Versatile Mage

Chapter 1507: Is this the truth?



The elders finally left, and he could not compete with the entire Alpine school by himself. He was hard to deal with the Perry Dean who tried his best to defend the dignity of the Alps. Not to mention the major colleges. There are still a few masters who are not inferior to him. If they really annoy them, Ling Chang may be really hard to return to the Casa ethnic group safely and innocently.

Then, what kind of collision will happen between the Alpine Academy and the Casa family? It is not something that Mofan can manage. This is what they think is the right choice...

In these few days, Mo Fan suddenly received the enthusiasm of the girls from the Alpine Academy. The feeling of being surrounded by such flowers is not so cool. I can’t wait to find a place to build a house. From then on. I live here, wake up every day and hear the subtle and sultry laughter. I can walk into a corner of a campus and I can meet a fresh and refined woman. The night is full of infinite fragrance. A few sentimental young ladies need to talk to them.

It’s a pity that it’s time to go, or the Holy See will come over and grab yourself!

"I am bothering you." Indigo teacher showed a gentle expression on his face.

"Hands, not to mention that we have been disturbing for so many days, what should I do for you." Professor Li responded with a smile.

"Do not worry, we will send her safely to the Holy See." Professor Zheng said.

The people of the Casa family have already known who casts a poisonous spell on Haksa, and they naturally want to do everything they can to intercept Edith.

Indigo teacher knew that Mo Fan and others would go to the Holy Sepulchre, so he hoped that Mofan and his party would send Edith to the Holy Sepulchre. Professor Li naturally agreed.

Edith was disguised as the appearance of the students of the Pearl Institute, and the people of the Casa ethnic group would naturally not think of this hand. When they were furious to find troubles in the Alps, people were already in the Holy Sepulchre, the Holy Sepulchre. It is impossible to allow the Casa family to be wild!

"When the snow is thinner, let's go again." Teacher Yan Lan said).

"Mofan, why didn't you see him?"

"I don't know, maybe I will say goodbye to the beautiful women one by one." Zhao Manyan said with a mouthful.

In the past, he had repeatedly won many battles, and there were few girls he couldn’t make. In this Alpine school, the flowers everywhere, he did not succeed in picking a plant and a half, and their defenses were too serious. Plus now their idols have all become Mofan...

Not long after, Mo Fan, Brendan, and Heidi appeared, and Bran and Heidi also changed their dresses and dressed in the clothes of the Pearl Institute. In fact, there are few people in the Pearl Institute. The people of the Casa family will not pay attention to the Pearl Institute, and they will count how many people they bring.

"You two also went to the Holy Court with us?" Zhao Manyan looked at the changed Heidi and Bran妾.

Today, the two beautiful women of Brenner and Heidi are really bright, just like the two best ladies, they exude the most charming charm and elegance everywhere. Because of the whiteness of the skin and the similarity of height, they stand together. It’s like a pair of perfect angels and sisters. You don’t have to use veil to cover the occlusion. Walking on the city road will definitely lead to a series of car accidents!

"How, I chose!" Mo Fan is very satisfied with his masterpiece.

"To my taste!" said Zhao Manyan.

Heidi and Blanche wore the clothes of the Alpine school. It was a bit uncomfortable to put on the clothes of the girls in the weekdays, but they can only accept them silently considering the current situation.

Heidi is still fine. She is not completely pure and indifferent to the Alps. From time to time, she will go to the city to go shopping. Blanche is obviously not leaving home. The narrow elastic jeans are completely attached to her. On the buttocks, I feel that my entire hip shape is exposed to the air like the occlusion of the object. Although it is very elastic, it is not used.

"lets go!"


Professor Zheng is a summoning mage. There is still a long distance to the path of the Holy Sepulchre. It is definitely very tired to walk. He rarely summons his beast and his son is sitting on this large Summon the back of the beast, feel the beautiful scenery around, let the thin snow fall on the shoulders, and laugh with the beauty, it is not a pleasant thing.

The mountain road is bumpy, Professor Zheng’s Lushan beast is exceptionally stable. I want to be used by Professor Zheng for the SUV for many years. There are also some demons in the vicinity, but this one summons the beast. Can scare them away.


After about half a day, the mountain gate of the Holy See was finally seen. I don’t know where the Alps are. The altitude is higher. It is covered with thick snow everywhere. The white color is divided by some ridges. Out of different layers, the shadows of different light can barely distinguish the outline of these snow-capped mountains...

"Climb up the snow ladder, the top is the Holy Sepulchre." Teacher Blanche pointed to the above.

