Versatile Mage

Chapter 1824: Mental patients have a wide range of ideas

Xudao is about 50 kilometers away from the town, and it is only a few kilometers away from the sea. The island is some distance from the beach.

Asahi Island belongs to Wanggui Town, but because of this relatively long distance, the island is no different from a deserted island if there is no personnel management.

After leaving the lakeside tea room, Mo Fan, Ling Ling, Zhao Manyan, and Jiang Shaoxu went to the deserted coastal areas. There was no port in Wanggui Town. There was only one way to look into the town and inject the river into the ocean. They followed this one. When the river arrived at the beach, it was found that there was no beach, but a sea cliff with a certain height.

This sea cliff can be said to have formed a natural dam, blocking the seawater that would have been sown, so Wanggui Town has become a relatively small town threatened by rising sea levels.

The sea can't get close to the arrival, and those who like the wet sea monsters will not be confused here.

"There is a cliff tower there." Ling Ling said to the place where the sea cliff rises.

"Let's see it in the past."

The four men walked toward the cliff tower. On the way, they also met two members of the trial meeting to patrol here. They lit cigarettes and looked more casual. They randomly questioned the four people and continued to chat. Some gossip gossip in the other direction, Mo Fan also heard someone in the cliff tower.

Stepping into the cliff tower, I thought that this cliff tower should also be abandoned. You can walk into the door and find that it was cleaned very cleanly.

The cliff tower is made of stone, and the stones outside are all whitened. It can be seen clearly at night, and there are obviously some years.

"It seems like someone is living here, hanging clothes next to it." Zhao Manyan pointed to the two dead wood roads next to him.

"No need to be like," Mofan said.

After saying this, some tall shadows in the dark cliffs gradually emerged.

The man’s face is slowly clear, a vicissitude face, black old-aged spots with brownish-yellow skin, and a pair of sly eyes staring at the uninvited guests, the vigilance that emerges from the pupil. Light shows that he is not an ordinary tower guard.

This middle-aged person actually has some hunchbacks, but even so he is more than half of the two men, Mo Fan and Zhao Manyan. It shows how sturdy the tower-keeper was when he was young!

"Children don't have to run here to play, and if they don't sleep in the middle of the night, they will be smashed by the monsters!" The guards saw that the couple were young and young, and said nothing.

"Uncle, are you the guardian here?" Mofan asked.

"I know and ask, and quickly go back to the town, the nearest sea is not flat." Shouta said.

The tower guard should be a veteran, and he is still wearing old military uniforms.

"We are here just to find out about the situation in Asahi Island. You should have been here for quite a few years. How many featherless birds are there in Asahi Island?" Mo Fan asked.

"Hurry and go, you don't need these nosy people here." The tower guard said very impatiently.

"Uncle, do you know the totem?" Mofan asked again.


The guard tower did not mean to communicate, and Mofan and others were sent directly.

A few people had nothing to gain, and they walked aimlessly on the edge of the sea cliff. Jiang Shaoxu recalled the last question of Mo Fanna and couldn’t help but say: "Mo Fan, do you think that the totem is a cabbage on the street? If you ask someone, you will know??"

Mo Fan scratched his head and explained: "There are such arrangements in general TV dramas, games, and novels. The old man who looks very strange and lives in an abandoned place is watching everything." Something, I thought about it for a moment. There are traces of totems here. Maybe the veteran is watching the totem, so I just went straight to the point and asked."

"..." Lingling, Zhao Manyan, and Jiang Shaoxuan suddenly had no words, and the neurological patients had a wide range of ideas.

"It’s still good for field trips. It doesn’t make sense here.” Zhao Manyan said.

This time, for the totem he needed, Zhao Manyan was naturally very diligent and called out the wings of the golden wind. He roughly determined the direction of the Asahi Island.

"I used to investigate and investigate, you are here waiting for me news." Zhao Manyan said.

More than 20 kilometers is not too far for the people who can fly. Zhao Manyan pats the golden wings and jumps into the dark blue sky. On the calm sea, he can see his fast-moving figure. He is waiting for Mo Fan and others. The gaze gradually went away.

Looking at Zhao Manyan flying to Xudao, Mo Fan could not help but sigh: "This is the first time I saw Zhao Manyan take the initiative to do something."

"He is probably stimulated," said Lingling.


There is only a silvery light in the ink-colored sky, probably in the position behind Zhao Manyan. In this night without moonlight and starlight, the ocean and the sky will be thick together, if the sea will keep undulating, it will make a loud noise. They can't be distinguished at all.

In the ocean and the sky, the most troublesome thing is not this vast monotony, but the problem of direction.

Months and clouds can't be used as reference objects, because they all move. It is impossible to keep walking straight in such an environment. Many times, there is no difference between going straight and closing the eyes. If you walk, you don't know which one to go. It’s gone.

More than 20 kilometers, this is a little bit of an island. It is in a remote coastal area. The island is far away from the world. It is completely isolated from the world.

Zhao Manyan's flight speed is not very fast. Even the helicopters are better than the helicopters. The speed of the wing magic is far less than that of the Wind Master. The Wind Wing Master can use the airflow and the control of the wind to make the speed fast. Beyond most flying tools.

Wing magic is the consumption of magic energy, just when Zhao Manyan feels that he is flying in the wrong direction, there is an irregular island on the surface of the thick ink.

The island is more than ten kilometers in diameter and is covered with lush vegetation. The highest part of the island is close to the mountains on the mainland. The lowest position is the toothed beach.

Zhao Manyan can only see one side of the island. This island is relatively large, and he is not flying very high. You can see it.

Asahi Island is very quiet and looks like a deserted island with dense vegetation. It is not like a group of wild domesticated creatures. Zhao Manyan did not care too much to continue flying forward. He suddenly heard the sea level under his body inexplicably boiling. Get up, splash!

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