Versatile Mage

Chapter 1805: Cardinal - Shura



High altitude alps in the Alps

For example, in a snowy mountain in Xueyuetan, dozens of ancient European buildings with warm golden glow in the snow and snow are scattered and generous.

The heavy snow continued at night, and several servants with ancient lamps stepped on the thick snow, so that all the temples were not stained with dust. After they had completed their duties for one day, they returned to their warm hut and raised the stove. Get up and get a good night's sleep.

After the old servants slept, the entire sacred court was like sleeping. There were not even patrolling people here, because so far no one dared to make it here. The Holy See is the five continents. A supreme hall above the Magic Society!

"Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey!"

After the snow bell knocked over, the snow came up with a footstep that was not slow, and many of the sacred masters heard it, but they didn’t care too much. There would always be one or two old servants with slow hands and feet who would lose three. You don't have to disturb your dreams for this kind of thing.

The Holy Sepulchre dungeon is in a position to fall to the sun, and the footsteps stop here when it arrives...

In the depths of the dungeon, there was a cell that was sealed up by a total of seven bans. There was no electricity in it. Several oil lamps were on, and the dim light did not shine in a few places. The entire cell was still covered in darkness.

There is nothing on the long passage, only the old ones are empty.

At the end of the passage, it was the seven rooms that were sealed. The thick wooden stakes were separated by seven or eight centimeters, forming a simple door, but it was such a simple facility, but it never Someone escaped from here.

"Who is there!" In the cell, a sound that sounded crisper sounded.

"Hey! Hey! Hey!" The heel regularly landed on the ground stone, and a figure with a slightly taller and thinner figure slowly walked down the long passage to the cell door.

The oil lamp couldn't reflect her look. The young boy who was sitting in the cell began to be restless. He seemed to recognize the person who came here, but how could she appear here, but here is the Holy Sepulchre. It is the dungeon of the Holy Sepulchre. Now the magicians all over the world have an ideal, that is, throwing this person into the dungeon.

But she came, but she walked in such a leisurely manner. Even the cold lord wanted to scream at the moment, telling the sects who died in the past, the most terrible cardinal is on your site, and hurry to catch People!

"Not welcome?" The woman wearing a pair of high-heeled shoes took the simple interrogation stool next to it, and the long legs overlapped, leaning back slightly, with a bit of laziness.

"I don't think you are coming to save me. Your men have killed my favorite woman!"

"The blue bat is my favorite student," said Sarang.

"How did you get here, here is the Holy Sepulchre!" The cold lord couldn't help but ask.

In the heart of the cold lord, there is actually a little hope. Since the cardinal can enter the sacred dungeon as a ghost, it means that she is likely to get herself out of here!

"The maids around Hecasa are my people, and it is a coincidence that the people of the Holy Sepulchre left her here," said Sarang.

"Hey, your courage is really not big," said the cold lord.

"Who is the pope," asked Sara.

"Do you think I will tell you?" Cold Jue smiled.

"As a condition, I will save you from here." Sarang seems to have prepared this.

The cold glory eyes lit up again!

Sure enough, Sarang has this ability.

In the dungeons of the Holy Sepulchre, every day the mage, whose old teeth are dying, is interrogated. The cold lord feels that he is going crazy, either let him die or let him leave here!

"Can you really get me out of here?" Cold Jue said with some excitement.

"What I need is the name of the pope." Sarah repeated.

"I don't know his name, but I have a way to let you know. You will get me out now, I will tell you. Sarang, if you really want to know who the pope is, you must do your best to save me. Only the Cardinal can let you know his true face!" said the cold lord.

Sarang smiled and said: "I know, otherwise I won't come. Wait a few days, you will see the sun again."



Yucheng, with some magical broken crystals, Mo Fan and the members of the study team returned to the Pearl Institute.

Just returned to his apartment, Mo Fan is planning to take the broken crystal to the spirit to study it, and suddenly the knock on the door rang.

Mo Fan went to open the door and found Zhao Manyan.

"Where did you die this time!" Zhao Manyan asked angrily.

"It’s hard to say a word, what happened?" Mofan asked.

"The big thing, there are big things happening in the world, you don't know it!" Zhao Manyan said loudly.

"Oh, I am in the deep forest, what is going on in the deep forest. Isn't there a place where there is more fortified mage, or which cursing mage is going to the West?? May heaven be painless." Mofan raised his eyebrows.

"Wow, you really don't know! It is the cardinal, the cardinal was arrested." Zhao Manyan said.

"Salang??" Mo Fan is one of the people!

"Not a slang, a cardinal in South America, who was taken by the sacred sect in Brazil and has been escorted to the Holy See. Mo Fan, it seems that you really made great achievements!" said Zhao Manyan.

"I? What is the relationship with me? I only caught a cold lord. What is the relationship between the Brazilian cardinal and me?" Mofan said inexplicably.

"Are you stupid? You think about how many years ago, the Holy See has not caught the Cardinal-level members of the Black Chapel, but after you sent the cold prince, it took only a long time to catch it. One, surely the people of the Holy Sepulchre escaped the extremely precious information from the mouth of the cold lord, which was locked in the Brazilian cardinal. You don’t know, this Brazilian cardinal is also a big Metamorphosis, the famous cursing rainforest in Brazil is his masterpiece!" Zhao Manyan said.

"Currently raining the forest, as if we had heard of it when we arrived in Brazil, isn't that a forest?" Mofan asked.

"Which, probably around 13 years ago, there is an earlier city in the Amazon forest, called the Mikai people. Because the security enchantment was compressed by the Amazon's demons, these secret people follow the government. The request began to migrate to the lower reaches of the river. It was a relatively large-scale migration of the Brazilian rainforest, but when they were in a dense rainforest, they were subjected to a cursed demon prisoner by a cursing mage, and all migrants were trapped. After dying in the rain forest... Since then, the cardinal of Shura has spread in the name of South America, until now to the rainforest, the painful ghosts are still there, and will not disperse in the next 30 years."

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