Versatile Mage

Chapter 1828: Three super orders

"How is it possible? I saw that they obviously flew out of the sea and then rotated it like a boomerang. After the attack, they returned to the sea." Zhao Manyan said.

What is no feather bird, it is said that a group of sharp fish, Zhao Manyan believes that a few points, how can the bird his mother in the sea!

“Featherless birds are featherless, so they are not afraid of being soaked. Their skins are smooth, like leather, not only have a good effect on the airflow, but also a free shuttle in the water. , is a special creature of sea and air amphibious," Tang Yue said.

"The sea and the sky are amphibious, I have heard it for the first time," Mo Fan said.

People often say that amphibians are mostly amphibious, amphibious, lizards, crocodiles, and other special lungs, but they can fly in the air and inhabit the water. It is rare to see it again!

"The sky and the ocean, they are all free to move, the combat power is not reduced. It is because of their special amphibious nature that the no-feathering domestication plan has been tried in many foreign military, but because the featherless birds are born Helium and the territorial consciousness are extremely strong. It takes decades to domesticate them. After more than a dozen generations of domestication, there will be some improvement.” Tang Yue said.

"If this kind of creature can really be domesticated, it is really a great help to our current situation." Lingling said.

The powerful nature of the featherless bird is too suitable for the current coastal base city, that is, it can detect the ocean in the air, and it can be killed in the sea and the sea monster. The military’s Skyhawk now has no difference between the role and the surveillance bird. When it comes to water, it is basically abolished.

"Yes, the ideal is very beautiful, but unfortunately it has not been successful, but it has left such hidden dangers to the younger generation." Tang Yue sighed.

"That said, we can not only get from the sea to the island, even flying into the island from the air can not do?" Zhao Manyan said.

"Well, the air is more difficult." Tang Yue said.

Mo Fan now understands why Tang Yue is so awkward for this matter, like the creatures of the sea and the sky like a featherless bird, plus that is another island that has no other way to enter, it is estimated that the military The military base on the island is also protected at this level.

"I think, we still have to ask the veteran last night. Although he doesn't know the totem, it is definitely clear that there is no bird. We must first understand this creature before we can have a solution." Said.

"Right, let me ask." Mofan nodded.

"You still forget it, just chat with you yesterday... Spirit, let's go both." Jiang Shaoxu said.

"Well, well, let's go."



Jiang Shaoxu and Ling Ling went to the cliff tower again. They found that the veteran was doing morning exercises, not using magic, but some very ordinary fitness.

"How come you ran over, didn't you tell me that this place is not a place for children to play!" The veteran's tone was very unfriendly, and he did not wait for Ling Ling and Jiang Shaofeng to speak directly.

"We want to go to the island, Uncle, you have been here for so many years, should you have some understanding of those featherless birds?" Ling Ling asked.

In the face of the little girl Luoli like Lingling, the attitude of the veteran is so hard and fierce. He took a look at Tang Yue, Mo Fan, Zhao Manyan, Mu Bai and others who were a little farther away. He asked: "Who are you?" ?"

"The trial will be with the hunter." Ling Ling replied.

"Hey, how many years have passed, I don't have time to report this matter up, but in the end it has become what it looks like. Now this situation is caused by the government!" The veteran apparently accumulated a long time of resentment.

"This time we really want to solve this problem, Uncle, you don't want to see those featherless birds grow stronger. At that time, when you look back to the town, you really have a big problem." Jiang Shaoxu said.

"Why do you have to enter the island?" The veteran did not understand.

"This is the case. The strongest combatant on our side is a dry duck. If you don't land him or fight in the ocean, his strength will be greatly reduced. As long as you enter the island, we also have more space for activities and combat space. Jiang Shaofeng said.

"Be strong, you can still get through the featherless birds that are full of forests. You think this creature is too simple. Why is it that domestication fails? It is because these featherless birds are stronger than humans from beginning to end. Most of the Masters are still strong," said the veteran.

"We are just coming soon, just want to deal with it as soon as possible. Uncle has any good way to say it. There are three super-level wizards in our team." Jiang Shaoxu said.

The "three????" veterans were full of strange faces, and their eyes could not help but look at the people there.

The super-level master is the emperor's existence in this small town. The veterans really don't see that these young people are super-class. To be honest, he feels a bit absurd.

However, it is not super-order, the other party does not have to deceive himself, the veteran has temporarily believed.

"If three years ago, as long as there was a super-president mage, you can basically clean up this featherless domestication base, but it is hard to say now. These featherless birds have a bird king, and the bird king was twenty years ago. It is someone's contract beast. After the death of the master, he was taken here to do various experiments and reproduction. Now the large-scale featherless corps is all its descendants. Its bloodlines are very good, and it seems to have wisdom. From the way of human domestication, we have found a way to pass on this powerful power to its descendants. In these years, the strength of the featherless birds with the orthodox blood of the Bird King is extremely powerful, unless the army is directly smashed..." The veteran said.

The rules of nature, the more powerful creatures, the worse their ability to multiply.

Normally, the featherless king will proliferate one to three chicks with the same strength in his life, but because this is a domestication base, he believes that he has created the most abundant environment and isolated natural enemies. This will make the featherless king overproduce and become extremely powerful.

A featherless bird with a featherless king's orthodox blood is equal to one higher demon.

"Is there any good advice for that uncle??" Ling Ling asked.

"If there is no strong army, there is only one way to go to the island... that is to wait until the coldest day of the winter solstice. I understand the habits of these birds, they actually need to hibernate, because of the warmer environment of being moved to the south. Come, make them all year round, but if the weather is cold, they will still fall asleep," the veteran said.

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