Versatile Mage

Chapter 1780: Where to save the world

"Impossible, I will not release the seal to anyone before the enchantment is formed!" Wenxia officer said resolutely.

"You don't want to be so stubborn, don't unravel the seal, how do you deal with so many rock geeks, when the people in the city are all swallowed by this monster, the consequences are even more unimaginable." Mo Fan said.

"Look at the above." Wenxia officer pointed to the night sky of Yucheng. "When the moon is in the middle, it is zero. The nucleus will be completely finished at zero. By that time, the enchantment will not be on the city again. The magician has been banned by the enchantment, only a few hours!"

Mo Fan glanced at the oblique moon hanging in the air, and some irritated rubbing his scalp with his fingers.

For a few hours, Nima said it was easy. The people of these military mages and magic associations apparently did not realize that the city would be invaded by those muds, and the main forces were placed in the foothills of the city, now the city base. It was attacked by another large group of rock geeks, and there were also chaos in the city. With limited support in these cities, it was possible to keep a few hours.

What's more, the people in the city are more intensive, and there is no organization. It is easy to get the upgrade experience by those mud deformation monsters. Not only are the two black silver rock trolls extremely terrible, but also many mountain rock beasts and rocks. Iron giants... Rock geeks are among the lowest!

"If this is a failure, within ten years, the city will be difficult to build. Without the output of the city, the defense of the base cities will be lowered to another level. If there is a purple disaster, we will spend countless resources. The city will no longer exist. At that time, what is the difference between the eastern part of our country and the demise?” Wenxia’s officer said heavily.

Mo Fan listened to this theory and couldn't help it.

What a ghost, the establishment of an elemental capital in a deep forest, how is it in front of this female officer seems to be related to the survival of human beings, is it so exaggerated?

Seeing that Mofan’s deputy is not willing to admit and believe, Wenxia’s officer keeps the military’s awe-inspiring momentum and continues: “Perhaps you think that the probability of a purple-level disaster is less than one thousandth, one in ten thousand, but I It must not be used as a reason for peace of mind, because it really happens, and the cost will be unimaginable."

Mo Fan was said to be speechless by the officer of Wenxia.

After a long time, Mo Fan realized what he was going to say, and he couldn't help but weaken a lot: "So, in any case, will you not help me unlock the seal before zero?"

"Yes!" Wenxia officers smashed the word.


Seeing Wenxia’s attitude of taking the world as her own responsibility, Mo Fan knew that she could not convince her.

Since it can't be solved in advance, it only has to wait for zero, and at the same time guarantee the safe operation of the enchantment to zero.

However, the rock monsters that have become muddy and grotesque seem to smell the nucleus of the enchantment, and they straddle a stone-castle building with a large clock tower in the Midtown.

"Don't tell me the nucleus of the enchantment in the big bell tower Shibao?" Mo Fan said.

Wenxia did not answer, but told Mo Fan with her actions.

"Mom, you wait for me!" Mo Fan sighed.

Sliding down the terraced hills and ladders, Mo Fan followed Wenxia to the Great Bell Tower, and the streets were filled with brown light from time to time. Unlike the past, the city can only use earth magic, others. The magical glory is completely unseen.

It must be said that not all soil magicians are very aggressive. Under the tyrannical power of the rocky weirdo family, the defensive squad is really passive, if there are some stone-built high-rise buildings as some The occlusion, as well as the dense block division, the rock geek family have already broken the big bell tower stone fortune!


Wen Xia quickly jumped onto the Great Bell Tower, and there was a female magician wearing a noble robe on the stone fort. From this moment, the momentum of the person can be known that he is a super class mage.

There is a group of rock iron giants who have always dreamed of approaching here. The super-premist of this noble robe has constantly used the unique urban appearance of the city to block them under the layers of rock.

"Wen Xia, my ring of gravity can last until zero. Under such gravity suppression, it is difficult for them to climb those rock barriers, only to squat in the stone fort, but the two black silver rock trolls are also in control. Earth magic, they are gradually weakening my ring of gravity, you must destroy them!" said the robe woman.

"Teacher, can you hold it?" Wenxia officer asked with concern.

"I can't hold it, I don't care, I don't care so much, I do it according to what I said!" The robe woman said with enthusiasm.

"Well, I will go now."

"Your soldiers have to stay here, so you have to do it independently." The robe woman said.

"I will finish it!"

There is also a special army mage on the Great Bell Tower. They have a high level of average strength. They have a small number of players but they have a strong fighting power. It is safe because of their existence.

At the moment, there are too many rock geeks in the entire Midtown. People are gradually aware of the unpredictable creatures of the degenerate silt. The robes have already taken most of the Midtown before Wenxia and Mo Fanlai. The mage summoned the castle under the big bell tower. On the one hand, it is the condensed masters, and on the other hand, the core of the enchantment.

The scattered Masters know that there are high-ranking mages officers here, and there are masters of magic associations, they are also close to here, but also formed a strong force here.

"You, follow me!" Wen Xia did not call, but gave orders to Mo Fan.

"What jokes you opened, the seal does not solve. I have no difference with a normal mid-level wizard. You asked me to help you deal with the black silver rock troll?" Mo Fan said.

"You help me, fight me in front. You don't want the enchantment core to fall into the hands of these monsters, so that not only your magic will still be suppressed, but the city may also face collapse, once the city collapses... ..."

"The city collapsed, and the eastern part of China was destroyed. In that case, Greater China is equal to the name and death, and then the earth will be in jeopardy... I know, I have a life that saves the world everywhere. Mo Fan learned Wen Xia's arrogant look and exaggerated spit.

In fact, where is missing, the country is not as strong and developing, and the earth is not the same. Anything that goes big is related to the survival of the country.

Wen Xia was too angry, and Mofan looked angry and said: "You still don't go."

"Go, these little demon little devils, I don't even have to put them in the eyes without the majors!" Mo Fan said proudly.

(End of this chapter)

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