Versatile Mage

Chapter 1716: Forbidden army

When Yalong’s man heard this sentence, his face immediately became gloomy, and his body was unconsciously pressed against Zhang Xiaohou.

At this time, he carefully looked at Zhang Xiaohou carefully. This kind of look is more like a kind of examination, very unfriendly.

"Oh, I didn't think there was a young army in this small place." The Yalong man saw Zhang Xiaohou's rank, and some accidentally said.

"So can you talk well?" Zhang Xiaohou did not give the other person a good face.

I have never seen such a big swing into the military station of others, and even if the identity is not reported, it will directly point to others!

"I am Li Dexin, from the Forbidden Army Battalion. These are my colleagues. We received an important temporary order from the headquarters of the Grand Army. Let us immediately go to Qinling to rescue the family of the army who was trapped in the mountains. There must be no mistakes. Said the man riding the Yalong.

"The Forbidden Army Camp!" Zhang Xiaohou's face on the military uniform showed a surprised color.

In the Central Plains area, the most famous military camp is the Forbidden Army Camp. Every Master of the Army wants to be selected and become a special existence in the army.

The Forbidden Army Battalion is equivalent to a special army. The tasks performed are also difficult for ordinary military mages. It is not expected that the people of the Forbidden Army Camp will suddenly come.

The Weapons of the Forbidden Army Masters have heard of it, and the several military mages who kept at the door have rituals to show respect for them.

Zhang Xiaohou did not salute. He just looked at the Forbidden Army mage called Li Dexin and said bluntly: "That is your command document, what does it have to do with me?"

"What do you mean by this, our Zijin military battalion carries out important tasks, and other major military departments will do their utmost to assist us. You are a small military commander, let you help with any problems?" Li Dexin snorted, against Zhang Xiaohou This attitude is very dissatisfied.

"Our military ranks are equal. It is my own decision to assist and not assist. I have other things on hand. If you want to enter the Qinling Mountains, you will bypass the town and go northwest to have a straight up the mountain. Don't send it." Zhang Xiaohou is not welcome. Said.

"The younger army, the other side is the Forbidden Army Battalion, helping them to complete the task, there is not much harm to us, according to me or..." The station leader Gao Juntong said.

Gao Juntong is the chief commander of this station. This Qinbian station is actually calculated by it, but Zhang Xiaohou is the chief commander of all military stations, military towns and military camps in the Qinling area. It is the top boss of Gao Juntong.

Since Zhang Xiaohou has arrived here, the leader of the high army unified this station naturally has to listen to Zhang Xiaohou.

In fact, the Liberation Army Master Li Dexin is also very unexpected. The people with the highest rank in this military town are also military. He directly ordered that there is no problem, and he knows that he will run a young army in the future.

However, Li Dexin did not completely put Zhang Xiaohou, the young army, in his eyes. Will the young army in the Forbidden Army camp and the young army in this mountain be a concept? The same is the mayor, the mayor of the mountain and the mayor of the municipality are also two different things!

And Zhang Xiaohou directly refused, there is no problem.

What's more, this person's attitude of not putting anyone in his eyes makes Zhang Xiaohou very dissatisfied.

The army is a rules-based one. When entering the military field of others, it is first necessary to self-report. Some military land does not even allow other local troops to step in. Although the Qinbian town is not a complete secret base, the other party must If you want to step in, you can report your military certificate and position at the door!

These Forbidden Army mages did not do this. Even Zhang Xiaohou was dissatisfied with the fact that he wanted to transfer people from here, but did not ask himself the Qinling commander in advance? ?

You have to transfer people from my site, do not say hello?

Where is Qinling, there is no choice of good time, no choice of good season, running into the Qinling is to die, even if it is said hello, Zhang Xiaohou may not agree to help!

The Forbidden Army Master, it is indeed a very special group of people, but Zhang Xiaohou did not intend to make dogs for them.

"The Qinling Mountain should have only one young army. I think you are the Zhang Xiaohou Zhang Jun who took office not long ago?" At that time, behind the burly Yalong, a staff member came up and first marched toward Zhang Xiaohou. I went on to say.

Zhang Xiaohou also returned to a military ceremony, but did not speak.

"This is the case. We have heard that there is a strange hurricane in Qinling. If it is a person who is not familiar with Qinling, it will easily die in this strange wind. The task we are going to perform now is very urgent, and there is no time to go. I am telling you that it is our negligence. I also hope to be able to assist us. Our Forbidden Army Camp is grateful.” The short staff member lowered his posture a lot.

"This is what people say. You are like this at the beginning. Things are not simple." Zhao Manyan couldn't help but say.

"What do you mean, what are you!" Li Dexin looked down and stared at Zhao Manyan.

"I have promised my friend to take them to the Qinling Mountains. If you want to go, you can choose from the high army." Zhang Xiaohou was not too unsatisfactory and gave them a little step.

"That, Zhang Jun will also go to Qinling, why is it different from us? As far as I know, the people who know the Qinling Mountains in our military department, except Zhang Jun, will have no one else. This mission is related. The life of the family of the great army, the fate of life, and hope that Zhang Jun will help each other." The short staff advised very sincerely.

Zhang Xiaohou did not directly agree, looking at Mo Fan.

"Where are you going? Where is the Qinling?" Mo Fan asked the short staff.

"This position." The short staff is also very prepared, and immediately took out a detailed drawing.

"Monkey, are you going with the place we are going?" Mofan asked.

"It's quite a smooth road." Zhang Xiaohou replied.

"Then go together, more than this group of people do not get in the way, the key time can also give some strength." Mo Fan said.

Mo Fan does not mind peers, the strength of these groups of the Forbidden Army mages are very strong, especially the guy riding the Yalong.

Since the road is dangerous, many people will be safer!

"Fan Ge, in fact, you can ignore them." Zhang Xiaohou said to Mo Fan.

"Nothing is ok, people are more busy." Mo Fan said.

"Yes, yes, have you seen the female officer who is relatively late? Wow, super positive!" Zhao Manyan said.

Zhao Manyan's eyes can always find female creatures from the crowd in the shortest time, and quickly filter out those plain looks and lock those charming stunners!

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