Versatile Mage

Chapter 1834: Isolation base

This blow can be described as the lifting of the crisis from the sea. Zhao Manyan is in the midst of the waves that are constantly fluctuating and approaching the island.

Jiang Shaoxuan used her spiritual system to successfully block the harassment of a group of manta rays from the air and climbed the island cliff smoothly!

"Many times I can't numb the loyalty, I don't get rid of it first, everyone is not going to suffer together." Mo Fan defended his single flight.

"It doesn't matter, I will return this sentence when you need me to help you block the skills." Zhao Manyan said unceremoniously.

"Hey, when is the report?" Mo Fan was speechless for a time.

"Don't talk about it, do you think it's safe to board the island? You can see if they have let us go!" Jiang Shaobu pointed to the sea.

Mo Fan's mad magnetic heavy gun did have a very good effect, not only killed a lot of bat frogs, but also disintegrated their fierce offensive. At the same time, these bats and wicked birds were angered. The bat frogs that were not injured by lightning broke through the sea, and they flew into the air and chased them towards the island.

The most terrible thing is not that they are chasing after them. When Mo Fan and others looked deeper into the island, they found another pair of cobalt blue eyes lit up...

"What we just saw is not all?" Zhao Manyan must be mad at the whole person.

These birds, whether they are full or not, do nothing else to do it, and it’s only a few years before they have given birth to such a big nest. It’s hard to be the bird king called Xu Fu! !

"These should be big birds, their bodies are dark red!" At this time, the old soldier Chen Shuo said.

The cobalt-blue eyes are indeed brighter than the previous manta hens. Their wings are fully open about seven or eight meters. The dark red smooth skin makes them look like metal-like cold textures, plus the tip of their heads. The type of sword, as well as the wing-shaped singularity of the wingspan, makes this manta eater look much more powerful than the previous one! !

"We are really surrounded by this." Jiang Shaoxu said.

"It’s always a lie to plan for such a thing!" Zhao Manyan complained.

In the plan, they made all the bat frogs sleep in the hibernation, swayed into the island, solved the key big birds, and the task was completed, but the facts were more difficult than the plan. It’s like choosing the **** mode when choosing the difficulty of copying the copy. The number of these bats and wicked birds is not reasonable.

They have not seen such a scene of such demon hordes, mainly because the strength of this bat frog is really strong, and even the bat frogs that Mofan can kill are very limited.

"Fortunately, your Tang Yue teacher took a part, just don't know if she will be in danger." Zhao Manyan continued.

"You don't have to worry about this." Mo Fan said, pointing his finger at the slightly dense coconut grove in front of him. In the dark, you can see a silhouette that is extremely bumpy and clear, and slowly Approaching a few people.

Zhao Man looked at that look and found that this person is Tang Yue, the whole face is not very good.

Looking at the other side of the island, the bats and fangs that had been led by Tang Yue had been looking for new targets, and they flew here with those who chased after them. A large piece feels like a high-altitude military parade in their birds.

Tang Yue’s containment is also the limit. She is also impossible to be in the ocean and in the air. Land is her familiar combat environment. After seeing Mo Fan and others successfully enter the island, she will be with them immediately. .

"There are too many, if a group of loose sand, we can also use the super-order magic to deter, but they are not like they will be afraid." Tang Yue said.

Stepping into here, I realized that Asahi Island is more terrible than imagined. What resources they rely on to breed to the present horrible scale, the ocean is really a world that is completely elusive!

"To the isolation base, the isolation base was built with a kind of metal material that is more fearful and disgusting." We can go there to avoid it and think of it." Chen Shuo veteran said in a hurry.

"That is to lead the way." Zhao Manyan said.

If they are only those chasing soldiers, they can still deal with their strength, but when the large group that Tang Yue led to fly over, there is no chance of winning, not to mention the more powerful manta rays dark red hens are also dispatched, Mo Fan It is estimated that the magic energy can not be completely wiped out without being threatened.

Chen Shuo is a mage of the wind and plant department. His speed is very fast. After entering the coconut grove, he seems to be in his own territory, and he has passed through the establishment of those strange woods. Obstacles, and can also take advantage of the denseness of the coconut groves, and get rid of the pursuit of the bat frogs.

"It's not far ahead!" Chen Shuo said.

The whole island is almost the same high-leaf tree, deep in it is completely into the maze of a trunk, it is impossible to find the direction, and Chen Shuo is very familiar with everything here, turned a leaf Linpo, there is a region similar to the small concave basin. In the concave basin, there is indeed a gray-white roof. The weedy grass is wrapped around the vine. It is a base building, and the overall shape is also a diamond shape!

"Scared the old man, I thought it was an oversized manta hen!" When Zhao Manyan looked down at the basin, he immediately screamed.

The shape of this isolation base is mostly like the imitation of a manta eater. Everyone hurriedly jumped into the deserted areas and saw some dilapidated iron fences and barbed wire.

"They are coming!!"

Tang Yue looked up and found that the sky above the concave basin was covered with bats and wicked birds, and there was a sense of horror suffocation, especially the pair of cobalt blue evil eyes volleyed...

"Go in, go in, they won't rush down!" Chen Shuo said very positively to everyone.

With everyone breaking into the gate, everyone ran into the building of this diamond-shaped roof. The whole building was abandoned and abandoned, but it was not seriously damaged. It did achieve a safe sealing effect. To get in, you have to break through the gray-white facade and the gray-white diamond-shaped top.


The sound was so confusing that they were boring in the chest. They were entrenched in the top of the building. After about five minutes, no one manta sinister swooped down.


(Important notice: It will take about three days to go out today. These three days can only be updated in one chapter. But everyone does not need egg pain. After returning, I will fill in the missing updates for these few days. Rest assured, this time I am not sick. Just because you have to go far, you will make up everyone after you go home~~~~~)

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