Versatile Mage

Chapter 1698: mascot

The flying Feichuan wolf was immediately attacked by poisonous magic. These poisons were globose-like, and they adhered quickly to the cortex of the Feichuan wolf and then penetrated into the pores.

This kind of toxicity is very difficult to guard against. The poison of the water drops with some anesthetic effects began to make the limbs of the Feichuan wolf become weaker. It feels that if you relax your willpower, you will immediately fall to the ground!

6 is very embarrassed, he does not fight with the Feichuan wolf at all, always using his shadow ability to harass in the vicinity of the Feichuan wolf, he is very clear that the Feichuan wolf is also in the hypnosis, plus On the current water bead anesthetic poison, these two kinds of toxicity will continue to spread in the body of the Feichuan wolf, as long as the Feichuan wolf will be the strong support of the battle, Feichuan wolf It will soon become an old dog that will be slaughtered!


The snoring of the Feichuan wolf is a bit lacking in strength. It tries to find out the 6 burning from those water mists, but the 6 burning is too embarrassing.

Feeling that the situation is getting worse and worse, Feichuan’s wolf will sway the Gu Ying’s mouth and take Gu Ying to his back.

And Mo Fan mixed for a long time, Feichuan wolf won the Mofan tactics strategy, but then run first!

The green hills and green waters can be kept flowing, and the Feichuan wolf body is as drunk as it is. When running, the limbs are extremely uncoordinated. When you are not completely disabled, Feichuan’s wolf is taking advantage of Gu Ying’s escape to the island. go with! !


The Feichuan wolf screamed toward the front, and a strong icy cold air flew straight out of the lake. The lake under the foot was frozen into ice in the next second, paving the way for the Feichuan wolf to fly. Ice track!

Feichuan wolf head did not return, rushing towards the island.

6 Burning is also quite unexpected at this moment. This animal was originally pretending to be strong. The real purpose is to bring people to escape? ?

"Gu Ying, you can think clearly, if you run, I will kill all the people on the island, how can you confess your teammates in front of the grave!!" 6 burned over and directly Take the life of the people on the island to threaten Gu Ying.

Gu Ying went back and looked at the fainting companions on the island.

At the thought of the entire Yuefeng squad, she will be left alone. Gu Ying is angry and unwilling.

Can't go, they are really dead after they leave.

6 This shot is really useful, Gu Ying wants to return to the island, she can not imagine how to cruelly treat his team members after leaving.

"We can't go, they will all die." Gu Yingyi said on the back of the Feichuan wolf.


The Feichuan wolf continues to run wildly. At this time, it is an attitude that simply does not understand your human language.

First of all, if you don’t go, it’s not that you have to lose your life when you have cultivated some old wolves. It doesn’t think that 6 burning will be soft to you. Secondly, even one of his wolves knows that even if he goes back, he will only die more. The people on the island will definitely die, why bother to take their precious lives.

Gu Ying Gu and his companions, Feichuan wolf can not care so much.

"You... you let me down!" Gu Ying said softly.

Feichuan wolf was not heard, but as a summoning beast, it guaranteed the life of a beautiful female human, Mo Fan probably would not blame himself!


6 burning is very angry, angry and can not wait to peel the skin of the wolf, blood to dry!

How could he let Feichuan's wolf and Gu Ying escape? If there is a lively mouth, the island's affairs will be completely exposed. He will become a repeater of the Hunter League and the trial all night, and everything will be ruined!

Incarnation became a group of flying mist, 6 burned out, even if the night of Qiandao Lake is very unsafe, 6 burning must ensure that this wolf and a woman become a dead body.


The Feichuan wolf absolutely avoids the war and keeps running in one direction.

Most of the waters here are in the water. In fact, the action of the Feichuan wolf is very inconvenient. You need to freeze the lake before you can continue. There is still a 6-burning chase, hypnosis and anesthesia effect. The harder it is to concentrate on the power of freezing, and on several occasions it is directly on the surface of the water...

If the degree slows down again, the ability of Feichuan's wolf to step on the water will be lost, and it will sink to the bottom of the lake!

"Is it possible to run, dying and struggling!" 6 burning in the back to pursue.

He is a water master, and Thousand Island Lake is equal to his field. He is more quick and flexible in his activities here.

Feichuan's wolf is still behind this disgusting person, strong spirits, and continue to fly forward a distance, Feichuan wolf suddenly floating above the water surface is floating something strange...

Gu Ying is also present. There are many large snail shells on the surface of the lake. In the moonlight, like a giant snail on the surface of the lake, almost every scorpion’s waters form a small vortex. Filtering the lake!

The Feichuan wolf saw these demon, and the wolf was happy.

Flying forward, Feichuan wolf no longer spits out the power of ice, but jumps directly onto the shell of a demon, and with the power of arrogance, the demon is stepped into the water... ...

