Versatile Mage

Chapter 1468: Super-order fire, the door of the prison

"Damn, we underestimate this woman, what should we do now?" Zhao Manyan asked.

After looking at Mu's cotton, Mo Fan found that other people than her did not enter here, which made Mo Fan a little relieved.

The other people brought by Mu Yumian are not weak. It is just as difficult to cope with his own words. If Mu Yimian is alone, Mo Fan thinks that the four of them still have the power to fight!

"Don't panic, she should only be able to use fire and poison..." Mofan said.

"No, when we entered the storm, it seems that there is no such prohibition?" Zhao Manyan said.

If this is the original town relic, then it should not be unique to the fire element.

"I remember that the elements there are also very thin, only the wind element, and at that time, a few of us were exhausted, and after entering it, there was no use of magic at all." Mo Fan said.

"My ice system can't be used." Mu Bai frowned and said.

"Damn, the water system, the soil system, the light system, all the **** can't use it!" Zhao Manyan snorted.

Mo Fan also tried to gather the energy of the thunder. He found that no matter how the star map or the star track was drawn, there was no magic formation. It felt like he had entered a banned area, but he just used the boxing, including Mu Wei. The use of fire magic in cotton has not been affected!

Mo Fan’s heart is secretly surprised.

What exactly is going on? ?

The ban on white smelting still seems to exist. This isolated heaven and earth is only filled with fire elements, but at that time they entered here from the Peruvian storm, seemingly only the wind element...

It is clearly the same place, why are the elements drifting differently? ?

"Death!!" Mu Yumian did not have a little patience. There were already four fire constellations around her, and the fifth constellation was about to be completed.

Seeing the magnificent star palace cast by her gorgeous stars, Zhao Manyan, Du Qing, and Mu Bai did not consciously step back a few steps. The breath of super-magic magic came over and made people feel heartfelt. fear!

"The door of the prison - the vein!"

At the moment when Mu Yumian exhibited super-order, the whole person's temperament also changed. Her eyes were arrogant, like a judge of fire that could be put to death in a word, a huge grand palace behind her. It is more to set her sacred and majestic!

If it is not the first time to confront Shi Qianshou in a special environment, this should be the first time Mo Fan faced a real super-order mage. The kind of shock brought by the super-order mage can even make people forget how to display it. Under the magic, panic and persecution, even the little stars will be interrupted.

"Xiao Yan Ji!" Mo Fan is very clear, it is really difficult to compete with Mu Mu cotton with his own strength. Fortunately, Mu Mu cotton does not have a higher level of elemental species. Her blue flame field is not terrible. The suppression, otherwise Mo Fan face her estimates that even the high-level fire magic is difficult to display!

"Mofan, we can't help you, you are careful!" Zhao Manyan said.

"After you retreat, fast!" Mo Fan naturally knows the terrible fire of the super-level magic, and screams.

This street is a crossroad, the spring pool is in the center, and the sculpture is also in it. With the completion of the fire system of Mu's cotton, Mo Fan found that there was a completely blue in the horizontal street. The huge door of the fire of color, looks like a flame to hell!

There is a Yanmen Gate on the street. It is as big as a house. There is also a Yanmen Gate at the end of the street. The shape is the same. The two Yanmen Gates are far away, and a little bit of Mofan is between them!


Suddenly, a violently erupted blue melted fire spurted out from the flaming door in front of Mofan. The entire empty street was filled with this blue molten fire all at once. It’s like opening the door to a hellish river, the gushing fire and the raging liquid slurry are ruthlessly poured, without a little space to escape! ! !

Mo Fan took a breath and the result was all blue violent fire. The whole person was directly rushed into the roar of fire...

This blue melted fire whizzed through the whole street, and its majestic momentum did not spread and destroy in this ancient town. Instead, it was poured into the door of the street at the end of the street. The momentum disappeared!

Mo Fan was swaying, and it was painful to be hit by the blue melted fire. Before he adjusted the state, the street was standing on the street, and the street of the street and the street once again appeared the same door of inflammation!



This time, the two Yanmen Gates opened the door at the same time, and the molten water of the Purgatory Red River roared at the same time, forming a terrible flame convection, and slamming together in the position of Mofan!


The convection of the melting fire roared more horrible energy, Mo Fan was in it as if he was suffering from purgatory torture, the body was destroyed to melt in this high temperature and shock! ! !


Mu Bai, Zhao Manyan, and Du Qing ran relatively fast. When they saw the scene of this super-order fire magic horror, they were shocked and chin almost fell.

Is this kind of powerful fire skill, can people still survive? ?

Zhao Manyan also wants to block Mo Fan. It is really a ghost place. Except for other elements of the fire system, magic can not be used, while black magic, white magic, and sub-magic, Zhao Manyan know nothing.

Mu Bai is not much better. He has two elements that are elemental magic, and the other one is very slow in cultivation. At this level of combat effectiveness, it does not work at all.

"He... he won't die like this??" Du Qing looked at the terrible molten red river and snarled, whispered.

At this moment, the long cross street has been turned into nothing, and the spring pool and statue in the middle are completely gone. The ground is black and empty, and Mo Fan is wrapped in blue fire, and the body is rickety. there.


The flame of the ray of the sun, the field of the world of robbing and ignoring at the same time rolled up, violently dispelling the blue fire, Mo Fan stood up straight, and the eyes re-emerged.

Seeing that Mo Fan was not melted in this super-level magic, Du Qing felt a little unbelievable.

Is this guy's body made of steel, why can't he die in such super-order fire magic? ?

"Mofan now has three souls of fire, plus the power of Xiao Yanji... The super-order fire master wants to kill him is not so easy." Zhao Manyan said.

Mo Fan did not die, and the injury on his body was not as serious as he thought. This made Mu Zhen cotton's eyes wide open, and the former pride and contempt disappeared.

"How can your little high-ranking mage resist my super-order fire!" Mu Yumian said with some anger!

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