Versatile Mage

Chapter 1762: Stinking

"I still use the check, your flow | 氓 event has already flown!" At this time, Aitu Tu on the corridor said.

Aitutu had already put on his clothes, holding a stack of some of the documents he had cut, and he hurried down and put them in front of Mo Fan.

Mo Fan took it up and roughly scanned it. The above are basically some of his own reports. The problem is that these reports are about their own names. Even the photos are attached to themselves. They have never been to those places, nor have they ever I have done those boring things that are damaging.

"How do you collect such details?" Mo Fan looked at it one or two times, but looked at Aitu Tudao with some incomprehensibility.

"Not for my family, let her see the true face of your beast soon. You look at you. Are you doing all the things that people do? It hurts so many small towns and does not say, but also deceives some people who think you are A good man's good woman, I think that I and Jiaojiao should think about the problem of moving out, lest you start with us someday!" Aitutu said.

"Isn't that something you can't ask for?" Mo Fan laughed.

"Craping! People like you are simply hateful. Don't think that you can do something that you can't do, and hate you like this!" Aitutu said.

"Tutu, don't make trouble." Mu Nujiao stopped the chattering Aitu Tudao.

"You still maintain this bastard. You look at what he has done recently. I heard that a group of people have organized to fight against the big devil. Maybe some time later he will become a street mouse and everyone will call. !" Aitutu said.

"Tutu, you can see things sensible. There are a lot of negative reports about Mo Fan. They are all compiled by the media." Mu Nujia said.

"What is the editor, you see this and this and there are photos," Aitutu said.

"The people in these photos are not Mo Fan, it should be someone posing." Muyu said.

"Jiaojiao, what the **** is it, how was it fascinated by this big devil head, he is obviously a big wicked person, you have to defend him so desperately." Aitutu angrily.

"What vocabulary do you use?" The priest rolled his eyes and didn't know what Aitutu had in his mind.

Mo Fan revisited the crime documents collected by Aitu Tu. He quickly discovered that most of these incidents began in these three months, probably after returning from Greece.

"What do you think?" Mo Fan said to the shepherd.

"It feels like someone deliberately made it."

There was some concentration in the incident, and there were many places that were very remote and inexplicably appeared in the media. There was a feeling that someone was filming and reporting.

"I think so too." Mo Fan nodded.

"They seem to be specializing in things that make your reputation stink." Muyu said.

"It's really disgusting, don't let me know who it is!" Mofan said.

The incidents in these reports were all vicious incidents that caused local grievances. So unconsciously, there have been some cruel voices, and they began to question the question of the character of the world’s first school.

Mo Fan is very popular in China, and it is generally difficult to get down. But the problem is that all kinds of real reports appear. There are evidences and evidences. There are pictures and truths. More and more people believe that they are on the cusp. The representative of the young mage has problems with people.

There are still many Mofan enemies in the country. Those are big families. They are also starting to make waves with this black tide. Then a larger group of people who are now influential in the domestic influence will scream, so they will oppose their own voice. Pushing higher and higher, the people who don’t know the truth especially love to join in this excitement...

After all, even Aititu's relatively familiar with Mo Fan feels that Mo Fan is doing it. Those who have no relationship with Mo Fan will certainly follow suit.

"The impact of Qinghai pollution is a bit big, it is estimated to become a fuse." Muyu said.

"I know, hey, I blame me for being too low-key. I am really being fooled by those stupid x. I am being impersonated by all kinds of things. Those things big and small are not clarified by one person. I can only believe this. The mastermind to find out, can barely be quiet for a while." Mo Fan said.

"Yeah, and this kind of thing may not stop, you show up too little in public, so many people know that you may not recognize the real you, this is used by those who have the heart..." Mu Nujia said.

Low-key is also a mistake. Mo Fan shook his head helplessly. This society really has something to do with disgusting people. It is obvious that he is also a victim. As a result, he has inexplicably carried a pile of black pots.

"I have to hurry to cultivate the Thunder super-magic magic. This kind of troublesome thing really doesn't know how to deal with it. What good advice do you have?" Mo Fan asked.

"This kind of deliberate smearing is not so simple. Those people in different regions are really suffering huge losses. Their inner resentment will definitely be imposed on one person. They don't know people who pretend to be you. So the object is still you, even if you clarify, they still think this is related to you, after all, the imposter is to do your name." Mu Nujia said.

"Really." Mo Fan feels that Mudanjia makes sense.

"Let's do this, I will sort out the impersonation incidents of these days first, and I will compensate if I can make compensation..." Muyu said.

"Compensation, what to compensate, these are not what I did!" Mo Fan narrowed his eyes.

"I know that you didn't do it, but those people won't believe it. People are the most irrational when they are furious and horrified. They simply don't want to think about who did it. More often than I want to vent, I want to crusade, I want to insult... I probably looked at it. Except for Qinghai’s pollution, the other losses are actually not as serious as they say. We should do some compensation and put the local The public's emotions are eased first, and then they are justified to clarify, telling them that they are being deceived by imposters, and they will slowly accept the fact of being cheated, rather than feeling more excited that you are shirking responsibility. When all the truths are clear, they find that this matter has nothing to do with you, and it will be especially grateful to you." Munu said.

Mo Fan looked at the shepherd and opened her mouth.

"Golden, if you are in the workplace, it must be a god-like public relations." Mo Fan praised.

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