Versatile Mage

Chapter 1802: Degradation

Although many of the leader-level jumping abilities can exceed 50 meters, at least 50 meters of this height can hardly lead the creatures, but how can this limit magic not be accompanied by some restraint and suppression, at this height reaches 50 meters In the cage of the ascension, with the thin sands, these sands are like air particles with viscosity. Once the creature trapped inside wants to jump out of this cage, the sand will quickly attach to it. The body is like glue...

Gangshi rock beasts will also be able to make such a dungeon, but they can't do this glue-like sand. If they can't solve these sands, they will want to leave this sleepy pig!

"I like to throw stones, give you a bigger piece!"

Mo Fan is all over, inserting the palms under the ground, the surface of the surface is dust, dirt, gravel, there is no big and hard rock that Mofan needs, but it doesn't matter, with this gold mine The troll's soil control, with a little cast, can make these broken dirt structures as hard and firm as the rock!

When Mo Fan came straight up, it grabbed a small rock from the ground!

This small rock was lifted directly over the head by the gold mine troll of the Wujin Mine. The body of the Wujin Troll of the Wujin Mine is already very large, but this small rock is five or six times larger than the gold ore troll of the Ukrainian Mine. In the true sense. Moved a mountain!


Mo Fan screamed and threw the mountain into the cage and threw it away! !

The rocky mountain passed over the central square, and the granite rock beasts were trapped in the cages and saw the shadows continue to expand, so as to cover all of them.


The vibration caused the city to tremble, and the group of granite rock beasts had experienced the world’s most desperate crying despite the fact that they had just arrived in the world!

Stone falling, dust roll, in order to ensure the lives of those magicians hidden in the body of the granite rock beast, Mo Fan deliberately used the ground wave to soften the soil in the cage, and the large body of the granite rock beast can be smashed. After the crush, the ashes will automatically fall into the soft soil, so that they will not be directly pressed into slag.

There are fine in the thick, Mo Fan can be regarded as a relaxed monarch!

The Gangshi Rock Beast has died. The tops of these rocky geeks are like the unarmed and unrestrained women and children on the battlefield. What about the rock geeks and the rock giants? They are just war-level. In front of the monarch creature is a fine sand that flies and flies... The most important thing is the sense of oppression. The number of rock monsters and rock iron giants is still a lot. It is completely wiped out in a short period of time. The oppressive feelings brought by the devil will make them no more subtle.

They stood there and lost the courage to confront the gold mine trolls of the Ukrainian mines. They were so popular that no matter whether the Ukrainian gold trolls were to attack humans or to succumb to the same family, they only surrendered to obey!

Not to mention the Gangshi Rock Beast, the black and silver rock trolls are all three levels away from the Wujin Gold Troll, and they have the guts.

"What are you doing, what are you doing!!"

"Whoever let you stand still, I haven’t played enough!"

"Cushing, come, hurt each other!!"

Mo Fan saw that most of the rock geeks and rock giants had no rebellion. They shivered and stood in the same place. It was like the stone without life. This scene made Mo Fan more than a moment.

You still have so many people, afraid of a wool, and the bones, as a stone, there is no such thing as a bone, not just killing a group of old ministers, how to be scared, such a tyrant who killed with the family, and What is the difference between the king and the king! !

"They are not very high in their minds. They will surrender in the face of the strong people of the same family." The voice of Apas came in.

In the eyes of Apas, these rock geeks are a group of elements with simple minds and limbs. There is no absolute hatred for human beings. Only an instinct for the magic can be upgraded. They all formed a huge amount of earth energy. These elemental creatures hiding in the depths of the dark caves will not attack the human city in such a large way.

Mo Fan looked at these rock monsters and rock giants who did not run and did not resist, shook their heads helplessly.

What is the difference between them and the bombing of stones? It’s boring.

"You didn't notice anything?" said Apas.

"What do you notice?" Mo Fan did not understand.

"The evolutionary form of these is actually energy to maintain, you pay attention to those rock iron giants who did not launch an attack." Apas said.

Mofan looked down and stared at the rock giants that Apasse said.

The rock iron giant stood on a piece of land, like a soldier standing guard, not moving, especially when Mofan’s eyes arrived.

After a while, the rock giant became uneasy and the whole body actually sweated.

These sweats flowed through the body of the rock iron giant, but the outer rock iron was melted, just like a clay man who was poured a pot of water!

More and more mud, quickly faded from the body of this rock iron giant, after less than a minute, this rock iron giant has melted half of the block, and finally turned into a rock monster about four meters That is, the mud deformation monster originally swallowed a form after the mage!

"Degradation?" Mo Fan is different.

"Well, they are degraded. If they don't get more energy in a period of time, they can't maintain a stronger form, so they will degenerate. To put it bluntly, as long as they don't let them capture energy, capture those magics. Master, after the energy is consumed, they will degenerate back to the mud and deform themselves," said Apas.

"It turned out to be like this, then say..." Mo Fan just wanted to speak, and suddenly found that the golden rock of his body actually appeared muddy!

"I rely!"

Mo Fan snorted and found that Jin Kai was fading, revealing the layer of copper inside!

I am degenerating and degenerate into a black and silver bronze troll!

"They are stupid. You are still in awe of the majesty. Let them degenerate into muddy deformation and roll back to the dark caves. Otherwise, if you want to maintain this kind of strength, you have to continue to engulf other magicians," said Apas. .

"So, they are not as terrible as they thought, just because we don't understand their abilities," Mofan said.

"If there is no Achilles heel in this kind of creature, isn't it that the world has been unified for a long time, or what to do under the dark caves?" said Apas.

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