fan said.

"Well, yes." Yunu Xin nodded.

Dongfang Lie also hurriedly nodded.

The two elders who are entitled to it are obviously going to discuss each other and look at each other. They just smiled and promised to go to Van Snow Mountain.

"In such a happy day, don't talk about such serious and heavy things, let the young people play with themselves. We have a few teas here and talk about family." Mrs. Mushan’s wife spoke at this time, and the words were just right. .

"Alright, okay!"

"Right right, today is a good day."

Mudanjiao and Munu Xin left with Mo Fan, Zhao Manyan, Yu Shan and others, and went to another guest room.

In the lobby, Sheshan sat in the East Mo, where the two apparently did not intend to talk about the usual, but re-directed the topic.

Mu Shan first asked: "Oriental brother, what do you mean?"

"Mofan has a very rare contract beast under the sun - Yan Ji, I think there is no such thing as Yan Ji in this mining. The probability of failure is too great. The most important thing is that Mo Fan is strong enough. It’s also a fire system, and it’s a bit more powerful than my nephew’s Dongfang Lie. Moreover, you also know that Mo Fan’s current fame is not inferior to a member of parliament. If you cooperate with this person, we will not suffer. Said.

"I think so too, and where Snow Mountain is a big fat..." Shepherd sighed.

"I don't know much about the snow mountain thing. My brother told me about it."

“Where the snow mountain has great potential and is a new land. It can be said that business opportunities are unlimited. However, due to the suppression of the Mu’s family, they have never had any good partners. Now Muh's annexes many families and tries to us. The obedient old family also rushed out, then why should we go to the face of Mu's face, and cooperate with Fan Xueshan?" said Mu Shan.

"But Muhammad..."

"Brother, do you think that even if we are full of enthusiasm, will Muss let go of us?" said Mu Shan.

"They are insatiable, and they have the meaning of killing them."

"That's right, we have all come to this kind of situation, and if we don't break it, we really want to fall into a small family. What's more, Muhammad is blatant again, Mo Fan and Muning Snow are both there, they are now Most of them moved Mu Ningxue, Mo Fan did not dare to touch them. This time we cooperated with Mofan himself. I don’t believe that Mummin would dare to look for this person’s troubles. The dog's Da Li family is about to replace us, it is time to make a decision." Mu Shan said.

The East Moss hesitated for a long time, and finally nodded: "I can't let our Eastern family become a dog of the Muss family!"

"Are our pastors not?"

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