Versatile Mage

Chapter 1495: busy body

"Don't go here to do anything? Don't be here with her hard, here is the place of others, what happened to her is counted. Rest assured, this time we will definitely preside over justice!" Professor Li said.

"Seeing her face, I can't even throw her here." Mo Fan glanced at Li Yuxi.

Regarding the death of Amera, I don’t know why the reason has spread. If the paper can’t hold the fire, how can Perry’s dean get the whole school into panic before the arrival of the Casa race, so she needs To solve this problem immediately, she used the blood-sucking device and found out that Li Yuxi had Amyra's blood.

With this evidence, and then pre-emptive to strengthen a sly motive, so Li Yuxi is the murderer, the matter is handled perfectly, and then use a few days to press the words, the years to wait for the arrival of the Casa family!

Dean Perry will certainly do this. Li Yuxi can't clarify the problem of blood, but even if she does not impose sanctions on her, if the perpetrator does not appear, Li Yuxi's festival will be completely destroyed...

Although Mo Fan is sure that the perpetrators will still start, but what can be said can not let Li Yuqi plainly suffer such grievances!

"President Perry, the blood may be that Li Yuxi accidentally got on the snow smock. As far as I know, Li Yuxi also often helps Amyla to take care of the snow smock. She does have a lot of suspicions, but still can't This concludes..." Blanche and Heidi came together at the same time, and Brandon said first.

Dean Perry’s eyes were a little annoyed, and he glanced at Blanche. The move was quick and not allowed to be noticed by others.

There are more and more people, except Professor Li, Professor Zheng, Brendan, Indigo and several other teachers who are in charge of important positions. The onlookers are even more exceptionally laps. It is impossible for nature to reveal the arrogant appearance in front of these people.

"I never said that she is a real murderer. I just used her to interrogate first. I also asked the situation. If she was a perpetrator, it would not be easier to be flustered after being seen. But somebody has repeatedly blocked me. I can't ask questions!" said Perry.

"So what did Li Yuqi say?" asked Blanche.

"She didn't say anything," said the patrol captain Jesse.

Mo Fan glanced at Li Yuxi, secretly glad that Li Yuqi did not say anything. If he said anything, he might be more arrogant and even fabricated a false certificate. It’s true that Perry’s chief is in a hurry to meet the Casa’s mentality. Will do this!

"Mofan is just to protect his friends. Why do you want to do this to him?" Blanche asked.

"Under the heavy hand? Teacher Blanche, you have said something too much. You check his body and see where he is injured. If there is a little scar, I will apologize to him immediately." Perry The dean said loudly.

"I always thought that I was a shameless person in this world. Compared with your Dean Perry, I was just as pure as a baby who was just born." Mo Fan said coldly.

When the man hadn’t arrived yet, Dean Perry was a vulgar old lady who did not give up until the end of her life. When she arrived, her words and her manners changed completely and became true. It’s done fairly well.

When Brandon was in the school for so many years, how could she not know how Perry’s dean had dealt with the students who did not listen to the discipline? She did not attend the meeting just now, but she confirmed that Dean Perry had exerted a spiritual pressure on Mo Fan. Moreover, from the accusations of Professor Li and Professor Zheng, the mental illusion was almost used!

The illusion of the soul is extremely terrible. This must not be used by the weak. Even the Magic Association has the rule that the Master of the Mind cannot do this. Dean Perry is not only used, but also used by the students! !

"Since there is no certainty, let her go first. If she is afraid of what she has done, it would be nice to send someone to look after it. Heidi, Shelly, you two are following Li Yuqi." Indigo teacher didn't want things to continue to deteriorate, so she said.

“It’s more appropriate to be held in custody,” said Perry’s chief.

"The detention is a little too human. If it doesn't work, let Li Yuxi wear a magic bracelet, so that we know her specific whereabouts, or I personally care, Dean Perry, what do you think?" Branson said.

Dean Perry is also angry at this moment. She deliberately let the patrol team arrest people. She did not inform any teachers. It is to deal with this matter quickly. The storm that will spread to the whole school will be completely suppressed. Who knows the birth? This guy was dragged by Mofan to everyone else.

"Since the two teachers have said this, I can't be so unreasonable, but only in the first place. If there are any incidents, the two teachers can take good responsibility..." said Perry.

"It’s Li Yuxi, we will naturally take it. But even if it is not her, as a teacher of the college, we will do our best to take the villains and give the students a safe environment for practice. Let the students be in such a dangerous situation. It is the dereliction of duty of my teacher," said Brandon.



Dean Perry’s sleeves left, and other female patrols dispersed. However, it can be seen that many students have pointed out Li Yuxi.

Li Yuqi himself is a new student. His identity is unknown and his purpose is unknown. His relationship with Amyra is very sensitive. After all, there is indeed a logistics teacher who said that the gardening students only need one person. This means that there will be only one person in the last time. stay.

Many people already believe that it is Li Yuxi who has dealt with Amyra deliberately and deliberately created such a terrorist incident. It is thought that some people deliberately retaliate against their alpine school, and thus killing Emerald is not suspicion.

This reason is very convincing. If Mofan had known Li Yuxi before, he would also believe in a few points.

"Thank you." Li Yuxi walked to Mo Fan, and there were some fluctuations in his eyes, not as dull as before.

"It's a man who won't give in." Mo Fan smiled, but the smile looked particularly ugly.

"Really happy..." Li Yuxi whispered.

"What are you talking about?" Mo Fan didn't hear too much.

"The girl you like must be very happy. You can do this to someone who meets me like this. It is conceivable that if someone who you like is a little wronged, how would you ignore everything and how to get everything out." Said.

Mo Fan groaned, and suddenly his face flashed through the heart of the summer, flashing through her look at the complexities of her heart can only be expressed with tears.

"Many things are also said to be so poetic, you seem to be a good chat object." Mo Fan said with a smile.

Li Yuxi laughed out, his eyes were clear and beautiful, and his smile was simple and generous.

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