The limbs got such a cushion, and the Feichuan wolf crossed a chic arc on the lake, and the drop was just another demon floating on the water!


The Feichuan wolf is a heavy step, stepping on a large splash of water and then making a leap!

The white hair dance, the ingenious Feichuan wolf, used these indiscriminate demons on the water as their own springboard, perfect for the waters that were difficult to move forward.

The demons were very slow to respond. They were humiliated by the Feichuan wolf and then attacked. But at that time, the Feichuan wolves flew for a couple of kilometers, and they were only able to be in their own small waters. Sprinkle!

6 The burning power is not small. The mist that he has made can avoid the vision of the demon. He floats above the demon, and the devils will not attack it. Unfortunately, his degree does not fly. The wolf is so fast, if it is on the 6th floor, the Feichuan wolf has already opened him dozens of streets.

"This group of waste hybrids!!!" 6 sizzling.

In the night, the Thousand Island Lake has a lot of devils. I thought I could rely on these demons to block the escape of the Feichuan wolves. I know that these demons have built a foot bridge on the lake to make the wild wolf escape faster...


Finally, I opened up some distance with the 6-burner. Gu Ying was so complicated at the moment that he was worried about being caught by the 6-burner, and he was afraid that the guy would give up the chase and kill the people on the island.

The Feichuan wolf fell on a stone lake island, and now the body has no strength, and the breathing has become anxious.

"If you want to go, he will kill me." Gu Ying said with some intolerance.

Feichuan’s wolf glanced at Gu Ying as if he was looking at a mental retardation.

Gu Ying did have some fainting at this time. After all, she was poisoned.


A cool breeze blew from the sky. Gu Ying felt that the surrounding pebbles were rolling in a random way, so he looked up at the air, but there was a figure above it. He had the wing of the wind and could hover in the night.

In the heart of Gu Ying’s heart, I met a high-level mage in the wind here. This is really God’s eyes open!

The wind master had apparently appeared Gu Ying and Fei Chuan wolf. He fell from the air and made Gu Ying feel a bit confused. There is still a small flame behind the person.

"Gu Ying?" The wind master seemed to recognize her, and immediately asked in front of Gu Ying.

"It's me, it's me, you are... how is you!" When Gu Yingzheng was ecstatic, a sudden heart beat.

How could it be him, how could it be him, why would it be this guy! ! !

"Oh, the Seven Star Master told me that his summoned beast is asking for a rescue signal, he can't fly, so send me over to see what happened, what happened?" the man said.

Gu Ying is about to speak. At this time, a mist of water has already floated onto this isolated stone island. The 6-burning figure in the mist is gradually clearing, and his face is hanging with a strange smile.

"Jiang Hua, this is the time for you to come. This woman is poisonous. She has shown signs of a big demon. When all of us are entangled with the big devil, we actually succumb to the fact that we want to swallow all the benefits. I have her conspiracy. After that, I will be chasing all the way!" 6 burning stood by the high-level wizard of the wind system, and instantly revealed the temperament of the big sense.

Jiang Hua frowned, his eyes staring at Gu Ying, who looked weak.

Gu Ying looked at Jiang Hua and 6 burning, suddenly his heart was gray.

It’s not someone else. It’s the teammate of Jiang’s team of 6 hunters. According to Gu Ying, Jiang Hua and Liu Zhuo have always been friends. Some of the bad news about their team actually has them two, so if 6 If the burning is an uncompromising scum, this Jiang Hua is definitely not a good thing! !

Originally, she and Feichuan wolf and 6-burning delay the time, barely have a trace of vitality, and now come a 6-burning teammate or a wind master, this is no escape expectation.

"Oh, it turned out to be like this. I have long felt that this woman has a problem. It looks good and looks good. I didn't think that my heart is so poisonous..." Jiang Hua also laughed. He didn't need to confirm the whole thing. Beginning and end.

Gu Ying did not consciously retreat, she also hated in her heart, since the Master of Seven Stars perceives that his summoned beast is asking for help, why not come in person, do not fly and find a way to come!

"Then we dispose of this woman on the spot, hey, afterwards, slowly explain to the seven-star master... Jiang Hua, what is the flame that floats behind you?" 6 smashed the things behind Jiang Hua, I felt very strange, so I asked.

"Oh, this is the contractor of the Seven Star Master, called Yan Ji or something. I don't know what it is. It's stupid, it seems to know that I eat. When I came over, the Seven Star Master let it follow me... estimated I am lighting the lanterns, hahaha!" Jiang Hua looked back and looked at the flame girl who was next to her, said carelessly.

"It is like a little red lantern, it is estimated to be a festive mascot, hahaha!" 6 also burst into laughter.

When I came to Jiang Hua, it would be better, and he could help him deal with the people on the island! Chaptererror;

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