Versatile Mage

Chapter 1786: I will destroy them

The moon is like a frosty month, and the high hanging is at the top of the mountain, just above the city.

When the zero is approaching, Mo Fan once again looked around this city, and the city was originally surrounded by stone buildings of different heights. At first glance, there is not much change in the city, but you must know that the tower stands in the city. The city is no longer a strong and solid building, but a rocky beast with a head-shaped body that has become wide and wide. Their eyes are swept through the dark, lacquered city like a illuminating lamp, and they want to continue to find those. They can make them a strong ration.

The magicians shivered in the gaps of those buildings, and the atmosphere did not dare to breathe. The only advantage of facing these rock monsters is that they are relatively large in size, and the mages are not easy to find behind some objects.

"Fortunately, they have no other sensory abilities. If they encounter other beasts and monsters of the war level, we will have nowhere to hide." Lin Qihui hides behind a half-collapsed hypermarket, and the beams and pillars of the house are just right. Supported a cave.

Lin Qihui and other members of the study group are hiding inside, waiting for the nearby rock giants to leave.




The loud bang was close, and the small hiding hole shook the dust and gravel.

"Don't say anything!" Lin Qihui immediately signaled to everyone.

Those who can take this kind of movement must be a larger rock beast.

Lin Qihui saw through the gap, on the square outside the collapsed hypermarket, a 30-meter-high ore luster was standing there, his eyes were scanning around, apparently looking for the weak magicians!

Lin Qihui was so scared that the rock iron giant was already a very difficult creature for them, let alone this kind of granite rock beast.

So close, the heart will stop.

It can't see us, it can't see us, it can't see us!

Lin Qihui meditation in his heart, these elemental creatures are not too sensitive to perceive, so the way to avoid them is as long as they are outside their sight, this place is very safe, they have escaped several batches!

"Study...Schoolmaster!" Suddenly, the weak and incomparable Cao Juan said weakly.

"Call you not to make a sound!" Lin Qihui said.

"You look at your feet." Cao Juan said.

Lin Qihui only bowed his head at this time, and suddenly found that the ground on his feet was full of gray and faint 涟漪...

It feels like the sand blowing on the surface. It is completely undetectable without careful observation, but it is obvious that this is a kind of magic. There is no wind at all, and there is no such dust on the ground!


The 30-meter-high granite rock beast was originally facing away from the store. Suddenly it turned and looked at the half-collapsed building.


The granite rock beast waved, and the layers of the ruins at the top were completely swept away. The people hiding underneath were like a group of dwarfs who had been opened by the roof. On the top of the head, I found their gang rock beast!

"How... how could it be..." Lin Qihui shuddered and spit out these words.

The Gangshi Rock Beast seems to be laughing at them and opening their mouths.

It didn't take the group out of it, just turned and walked to other places. Obviously, these little magicians are not in the eye.

However, this former rock stone beast has just left, three or four rock iron giants will come over, this group of exposed human wizards is undoubtedly to be divided by them! !

Lin Qihui and others themselves have not had much combat power. This group of people, like chickens, was captured by the majestic eagle, one after another being swallowed into their bodies.



"The Gangshi Rock Beast has the magic of the soil system. They can perceive the weak mage hidden in the city through the fine microwave movement of the earth's surface... Now the number of rock iron giants has increased dramatically, and the number of granite rock beasts has nearly tripled. "The officer of Wenxia came over and said to Mofan with a low voice."

"Do you think that even if the seal is lifted, can your soldiers and magic associations destroy them all?" Mo Fan asked earnestly.

It’s only 20 minutes, and the core of the enchantment will be completely opened, but no one is so optimistic...

This fire has been strong enough to be extinguished.

"I am afraid I can't do it." Wenxia officer said.

"You can unlock it first," Mo Fan said.

"This..." Wenxia officer hesitated for a while, and looked at Xie Qinghua and Lu Bin on the other side, and lowered his voice. "You come here."

Wenxia officers took Mo Fan to the side, apparently to unpack the seal for Mo Fan.

"I can untie you, but you have to promise me that you should not use any magic outside the earth before the city enchantment is opened." Wenxia officer said seriously.

"Reassure, you have made such a big sacrifice. I will not destroy it until I see the desperate result." Mo Fan replied very seriously.

This seal is actually a lock in the soul of Mo Fan. With Mofan's current spiritual strength and cultivation, there is no problem in forcibly breaking it, and the soul will be damaged. But there is really no need to carry a crime built on the destruction of the elements, and nothing can change.


A shouting roar, in the urban area in the direction of the dark cave, a burly to the shadows of the towers that look like the towers of the signal towers appearing in an unstoppable posture towards the mid-town, can be felt through such a far distance The burly shadow is terrible! !

"There was another black-silver troll, or it was so big," Mo Fan sat there faintly.

Wenxia officer's face has changed.

The Black Silver Rock Troll is the biggest threat. The city enchantment may be able to withstand the rock geeks, the rock iron giants and even the granite rock beasts, but it is absolutely impossible to stop the pace of the black silver rock trolls...

"The black-silver trolls now have four heads, and the city enchantment will be crushed by them..." Wenxia officer said with some sorrow.

"You still underestimate the evil spirits of these elements," Mo Fan said.

Wenxia officer looked at him, but he clenched his fist.

"In any case, we will fight to the end!" Wenxia officer said, her eyes looked at Mo Fan, very sincere request, "You are very strong, I am very clear, so please continue to assist me, help me kill It’s a black silver rock troll, please!!”

Mo Fan shook his head.

Wenxia officer's eyes still stared at Mo Fan, refused to move away, her face slightly trembled.

One, now Wenxia wants to fight hard and kill another black silver rock troll, this is all she can do for Yucheng!


Mo Fan stood up and patted the dust on his body.

"This time you assist me... I will kill all four black silver rock trolls!" Mo Fandao.

Killing four black-silver trolls can't change the situation now, but... this doesn't prevent Mofan from destroying them all! !

First set yourself a small goal: such as collection: mobile version URL: m.

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