Versatile Mage

Chapter 1720: Special feather

The hurricane is brighter and brighter, and the outside patrol feathers are gathering more and more, and they are getting more and more happy, which makes Li Dexin very angry.

"Hurricane is the umbrella of the feather demon family. The feather demons have lived in the Qinling Mountains for a long time. All the feathers covered by the feather demon have a special protective curvature. When the hurricane is blown on them, it will help. They make the feathers smoother and sharper," Zhang Xiaohou said.

He said at the beginning that these patrolling feathers are not so simple. It doesn't make much sense for Li Dexin to shake them away, because when the hurricane comes, these little demons will come in groups.

Under the hurricane, they are unscathed, and even can use the hurricane to display some special skills, and these outsiders can only hide under the curtain tree!

In the Qinling Mountains, even if they are the lowest level of feather demon, it is fearless!


Suddenly, a narrow gap appeared on the curtain, and a hurricane hurricane poured in.

"唰!!!唰!!!" is a few traces, which makes the original airtight curtain obscured. The people hiding in the curtain are suddenly blown by the cold wind. Wake up.

"This group of dog hybrids, they deliberately cut open the curtains, not let us hide." Zhao Manyan angry and incomprehensible.

These patrolling mountain feathers are really rare monsters that Mofan has seen. They keep screaming and know that outsiders are hard to survive in the Qinling Mountains. They constantly tear the curtains that are used to block the wind. People have nowhere to live!

Everyone is not easy to rest, and suddenly the scalp is numb by this patrolling mountain demon.

"Is there any way to kill them all?" Li Dexin is obviously a violent character, and he can't stand the entanglement of these patrolling monsters.

"It's very difficult. As soon as we go out, they will immediately disappear. After a while, they will fly over again. And the Qinling Mountain's patrolling feathers are really a very disgusting creature. Once the blood smell on them is diffused, As the hurricane drifts out ten kilometers away, as long as the smell is smelled, those feather demons will also fly here. In this respect, the feather demon is quite united." Zhang Xiaohou said.

"That's not the killer under the top wind, let's just let them stop like this?" Zhao Manyan said.

"Almost, so I said don't provoke them. Although it will take some time to avoid them, it is better than the current situation." Zhang Xiaohou said.

"Hey, I don't believe that they can still turn the sky, you are resting here, I have killed them all!" Li Dexin said.

Li Dexin has been mad at this group of patrolling monsters. At this moment, he ignored the hurricane outside and immediately called out the earth Yalong.

A hurricane requires a long time to scrape to cause a relatively large amount of damage. As long as the battle is resolved fast enough, it may not be unbearable.

Li Dexin is very strong. He did not completely rely on the earth Yalong, but he jumped to the higher part of the mountain wall. He used the light shield of the light system as a defense. Li Dexin quickly constructed a magic star map to see. To the higher night, there is a large gauze cover falling down!

After all, the patrolling demon is a low-level creature. In the face of high-level magic, they can't escape even if they want to escape. So a wide range of earth-based magic yarns quickly smashed a large patrol feather demon!

On the ground, the earth Yalong is extremely violent, it can not fly, but has an amazing jumping power, it rushed to the highest point of the mountain wall, toward the most dense place of the patrolling mountain demon is a sandstorm breath! !

This sandstorm breathe exactly in line with Li Dexin's earth magic, completely blocking the direction of all the escaping feathers.

The smooth feathers fell with the dust of the **** colors. The mountains that were still calm before the moment suddenly became a mess. The bodies of the patrolling feathers fell on the treetops, grasslands and rocky grounds, and many fell into them. Among the mountains, a red color was painted.

Li Dexin’s speed of killing was very fast. It didn’t take long for the air to be filled with a strong **** smell. Those who were still alive, the stalking demons fled around and completely lost their fighting spirit...

"The flies of the general garbage dumps dare to yell in front of me!" Li Dexin snorted.

The battle soon ended, and Li Dexin took back his Yalong to the contract space and returned to the curtain.

"Li Jun will, your arm..." said the female officer Ling Fei.

Li Dexin looked at his arm, but suddenly found that his skin did not know when the cracked blood lines were broken.

"It’s such a short time!" Xu was surprised to say.

The hurricane is getting stronger and stronger, and the damage to the human body has become extremely powerful. Li Dexin did not use magic to protect himself during the battle. As a result, his two arms and his face appeared serious. Cracked.

"This kind of injury is not effective in healing magic." Zhang Xiaohou said.

"A little injury, not much impact. This place has been destroyed by those patrolling feathers, we continue to hurry." Li Dexin said without hesitation.

The body of the patrolling feather demon is everywhere, and the **** taste is very strong. It is estimated that it will not take long for more feathers to gather here. This place cannot be treated.

"I am not sure to find the next curtain tree within three hours." Zhang Xiaohou said.

"If you can't find it, you can't find it. There are three defensive mages in our team. They will not have any problems in taking turns to support the defense." Li Dexin said.

"The only way is that, let's go on," Mofan said.

There are three defensive-minded mages in the nine people of the Forbidden Army. They used the enchantment to protect everyone, and along the steep mountain roads, everyone continued to walk deep into the Qinling Mountains.


"When will this wind be scraped, why don't you stop seeing it?" Zhao Manyan said.

At this time, the sky is about to light up. As a result, the hurricane has not stopped. The first squad of the Forbidden Army, the enchantment of the enchantment, has been exhausted. Another female mage is on top...not Knowing how long the female mage can support, she does not seem to be practicing the defense department in the three series.

Li Dexin still forced the team to move forward, Zhang Xiaohou was opposed, but this guy did not put Zhang Xiaohou in his eyes.

Mo Fan did not care about Li Dexin's behavior. Anyway, he consumed the magic power of their magician. The people in his team also saved their fighting power. They were also protected freely with the Forbidden Army. Otherwise, the weather in this hurricane, I can't walk in the Qinling Mountains at all.

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