Versatile Mage

Chapter 1770: Drilling gyro

"It’s strange, my rock barrier is like a plastic foam in front of the rock geeks. How can the van Gogh’s magic break free?” Lin Qihui did not understand.

The rock barrier is a large hill. It is not as thick and thick as those of the sharp pointed teeth. The fine rock can make the rock geeks unable to move. The rock barrier is the same as the foam paper. .

"It should be stuck with the joint position of the rock geek, so that its power can not be made." Tao Jing said.

Tao Jing said that there is nothing wrong with it. Although Mo Yan’s rock is much stronger than most ordinary rock materials, it is not strong enough to match the middle-level magic. He uses the rock of the rock monster to rotate and the stiffness of the joint activity to complete this. Bounded...

However, once the rock geek concentrates his whole body strength at a certain point and forcibly breaks a rock tooth, the entire rock fangs will be completely destroyed, and the sharp and sharp rock thorns are difficult to block the rock. wack.


Sure enough, the rock geek was not as stupid as it was supposed to be. It used the elbows to hit a rock in a row several times. The rock was quickly cracked, and after a while the whole root broke.

After one arm can be fully stretched, the rock geek swept away and smashed the other rock teeth, and the rock shackles were completely cracked.

After breaking free from this bondage, the rock geek seems to know who is asking for trouble, and the eyes are locked by Mo Fan. Its eyes have no look but people feel its deep anger and killing!

This is a kind of violent elemental creature. It is like a diamond, and it rushes straight toward Mo Fan.

Mo Fan was standing behind the protection of two flat buildings. The two buildings were directly leveled by this guy, forcing Mo Fan to hide in the higher stairs.

"Mom, change to ordinary Laozi, a thunder and lightning to kill you!" Mo Fan saw the rock geeks chasing after him, could not help but swear.

Fortunately, as a super-order mage, Mo Fan's skill is very good, and the rock geeks approached its fists and rock heads several times to be avoided by the style of Mo Fan.

"Vatican, insist on living, we are going to find reinforcements now!!" Not far away, Lin Qihui shouted at Mofan.

Mo Fan heard this sentence almost did not drop the newly completed soil Mo Fan toward the face of Lin Qihui, adding him a potato, waiting for him to call the reinforcements of the hotel, they were killed by the rock geeks. Several rounds!

Rock geeks are really not as good as they are supposed to be, especially when people are not able to contain them. Don’t let this rock lord chase the street from this building, and you can’t use some effective magic to fight it.

"This mage is so powerful, it hasn't died because it has been chased by rock monsters for so long." I don't know who is hiding in the ob's mage.

"Yeah, come on!"

Mo Fan was chased all the way, but did not see a few shots to save, but they are far away.

The people in this city are not all magicians. Why does Mo Fan have a feeling of stepping into the ordinary people's neighborhood? I can't see any Master shooting, and now when the social people become so indifferent! !

In fact, it is not that the magicians are not willing to pay for it. It is really the strength of the rock geeks that the average person dares to do.

The first-level mage is basically looking for death in the face of this rock geek. The middle-level wizard is actually quite tasteless, because everyone can only use the earth magic, and the middle-level mage’s control of the earth system is not as strong as the rock geek. If you shoot, it will be life-threatening. Anyway, this young man can flexibly sneak out the rock geeks, and they don't want to take the risk.

"I am here to help you. Run to me..." Tao Jing felt that Mo Fan was chased hard, and he couldn't bear to say it.

"No need to use, this guy can't help me, you can be careful." Mofan replied.

I have been chasing this rock geek for a hundred years, and I don’t want to touch myself.

Tao Jing thought that Mo Fan was reluctant, or exerted the middle-level magic of the soil with the pain of his body!

Tao Jing's mid-level magic has offensive power. It is a heavy rock ding, which can slide on the ground. The longer the gliding time, the stronger the impact force. Unfortunately, this rock geek is not a target, and it is impossible to stand. Moved to Tao Jing to attack.

"You add the horsepower to the biggest, I am responsible for letting it hit your rock tripod!" Mo Fan found that Tao Jing's magic can threaten the rock geek, so he said to Tao Jing.

Tao Jing nodded and deliberately evoked a bigger rock.

Yan Ding slid along the more spacious streets, and it was getting faster and faster under the transmission of the ground waves, while Mo Fan deliberately slowed down his speed, pretending to be able to make the rock geeks look good and use one. The large warehouse blocked the sight of the rock geeks.

The rock geek fiercely rushed toward Mo Fan, and Mo Fan stood still in the street, not hiding at all.


When the rock geeks had to hold Mofan, Yan Ding just hit the side waist.

The thick monster flew out and the body was severely broken.

"The rock of the rock!"

Mo Fan reacted very quickly, and waited for the rock geek to land, and he slammed into the place where the rock geeks fell.

A golden brown, thicker and sharper rock spurt from the ground, and was born in the side of the rocky side of the rock geek, giving the rock geek a second combo!

The rock geek was hit hard this time, the body fragments scattered all over the place, it staggered and climbed, and the anger continued to rise!

"The Rock Devil's Dragonfly - Drilling Mountain Gyro!"

The fine sand fluttered, and they were rotated at a very fast speed under the guidance of some kind of force, gradually forming a mountain gyro...

The drilled gyro drilled into the rocky geek's chest and saw that the rock geek's body was constantly turning into the same powder as the sand. The front end of the gyro is sharp and the back end is wide and thick, so when the entire drill gyro is pushed into the rock geek's body, the range that is stirred and drilled is larger, and the burly body of the rock geek gradually begins. Disintegration!

"It's high-level magic!!!"

"Thank God, finally there are high-ranking mages, Van Gogh, we are saved." Lin Qihui said excitedly.

Mo Fan smiled and looked at the sun, but his heart was awkward: there was a rescue of fart, and the battle was almost over.

Mo Fan looked to the other side of the street and found a tall and handsome female army mage standing there in a majestic position. A pair of brown and magical pupils were extraordinarily fascinated. The powerful drilled gyro was also the rock series she showed. Magic!

(End of this chapter)

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