Versatile Mage

Chapter 1501: Difficult to smear

"This Hecasa, what is the matter of thinking, is still hesitating to cooperate with us, and still can't figure out the current situation!" said Perry.

Edith stood by, handing the freshly brewed tea to Dean Perry, and did not dare to speak.

Dean Perry came back and forth and looked very annoyed. It was not long before a student came and told Edith that the dinner was ready. Edith nodded and put the teacup away. When I was about to talk to Dean Perry, suddenly another person rushed over and was Shirley, who had been following the Casa family.

Heidi is a student of Indigo Teacher, Edith is a student of Dean Perry, and Shirley is a student of Brenner. The three of them are strong and representative students in the college. As the Pearl University is the first in the world's academic dispute, it is natural for them to receive and follow.

"What happened?" Edith asked.

"Little Duke... The little duke seems to be sick." Shelly looked a little flustered.

"Is it sick? He himself grew up near the Alps. There is no such thing as water and soil. How can he get sick?" Dean Perry immediately got anxious.

It’s really troublesome, and the cooperation has not yet been discussed. Hercula has another problem!


Dean Perry, Edith, Indigo, Heidi and others immediately rushed to the dormitory of Hecasa. When they found out, they found that the four Casa’s family members were hostile and kept at the door. Everyone, including the dean, went in!

"I am a cure mage. I have no problem with it." asked Mr. Indigo.

"Well, you come in with me," said Aijia.

The prince of red clothes should be the strongest one around Hecasa, and it would not be much different from some famous teachers in the Alpine Academy.

Before this person had been standing with several other family members, Dean Perry thought it was an ordinary family member. Until now, the other party revealed a bit of hostility, she suddenly realized that the original Hekasa had such a hidden body. Master!

Indigo teacher entered the bedroom of Hecasa, the bedroom was messy, the old expensive decorations were shattered, and even the beds where Hekasa was lying were messy, and a woman about 30 years old was working. Carefully cleaned, afraid to make a little noise.

Indigo teacher glanced at Hercazar, who had already passed the sleep. When she noticed the signs of blackness on the very obvious blood vessels on the neck of Hercasa, she was surprised.

"I have already reported the incident to the world, and the elders will come soon. If our little duke is safe and sound, your Alpine school will never have anything to do with our Casa. If the little duke has three long and two short, The people of your alpine school are waiting to be buried!" The old-fashioned minister of the red dress said in a very fierce manner.

“Who has he been in contact with?” Indigo teacher completely ignored the evil words of this person and asked seriously.

"Except you, no one else." said the old man in the red dress.

"When you are always by his side, how can you be unaware?" Indigo teacher asked.

"What do you mean by this, do we still harm our little master?" The old man in red is angry.

"We will not do this kind of thing, let alone some things we still need the little duke to support, there is no need to murder, this is a very high-profile poison and curse, if you always have such doubts, do not tell things I, I can hardly find a way to save your little duke," said Teacher Indigo.

"Hey!" The old man in the red dress snorted, and the reason told him that he must now rely on the healing master to help Hekasa relieve the pain.


Out of the bedroom, the teacher's face was extremely dignified.

Dean Perry inquisitively asked, Indigo teacher indicated that it was not convenient to speak here, so everyone turned to the book chamber.

"What the **** is going on??" asked Perry.

"Herkasa was smeared with a poisonous seal," said Teacher Indigo.

"How is this possible!!" Dean Perry screamed in a broken voice.

"It is very serious, it will threaten his life." Indigo teacher said solemnly.

"Indigo teacher, can you solve this poison and curse?" Heidi asked.

Indigo teacher's healing magic is quite brilliant, and it also has a very powerful ability to detoxify and curse. Like Hecasa, this situation should not be difficult for the teacher.

"If it is a separate poison or curse, this is not a difficult thing for me. The poison is not particularly rare. There is a solution. The problem is that this is a chain poisoning spell... with a curse of magic. Toxic, and then continue to apply the curse with toxins." Indigo teacher said.

"What does this mean?" Dean Perry was not at all in this regard, and asked with a puzzled face.

"This means that I have faced two choices, first to solve the curse and first detoxification." Teacher Indigo said.