"Well, let's go up."

Climbing up the long snowy mountain ladder, when I reached the top, I suddenly saw a basin of valleys formed by a dozen or so peaks. The basin was like a bowl of earth, and it was high by those mountains. The high support, carrying the essence of the sun and the moon, spit the alpine aura...

The snow began to get dense, and you can see that there are more than a dozen old-fashioned European-style buildings in the basin. The lights are sacred and solemn.

Down the road that was built, everyone stepped into the peak bowls and basins. Not long after, there were several wizards dressed in sacred garments. They were suspended in the air and did not fall to the ground and Mofan. The meaning of waiting for someone to talk.

After asking about their identity, they still did not fall to the ground, but led the way in the air, bringing the pedestrian Mofan into the Holy See.


Entering the Hall of the Gods in the Holy Sepulchre, there are a few maids who come to the reception and take everyone to the wooden house scattered in different locations to change clothes, so as not to be frostbitten by the melting snow, the peak of the Alps. Snow power can not be underestimated.

Blanche and Heidi handed Edith to a sacramental monk in the Holy See, and personally watched Edith being escorted to the sacred prison, and the two men returned with confidence.

When they passed through the Great Hall of the Gods, they saw a woman sitting in the empty hall of the gods, next to a cup of steaming tea, behind him a knight like a statue.

The woman was covered in veil, and her eyes swept past Heidi and Bran, who had passed through here, and did not take the initiative to speak.

Brendan and Heidi are not the ones who are willing to talk. They are going to their residence under the guidance of the maid, but I don’t know why this woman always gives people an unusual feeling. People can’t help but see more. Eyes, when it comes to serious gaze every time, it seems to be an offense, can not help but produce a bit of comfort.

It was not long before Blanche and Heidi left. Mofan put on dry clothes and was planning to ask them two questions about the junction. They just stepped into the hall of the gods, and one of them immediately greeted them. Lived, with a bit of a strange look at this veiled but arrogant woman.

"White imperman woman?" Mo Fan looked at her and blurted out.

"It's unfortunate." The aggressive woman was not surprised by the appearance of Mo Fan, and she faintly returned.

Mo Fan really didn't want to deal with this disgusting woman, and turned away. The woman smiled and said: "Are you afraid of me?"

"How can I be afraid of a living dead." Mo Fan was really dissatisfied and sat directly opposite her.

"My life is as pure as snow. I don't believe you can come and smell it. See if I have a rotten smell that only the living and dead people have." The woman said.

"Your body may not be stinky, the soul must be, this nose can not smell, but I have a pair of eyes, what enchanting can be immediately resolved." Mo Fan said unceremoniously.

While talking, several seniors walked into the temple of the gods from another door. One of them was the red-clad family who was responsible for protecting Hekasa at the time. He was following the same year as a follower. Behind the elders.

The older man saw the dignified woman sitting, and immediately came forward, and in parallel, said: "Thank you for the help of His Royal Highness, or else you will be worried."

"Do you want to raise your hand. Later, please ask the little Duke to live a rigorous life. Don't be so easy to let some little demon women who are despicable and have no intention to approach." Yizhe said.

"That is of course, I heard that the Highness of Goddess came here to seek justice for a Jinyao knight of the Rhine family. I can’t understand that some people are arrogant and have no laws. If there is any need, then God. My Highness, please open the door, and our Casas will surely share the worry for the Goddess." The senior said with respect and respect.

After saying this, the elders left the halls of the gods with his entourage, and there was only the statues of Mo Fan, the Yoshizawa, and the statue bodyguard behind the Yoshizawa.

Mo Fan looked at the elders of the Casa ethnic group who left, and fell into meditation. After a long time, Mo Fan fiercely locked his eyes on the body of Yi Zhi! !

"Why are you staring at me like this?" Yizhai laughed, and the smile was a bit of a sinister evil.

"Edith is your person!" Mofan said to Yoshizawa.

Yizhe did not answer, but told Mofan the answer with those eyes.

"So you didn't come here to complain to me, but just to find a reasonable reason to save Heckar here?" Mo Fan once again questioned.

"I sincerely hope that you will be punished as you should." Yi Zhizhe kept the smile.

This smile has already let Mo Fan understand everything! ! !

Is this the truth?

What is even more frightening is that other people are still ignorant of themselves! !

The Alpine school, the Casa family, including themselves, have become one of the fingers of the Yoshizawa...

(To go back to Fuzhou tomorrow, the car will be very tired, and it may be a problem if you update tomorrow. If you don’t see the update before 11:00, don’t wait~~~~~~)

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