Versatile Mage

Chapter 1814: Challenge Muning Snow

The audience was in awe.

The contestants questioned the judges and showed a strong challenge!

Mu Ningxue is also a young man, and is still a younger generation of young people under the age of 30. When she was a judge, there were indeed too many people who questioned.

It’s like a student in the same grade, even though we all know that you have a good grade and are better than all of us, but if you are our teacher, no one will be convinced!

He Yao’s words are definitely not unreasonable, and because he is not a noisy, this kind of arrogant atmosphere is more and more tense and looking forward to.

Finally someone has provoked Muning Snow! !

In fact, everyone wants to know how strong Muning Snow is. Can it really be stronger than He Yao?

After all, the battle of the world's colleges and universities was a thing of the past. At that time, Muning Xue was in the high stage. Now the top ten of this youth selection contest is basically a high-level full-fledged, and the three lines of magic are mastered and can no longer be proficient. Even approaching the superclass mage, Muning Xue can be called the strongest student in the world, but can she call her the strongest youth? This is probably not a concept!

The best students in the university, and the best young people in the society, are thousands of miles away!

"Before I didn't kill here, you can't take my challenge book as one thing. Indeed, my reputation is far less than that of you, but after winning the championship in this competition, I will send another one. Challenge book to your snow mountain, until then, if you ignore it again, I will be surrendering, please don't use the strongest name again, I am tired of those idiots around me, I have to let them know this No one in the world can claim to be the strongest. I may not be the strongest mage, but you must be famous, but this is true!" He Yao said.

The host stood a little stupid, and for a long time did not know how to answer. This He Yao has never said a word before winning every time. Everyone thought that he was a silent master. Who knows that Muning Snow is present today, he will reveal his true purpose, and that there is not a few people who are discouraged. come out.

"That... Mu's judges, do you have anything to answer this player?" The host saw that He Yao had finally finished, and this was extremely incomparable.

“Where Snow Mountain has never welcomed the challengers, I have not claimed to be the strongest, but the challenge book is still piled up. I personally don’t mind the masters coming to discuss, but please all of us who want to challenge our snowy mountains. People, first like the He Yao player to play a little name and then hand in your challenge book, or a high probability will be thrown into the trash can." Muning Snow replied.

The host couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

In fact, many people want to see Muning Snow face such awkward scenes. After all, she is not convincing as a judge, but who can think of the questioning of the players, Mu Ningxue's answer is even more domineering!

He Yao is launching a challenge book with Mu Ningxue to write with strength. Mu Ningxue is not sending a challenge book to the challengers across the country. The challenge is for all those who are above He Yao!

Without fighting, there is no progress. Muning Snow’s deep presence in Fan Xueshan does not mean that she has given up the pursuit of the highest field of magic. Mo Fan is the majority and the demon, and Mu Ning Xue is fighting against the various groups!

"I can understand that you will accept my challenge book." He Yao said.

"Where Snow Mountain accepts." Muning Snow replied.

"Good! Very good!" He Yao immediately yelled.

The most powerful person in Snow Mountain is not Muning Snow. What is the difference between Snow Mountain and the challenge of Muning Snow?

"I originally wanted to challenge Mo Fan, but I heard that this person has been idle and happy since he won the first battle of the world university. This self-important person is not worthy of my challenge, and defeating you is the same!" Yao said.

When Muning Snow heard this sentence, he could not help but laugh.

Was the original reputation of Mo Fan already being traced to this level?

People all over the world want to challenge Mo Fan, not to mention the whole country, but no one can find him. Wherever Snow Mountain had a large part of the challenge book before, it challenged him. Later, everyone knew that Mo Fan could not appear, but they turned to challenge themselves. .

In these years, Mo Fan did not see the figure, and some of the things he did were classified as secrets, and then he was ridiculously ridiculously played and gone around! !

Munin Snow is too lazy to explain anything to these hearsayers. Anyway, Mo Fan is not very interested in these challengers. They love rumors and rumor.

Li Wei said that there is nothing wrong with it. Van Snow Mountain does not have enough prestige in the city of Asuka.

It is just this matter that makes people who do not take Fan Xueshan as one thing to figure out the situation.

This He Yao's gauntlet, Muning Snow picked up!



Three days later

The final result of the Youth Selection Competition did not surprise people. The winner was the one who won the championship.

Bai Hongfei was defeated by He Yao in the semi-final. The two men struggled for a long time, but Bai Hongfei was too soft, not the opponent of He Yao.

Then He Yao easily defeated the Li Li family's Li Wei in the finals and won the championship.

This He Yao strength is really strong, people are obvious to all, so the end result will be so that everyone is not surprised, even if the finals are as if they know the result, what really makes people look forward to is He Yao and Muning. Battle between the snow!

The Youth Selection Competition is the first place in the city of the Birds Base. It is recognized as the strongest Mu Ningxue in the youth. How can such a contest not be exciting? ?

In the past few years, many magicians have been able to hide in the city to choose a comfortable job, to do little research on insignificant magic, to squander their power... equally respected, but now the coastline crisis step by step Pressing, the War Mage has become the guarantee of the lives and property of all the people, and the War Mage is even more respected!

Mu Ningxue is naturally named after the war. The youth selection contest is based on strength. Even the magic associations have some eyes on the private fights that do not hurt their lives and do not damage public facilities. People certainly expect more. See the purest and most wild magic battle, gain security in this supreme power...

Therefore, after hearing that He Yao wants to go to Fan Xueshan, countless people have entered the Van Snow New City and look forward to seeing the ultimate battle of this real youth contest!


He Yao did not consume much magic power after defeating Li Wei, so after a night, He Yao directly killed Van Snow Mountain and vowed to win a victory with Muning Snow!

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