"What is the difference?"

"The order is right, the little duke is safe and sound, the order is wrong, and the other kind of thing will instantly increase nearly a hundred times." Teacher Indigo said.

"Nearly a hundred times?? This does not mean direct death!!"

Indigo teacher nodded.

Everyone is in a big heart, who is it that will impose such a terrible poisonous spell on Hecasa? ?


A burst of rushing sounds, everyone was shocked, and when they came back, they realized that someone was knocking outside.

The things I just heard are really scary, so that I have become nervous.

"Mr. Blanche, you finally come... How can you be here, go out, we are negotiating important things!" Shelly first met Brandon, but found that Mo Fan was behind Brandon. Some, immediately changed a face.

Also accompanied by Li Yuxi, when she did not speak, it really did not exist, it was easy to be ignored.

"What happened to you, how do you look like this?" Mo Fan saw the expressions of these people and asked casually.

"It's none of your business," Sherry said indignantly.

"Listen to it, I think this may be related to the strange things I have encountered before." Indigo teacher went to the door and slowly closed the door, also indicating that Mo Fan and Li Yuxi sat down.

Dean Perry saw that Mo Fan was annoyed, and with the current incident that could be called a disaster, the whole person became a veteran witch.

Indigo teacher told the case of Hercula to Blanche, and Blanche and Mofan showed their horror.

"Is this Hecasa a pig? Is a super-order mage giving people a curse and a poison?" Mofan sighed.

The few people in this sentence are actually a little resonating. The higher the cultivation, the more sensitive it is to these things. If you are always vigilant, where is this deadly curse and poison?

"The poison curse is very clever. Now you must find the person who has the poison curse. Otherwise, I will never know the order of the detoxification. Also, I think this may be related to what happened before." Said.

“Why? I don’t think there is any connection between the two?” Edith asked.

"They have a purpose, that is, let your alpine school be finished! If Hecasa is dead here, the Casas will definitely level you up, although your strength is not necessarily weaker than them, but a big fight. It is inevitable," Mo Fan said.

"You seem to have a schadenfreude when you say these words," Shirley said angrily.

"Why do I have to gloat, the entire Alpine school, except you, you, you, and everyone else, I like it very much. I never hate a whole because of individuality. What's more, if you have a school, what good can I have? Tian and I are looking for clues and looking for the perpetrators. You are not grateful. I still treat me with such an attitude. If Li Yuxi is my friend, Branson is beautiful and sincere, I will not care for you. Rotten!" Mo Fan said.

Dean Perry was mad and was about to erupt. Indigo teacher stopped her and used her eyes to indicate that she is not going to temper now, but should solve the problem well.

"I said, the perpetrator has a lot of resentment against you. From the very beginning, you should not cover up the news. You must deal with it immediately. You must not listen. Now you have such a troublesome thing and directly push you to the edge of the cliff. Okay, forget it, don't say this, let's talk about things first," Mo Fan said.

"A pair can solve it, hehe!" Dean Perry sneered.

"I have some eyebrows. But there is still a need to confirm." Mo Fan's eyes fell on the teacher.

Indigo teacher is puzzled. Is there anything I need to confirm, or confirm it to myself?

"Indigo teacher, before you accept Heidi as a disciple, is there still a female disciple who wants to be the top cure mage and succeeds in gaining the appreciation of the Parthenon, wanting to include her in the goddess In the temple?" Mo Fan seriously asked.

Indigo teacher gave a sigh of relief, and his eyes were obviously not very natural.

Dean Perry also frowned at the moment.

Edith was even more annoyed at Mofan’s inquiry, pointing to Mofan: “What do you do about this? Also, how do you know, you have to know that you come to our Alpine school, I have snow Lill should not let you enter the mountain gate on the same day!"

"Edith, listen to him." Indigo teacher suffocated and stopped Edith.

"In fact, it is also very coincident that the father of this female disciple is a shrine mage. After the death of this female disciple, the father betrayed the Temple of Liberty and joined the Black Holy See. I was attacked by this traitor in New York, and I heard some things related to this. Her father is called a calendar, right?" Mofan asked.

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