Versatile Mage

Chapter 1759: Soil system

Out of the Awakening Stone, Mo Fan did not pay attention to Guo Liyu's so-called double charges.

Shepherd Jiao waited outside and saw Mo Fan coming out and stood up immediately. He asked with a few expectations on his face: "How, what awakened?"

"The soil system and the chaotic system are very good," Mo Fan said.

Mudanjiao was still quite happy for Mo Fan, but when he heard that he awakened the two departments, some resentful moaned and whispered: "The two departments are also very good? It is me, I am happy. The hand dances."

"Then you dance to me and celebrate," Mofan said.

"I won't!"

"If you can't learn, you will jump on that kind of clothes and less... Hey, joking, joking." Seeing the eyes of the shepherd, Mo Fan hurriedly changed his mouth.

When Mo Fan paid the money and was about to leave with these two new magic systems, he suddenly remembered one thing.

"Right, I have a little sister, can you help her by awakening?" Mofan asked.

“What is her order?” Guo Liyu asked.

"I haven't woken up yet," Mo Fan said.

"Oh, then send her for free, you call her over, Xiaomian, you can help her to wake up." Guo Liyu pushed things directly to his apprentice.

Mo Fan found a place where no one was, and summoned Apas.

Appal, who appeared in front of Mo Fan, looked asleep, and her face was reluctant: "I asked me to do something, I want to sleep."

"You don't want to learn magic, I will take you to wake up," Mofan said.

"Really?" Apa's eyes suddenly widened, and the light shone in anticipation.

"Cheat what you do, let's go."

Apas was very happy. Even Mo Fan summoned her in the men's room. She didn't mind. She hurriedly followed Mofan, and she was afraid that Mofan would regret it.


With Apas entering the awakening house, the shepherd is a little strange, how can Mofan bring people so quickly, and it is still a small beauty who has become so bad.

"You go in with her, she doesn't know anything about cotton, you teach her more." Mo Fan said.

"Okay, come with me."

Xiaomian took Apas into the awakening room, Mo Fan and Mu Nujia waited outside, and the shepherd Jiao looked at Mo Fan with a very weird look, apparently beginning to doubt Mo Fan and Apas. Relationship between.

"I said how you have not returned to China for such a long time, and originally raised such a beautiful little girl in foreign countries." The shepherd said quietly.

"How do you think so, do I look so fascinated?" Mo Fan said.

"Probably it is." The shepherd smiled.

When the two men spoke, Xiaomian had already walked out of the house with Apas, and the speed of awakening was very fast.

"How?" Mofan asked.

"It's a good luck, it's a plant system, although this plant is short, it's a plant system!" Xiaomian said.

Apas was full of smiles on her face. She didn't think she could really wake up magic, or her favorite plant magic.

"Oh, Jiaojiao, you are not a master of the plant department, just to teach her some things to get started," Mo Fan said.

"Okay, I am also engaged in magic education."


Back in the apartment, Apas called a herd of her husband, and she smothered her husband, and taught her plant magic all night.

Apas was really interested in magic. Shepherd Jiao took her to the training ground of the Pearl Institute and taught her some basic skills in the plant department.

Mo Fan also found a training ground and planned to practice his own magic.

Chaos West is indeed much more difficult to control than other departments. When Mo Fan used to wake up the house, he completed the first stage of the earth system with only two exercises, releasing the magic of the earth system, but the stars of the chaotic system. It’s elusive, and it’s not much progress to spend time all day.

However, Mo Fan is not in a hurry, the stars are slowly familiar, can not eat in the chaos system, Mo Fan can study the soil system, and the Lei system!

The Lei Department now has 2,400 stars. To cast them into a magnificent star palace, it is also a huge project. Fortunately, the small mud pendant has been promoted to a big level, so that Mo Fan’s cultivation The speed and speed of control are several times faster than before. Otherwise, the 2,410 stars of Lei are really not sure when they will be able to listen to their own assignments.

"Hey, the one inside, is there any interest in learning?" A voice floated, interrupting Mo Fan's cultivation ideas.

Mo Fan is in a public training ground at this time. The training ground is very large. There are several members of the Pearl Institute who are practicing some elemental magic not far away.

Mo Fan initially thought that the man was talking to others, and he ignored it. After the oil head youth came face to face, Mo Fan realized that the other person was referring to himself.

"Talk with me?" Mo Fan pointed to himself.

"Is there anyone else here, dare not say a word, don't be a mother-in-law!" The oil head student said with impatience.

"How do you learn from each other?" Mo Fan asked.

"On the direct magic, you won't even know the competition. You don't look like a new student," the student said.

"Know that you know, you want to learn, then come, just I want to try my new magic system." Mo Fan nodded.

It is very boring and efficient to face the target alone. Since someone is doing the training to move the sandbags, it is perfect.

"New department? It seems that you are still a middle-level mage, just because I don't want to abuse vegetables. I am Zeng Tong of the Fire Department. What is your name, which department?" Oil head student Zeng Tong said.

"I... I am a fan of the Department of Confucianism, a lot of advice!" Mofan laughed, and there was some slight fluctuation in the sand on his feet.

The student Zeng Tong saw that Mo Fan had already set aside the battle. He glanced at the slowly fluctuating sand, and smiled contemptuously: "It seems that you are usually lazy. This soil is not very skilled."

"I just learned it," Mofan replied.

"Alright, I will let you see the real earth system!" Zeng Tong's face was confident and flying. His right foot slammed into the sand and suddenly the sand began to boil. The little sand at the foot of Mofan The ground fluctuations were immediately concealed in the past!

Zeng Tong majored in the fire department, and the minor was the soil system. In the face of Zeng Tong, Mofan’s soil system was too slow and too soft, and it was completely beginner!

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