Versatile Mage

Chapter 1471: Timelapse town

Mo Fan, Mu Bai, Ling Ling, and Du Qing also looked up and looked at them. When they saw the giant sky, they were also stunned, like a frozen statue!

A cloud of qi vortex appeared around the giant clam. After the pupil was slightly convex, the blue-colored mangling fell and presented an inverted cone, which enveloped the entire dilapidated old town.

Under the blue eyes, you can see that the ashes and dust scattered on the ground are constantly floating in the air. The wreckage and ruins of the houses destroyed by Mo Fan and Mu Yumian have also risen together. They are in this blue color. It is so clear under the light!

"This...this..." Zhao Manyan was shocked and began to stutter.

In his opinion, the eyes that appeared in the small town should be enough to easily crush them, so he is ready to scream, but these blue eyes are not for them. Cause any harm, glory and even some warmth, such as sun bathing! !

Broken houses, crushed streets, ash in the air... They began to float to a certain height and suddenly stopped, and the noisy became a large black group, shrouded above.

Just when a few of them felt terrified, the ruins of a large black town fell sharply!

It is like a huge garbage dump that dumps from the sky. However, when these shells fall to the ground, they follow a certain law. The first to fall is the street destroyed by the fire-fighting super-magic magic.

The stone bricks in the street turned into black powder. They were laid down at the moment, and they actually restored the original color and formed a stone brick...

More and more black powder is falling, and more destroyed streets are recovering!

It’s not just the streets that are paved, the houses that were already shattered, but also the dust and ruins that fall in the face of rapid cost reduction...

Houses, bell towers, streets, plants, wooden signs... Five people are like being placed in a movie screen that is being reversed. All the destroyed objects are restored in the same way as before!

A white talc slowly fell on the statue of the girl, and the thin stone gauze is still so fascinating. The wonderful skin is full of touching and tempting.

The steamed spring pool also replenished the spring water again, and the springside of the cobblestones was glowing with a bit of luster!

The streets were spotless and the houses were neatly arranged. A minute ago, it was still in ruins and a scorched earth. At this moment, the beautiful and quiet town fell from the sky, and it was incredibly present in front of Mo Fan and others.

Mo Fan, Du Qing, Mu Bai, Ling Ling, Zhao Manyan stood in this intact town, and looked up at the sky again. The day was gone, Mo Fan deliberately went to the spring pool and walked over. Next to the sculpture, I touched it with my hand and wondered if it was an illusion. However, the feeling of smooth and cold stone was immediately transmitted.

"Are we dreaming?" Zhao Manyan asked.

"I also... I don't know." Du Qing is also a blank mind.

How to explain this, everything is back to the original look!

Momo Fan and Mu Muming Ming Ming razed the area here. Their flames clearly burned the town into ashes. How could there be such magic in the world that can make the destroyed objects intact? A small town! !

"Times back..." Lingling was silent for a long time.

"How can time flow back!"

"If you really fall back, then we should return to the original place, Mu Mu cotton will not be injured..." Mo Fan shook his head.

Time does not flow backwards. If you really want to say that time is going backwards, then there is only this special and strange town. It has turned back to the original appearance!

"What the **** is going on here, I think I am going to collapse." Zhao Manyan said.

Mo Fan ran outside the town and soon found the white broken wall position, Zhao Manyan's handwriting still.

This means that only the town was restored to the original, including the fact that I saw the girl statue turned into sand now, which means that this recovery is not just this time, it seems that as long as this town has a little bit The change, it won't take long, it will change back to its original state, with no change at first!

"I think we are still leaving here." Du Qing has been a little scared.

People are more afraid of the unknown, especially when they think that there is such a star on the top of the head, and this small town that will be restored to the original place. It is really not a place to stay.

"I also think that we are still leaving here." Zhao Manyan said.

I can't explain, even the spirits who know everything can't explain it all, maybe dig out the true face of the pupil in the sky, then you can understand the principle of this "back in time", they can be their strength and state, fundamentally I dare not go to provoke, it can easily restore the town, this power has surpassed the magician's cognition, who can say that it does not have more terrible destruction power!


They dare not stop in this small town and rush to the place before.

Out of the scope of the town, the feeling of hotness slowly came back, and the familiar white melt waterfall curtain appeared in everyone's sight.

To be honest, Mo Fan doesn't have much nostalgia for this place. Muguang Qing's judgment is obviously wrong. There is no natural treasure in this white melt, nor is it the place where the meteor fire inhabits. It was a long time ago. It exists, and it leads to a space station that is completely unknown to humans.


After leaving the white melt, the magic of Mo Fan, Zhao Manyan and Mu Bai can be used normally. Although the children of Tongli and Yushan are somewhat powerful, they can’t be the opponents of the three of them. With the recovery of those magical powers, the three quickly took them all.

However, it is a pity that Yu Shan ran away.

These caves extend in all directions, and some places above are like labyrinths. It is impossible to find him. Anyway, the only way to get out of here is the space scroll. When the people of the shepherd and the people of the Eastern family are called, this is the end of the idiot. Not much better!

"Don't say that much, quickly set up a space transfer array, really do not want to have any more accidents." Mo Fan said to the pastor.

It’s hard to believe that Mu Muen’s cotton has entered the white melt. Shouldn’t it be taken out by a few of them? How is it that Mu Yu’s cotton quilt was taken down? Can't it be fake? ?

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